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最新资讯 (2024-09-10)

快递加“数”跑激发经济新动能 消费市场需求持续释放

The reporter learned from the State Post Bureau on September 10 that in August, China's express delivery development index increased by 12.6% year-on-year. The express delivery market is operating well and service quality has improved.

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水果“复合种植”迎丰收 提质增产“套出”致富新路

At present, in Feng County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, a bumper harvest is being achieved through compound planting of a variety of fruits.

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以文汇人 以文通心——在皖台湾教师的追梦心声

In September, southern Anhui, hazy morning fog surrounds the white walls and black tiles. 62-year-old Shen Mengmei entered the classroom early to start a day of teaching life. The "Taiwanese accent" with its own "cute point" made the students in the audience listen to it.

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算力服务电力 “车网互动”新模式提升电网韧性

Electricity is the foundation for the development of computing power, and computing power is also serving electricity. Through new models such as vehicle-network interaction, computing power allows new energy vehicles to be charged with green electricity and at the same time participates in ensuring power supply to gain benefits.

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国内新能源和算力深度融合 增加“绿色算力”供给

Since the beginning of this year, my country's artificial intelligence technology has developed rapidly, the scale of intelligent computing power has accelerated, and the power consumption of computing power has also increased rapidly.

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Recently, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China allocated special funds of 53.55 million yuan from the party dues managed on behalf of the central government to Hainan, Guangdong and other places to support flood prevention, typhoon prevention, flood rescue and disaster relief work.

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On September 10, Air China Flight CA1523 arrived at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport from Beijing Capital International Airport, marking the successful first flight of Air China's first C919 aircraft and its official launch into commercial operation.

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8月汽车产销量环比增长 新能源汽车新车销量占比近45%

On September 10, the latest data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers showed that my country's automobile production and sales data increased in August compared with the previous month. Among them, the production and sales of new energy vehicles and overall automobile exports also continued to maintain year-on-year growth.

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习近平在全国教育大会上强调 紧紧围绕立德树人根本任务 朝着建成教育强国战略目标扎实迈进

The National Education Conference was held in Beijing from the 9th to the 10th. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that building a strong country through education is a good aspiration that the Chinese nation has dreamed of in modern times. It is a leading task, solid foundation, and strategic support for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization. It must make solid progress towards the set goals.

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On September 10, the State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on State Council policies.

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Since ancient times, the word "sir" has been used as a respectful title for teachers. A teacher is like a boat that is never dangerous for thousands of miles; like light, that can reach far away from the distance.

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看图学习·立德树人丨乐教善教、潜心育人 牢记总书记的殷殷嘱托

Teachers are the foundation for the education plan. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has insisted on placing education in a strategic position of priority development and promoted historic achievements and pattern changes in education in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping closely follows the fundamental issue of education of "who to cultivate, how to cultivate, and for whom to cultivate" and has issued a series of important instructions on building a team of high-quality professional teachers in the new era, encouraging teachers to cultivate moral integrity and work hard to establish a dedicated school, emphasizing the need to promote the social custom of respecting teachers and valuing education throughout the party and society. On the occasion of the 40th Teachers 'Day, let us keep in mind and practice the General Secretary's earnest instructions together!

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On September 10, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce answered reporters 'questions on issues related to the China-EU electric vehicle countervailing case.

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巧手制美饰 银辉耀苗乡

"If you have clothes without silver, you cannot dress up." Silver ornaments have been an indispensable decoration for the Miao people since ancient times. In Huangping County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, during New Year's festivals or festive activities, Miao girls wear national costumes and silver ornaments with rich styles and exquisite shapes, creating beautiful scenery.

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As the only directly connected highway channel between the two major urban agglomerations of the "Shenzhen-Guanhui" on the east bank of the Pearl River and the "Zhuzhong River" on the west bank, the traffic volume of the Shenzhen-Central Corridor has always remained high, becoming the "new top stream in the Bay Area". Its opening not only achieves "hard connectivity" between land and shipping, but also promotes "soft connectivity" between economy and industry, pushing the accelerated integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to a new height.

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Starting from Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, by car, after more than 5 hours of bumpy winding mountains, we arrive at Sabregumwa University located at the southern foot of the Central Mountains of Sri Lanka. Walking around this campus surrounded by mountains, you can often hear the sound of reading in Chinese... In 2019, China's Huanggang Normal University and Sabregmu University jointly established a Confucius Classroom. On the eve of Chinese Teachers 'Day, the reporter visited the Confucius Classroom in this mountainous area and met three Chinese female teachers who were holding firm here.

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75 years ago, New China's foreign trade undertook the historical task of "developing production and turnover economy" and started hard under the blockade and suppression of Western countries. After 75 years of wind and rain, the Chinese nation is ushering in a great leap from standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong. China's position in the global economic and trade landscape is no longer the same.

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消费市场“绿”潮涌动 释放高质量发展新潜力

Green products are constantly upgraded, with a wide variety of categories; green consumption subsidies have been increased, and innovative ways of playing are emerging one after another; green lifestyles have continued to be promoted, and low-carbon concepts have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people... In recent years, with the acceleration of green transformation of consumption patterns, green consumption has moved towards More new scenarios are extending, and a "green wind" is blowing up "new markets."

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It is the school season, and extreme weather occurs frequently in many places. Affected by the continuous high temperature weather, some schools in Chongqing, Sichuan, Hubei and other places have delayed the opening of school; affected by Typhoon Capricorn, some schools in Hainan, Guangdong and other places have suspended classes. On the 9th, reporters visited relevant areas and found that in recent days, various places have taken active measures to deal with the school season under extreme weather. As the impact of the weather has weakened, schools in many places have opened and resumed classes one after another, and the teaching order has gradually returned to normal.

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On September 9, the main forum of the 2024 National Cybersecurity Publicity Week Cybersecurity Technology Summit Forum released the test results of artificial intelligence technology-enabled cybersecurity applications in 2024.

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