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最新资讯 (2024-09-11)

累计减负超7000亿元、守好医保“钱袋子” 透过数据看医疗保障成绩单

The State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" on September 10. Relevant person in charge introduced that since the establishment of the National Medical Insurance Administration, it has continuously deepened the reform and management of the medical insurance drug catalog. More and more drugs for chronic diseases and rare diseases have been included in medical insurance, especially the inclusion of some expensive "sky-high drugs", which has significantly reduced the burden on patients.

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At present, some difficulties and challenges need to be overcome to further promote economic recovery, and insufficient effective demand is one of the important aspects. The key to focusing on expanding domestic demand is to stimulate potential consumption and expand profitable investment.

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75年来我国工业经济破浪前行 制造强国建设步伐坚定

The series of reports on the economic and social development achievements of New China in the past 75 years released by the National Bureau of Statistics on September 10 shows that since the founding of New China 75 years ago, my country's industrial economy has achieved leapfrog growth in scale and total volume and significant improvement in development quality. It has grown into the world's largest manufacturing country. The industrial economy has achieved leapfrog growth, moving from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power.

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数据勾勒外贸持续增长“曲线图” 中国仍是外商投资兴业沃土

The latest data released by the General Administration of Customs of China on September 10 showed that in the first eight months of this year, the total import and export value of China's goods trade was 28.58 trillion yuan. China's foreign trade continues to maintain growth.

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Chen Tiejun, director of the Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports Department of Hainan Province, said that after preliminary verification, Typhoon "Capricorn" caused about 1065 damage entities in Hainan's tourism, sports and sports industry. Relevant departments will join forces with airlines, scenic spots and hotels across the province to launch a series of heart-warming tourism activities such as "Thank you for having you" to give back to the aid workers.

海南省旅游和文化广电体育厅厅长陈铁军介绍,经初步核实,台风“摩羯”致海南旅文体行业受损主体约1065个。相关部门将联合航空公司、全省景区和酒店等推出“风雨无情 感恩有你”一系列暖心旅游活动,回馈援琼工作者。
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The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly opened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on the afternoon of the 10th.

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数据看我国人口结构变化 人口质量改善速度加快

In the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the "Resolution" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the content of "postponing the legal retirement age" has been included in the part related to population development. So, what changes have been made in my country's overall population development and aging? Below, let us understand through a set of data.

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According to a report by the US Agricultural Information Network AGDAILY on the 10th, an animal anthrax epidemic occurred in Wyoming, the United States, and relevant departments are taking measures to control the spread of the epidemic.

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According to the forecast of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Anhui Province will be affected by tropical depression today and tomorrow, with heavy rains to heavy rains and local heavy rains along the Huaihe River to the Yangtze River. Meteorological bureaus of Hefei, Chuzhou, Lu 'an, Anqing, Tongling, Wuhu, Ma' anshan, Xuancheng and other cities decided to initiate or adjust a higher-level Incident Response Service based on actual conditions.

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The 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress was held in Beijing from September 10 to 13. Among the topics of the meeting was the "Decision on Implementing a Progressive Extension of the Legal Retirement Age." Delayed retirement has attracted much attention since it was proposed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2013. Why implement this reform? What is the economic and social background for the implementation of the reform? Let's get to know together.

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Recently, a certain air force unit in the Southern Theater Command organized practical flight training. Flight instructors teach students in the new program in front-line combat positions, focusing on multiple training subjects such as low-altitude flight and penetration assault flight to hone and improve the technical and tactical level of pilots. A set of pictures takes you directly to the high-burning scene of flight training.

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数说世界技能大赛 用实力展现“中国制造”大国风范

At 7 pm local time on September 10 in France and early morning on the 11th Beijing time, the 47th World Skills Competition will be held in Lyon, France. More than 1400 players from various members of the World Skills Organization participated in the competition. Our delegation sent 68 players to participate in all 59 events.

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各地各部门积极防汛救灾应对强降雨 进出海南岛旅客列车恢复开行

According to estimates by the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next three days, heavy rainfall across the country will be relatively scattered, and some areas in Southwest China, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and North China will experience heavy to heavy rains. Among them, affected by the residual cloud system of Typhoon Capricorn, there were still heavy to heavy rains in Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan Island and other places on September 10.

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The 162nd meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the League of Arab States was held in Cairo, Egypt on the 10th. The foreign ministers attending the meeting called on Israel to fully withdraw from the Gaza Strip in the resolution adopted after the meeting.

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外交部驻港公署正告美方: 处心积虑推进涉港恶法,倒行逆施必遭坚决反制!

The spokesman said that the economic and trade offices established by the SAR government overseas are the official representatives of the SAR in the local area, and their successful operation is conducive to expanding practical economic and trade cooperation between Hong Kong and relevant countries and regions. Hong Kong's three economic and trade offices in the United States have played a positive role in promoting mutual benefit between Hong Kong and the United States.

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Recalling the "9.11" terrorist attacks 23 years ago, New York resident Brooks still has lingering fear."The air is full of dust, lights are flashing, windows are shaking, and buildings are shaking. People are screaming and crying."

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哥伦比亚首都一警察局遭手榴弹袭击 致10人受伤

On the evening of September 10, local time, a police station in the town of Kennedy in southern Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, was attacked by a grenade and exploded, injuring eight civilians and two police officers. Police are currently investigating the attack.

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哈里斯与特朗普举行首场电视辩论 辩论将持续90分钟

On the evening of the 10th local time, U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Harris and Republican presidential candidate Trump held their first televised debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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According to the China Weather Network, the current wind power of the East China Sea Tropical Depression has further weakened, making it difficult to determine its circulation center. The Central Meteorological Observatory stopped compiling it at 08:00 on September 11.

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It is understood that this test bench will be mainly used in the future for the development of moon-landing deceleration engines in my country's manned lunar missions. Its completion has achieved a major leap in my country's space engine high-altitude simulation test capabilities.

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