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最新资讯 (2024-09-11)

“一粒种子”的变革铸就自强辉煌 科技农业彰显中国力量!

Inner Mongolia is a large energy and grain-producing region. In 2023, the region's grain output will reach 79.16 billion kilograms, and the output of beef, mutton and milk ranks first in the country. Therefore, Inner Mongolia also has the reputation of the country's "granary","meat warehouse" and "milk can".

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救援官兵全力投入台风“摩羯”灾后重建 尽快恢复生产生活秩序

Let's pay attention to the news of the rescue of Typhoon Capricorn. At present, rescue work in severely disaster-stricken areas such as Hainan and Guangdong has shifted to the post-disaster reconstruction stage. Rescue officers and soldiers continue to fight hard to restore local people's production and living order as soon as possible.

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注意防范!广西南宁邕江水位继续上涨 或迎近十年来最高洪峰

On September 10, the No. 1 flood of 2024 occurred in Yujiang, Guangxi. Guangxi upgraded and issued an orange flood warning. Nanning upgraded the Flood Prevention Level III Incident Response Service to the Flood Prevention Level II Incident Response Service.

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Actively coordinate with the shipping management department to give priority to ensuring that daily necessities such as vegetables and scarce commodities enter the island as soon as possible to ensure the supply of goods in the market. Closely monitor the operation of the daily necessities market and increase the volume of food at affordable vegetable outlets to ensure sufficient market supply and stable prices.

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At this year's National Education Conference, the General Secretary emphasized the need to make solid progress towards the strategic goal of building a strong country in education. At this National Education Conference, the General Secretary once again emphasized that we must coordinate the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development, and promote educational development, scientific and technological innovation, and talent training in an integrated manner.

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The comprehensive integration of economic and social development into a green and low-carbon track requires interdisciplinary, cross-domain and cross-regional solutions. This requires us to coordinate the three relationships between development and emission reduction, long-term and short-term, and government and the market, persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, seek truth from facts, be down-to-earth, and continue to work hard.

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好风景、热流量、不负草原最美风光 擦亮生态与文旅融合发展“金名片”

Inner Mongolia has the largest forest and grassland in my country, and is the largest and most complete ecological functional area in northern my country. Because of this, the ecological status of Inner Mongolia is not only related to the survival and development of people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia, but also related to the ecological security of Northeast China, North China, Northwest China and even the whole country.

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On September 10, Ambassador Li Song, Permanent Representative of China to the International Atomic Energy Agency, attended the Agency's September Board of Governors and delivered a speech introducing China's nuclear science, technology and applications, emphasizing that China actively advocates the peaceful use of nuclear technology to benefit the global South. The "Training Program for Radiotherapy Physicians for Africa" co-sponsored by the National Atomic Energy Agency of China and the International Atomic Energy Agency was officially launched in Chengdu last week to cultivate radiology specialists in 15 African countries.

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古建映花海 北京北海公园硫华菊进入盛花期

On September 10, 2024, Beijing, Beihai Park, nearly a thousand square meters of ihuhua chrysanthemum entered its full bloom, complementing the ancient building of Wanfo Tower, with picturesque scenery.

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An international study involving researchers in Lithuania showed that slow-wave sleep helps clear brain metabolic waste and proteins related to Alzheimer's disease, and can play an important role in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

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The mooncake industry has become "rolling". Which mooncakes with beautiful and creative looks do you like in this "national trend"?

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国台办:今年1月至8月,两岸人员往来近300万人次 同比增长70%

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference. The spokesperson answered reporters 'questions on recent cross-Strait hot issues.

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《黑神话:悟空》受热捧 国台办:中华文化是两岸同胞共同的宝贵财富

On the basis of exploring the treasures of Chinese culture, Taiwanese industry operators once launched classic games such as "The Legend of the Sword and Fairy","Xuanyuan Sword" and "The Legend of the Heroes of the Three Kingdoms", which have been popular among young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially game players.

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三只、50亿元 认购踊跃!广东首次赴港发行离岸人民币地方债

On September 10, the Guangdong Province government successfully issued three offshore RMB local government bonds in Hong Kong with a bond size of 5 billion yuan. This offering has been actively subscribed by high-quality international investors from United Arab Emirates, Switzerland and other places.

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探访中国新地标“海葵一号” 海洋油气成为中国重要能源增长极

In the depths of the vast ocean, there are rich oil and gas resources. How to develop these resources efficiently and safely has always been an important issue in China's energy strategy. Today's "China's New Landmarks", we will go deep into the South China Sea and walk onto this Asia's first cylindrical "offshore oil and gas factory" to see the completion of the "Anemone-1".

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Bai Wennong, former Party Secretary and Director of the Standing Committee of the Wanzhou District People's Congress of Chongqing City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Chongqing City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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财政捉襟见肘 英国取消千万退休人员采暖补贴

The House of Commons of the British Parliament voted 348 to 228 on the 10th to reject a bill opposing cuts in winter heating subsidies, which means that about 10 million British pensioners will not receive heating subsidies this winter.

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In order to better meet the travel needs of passengers, Taiyuan Airport will open a route from Taiyuan to Singapore via Sanya on September 24.

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聚焦食品安全等重点领域 40个重点实验室和20个技术创新中心获批

The State Administration for Market Regulation has newly approved the construction of 40 key laboratories of the State Administration for Market Regulation and 20 technology innovation centers of the State Administration for Market Regulation to create a source of scientific and technological innovation in market supervision, support the improvement of market supervision efficiency, and promote the modernization of market supervision governance systems and governance capabilities.

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UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 is a political document embodying the one-China principle. International practice has fully confirmed its legal validity and cannot be misinterpreted or challenged. There is little support and evil does not suppress the good. No matter how much nonsense the DPP authorities make up and how much external forces are involved, it will not change the fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is a part of China, nor will it shake the international community's insistence on the one-China principle. The pattern, let alone the general trend of China's inevitable and inevitable reunification.

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