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最新资讯 (2024-09-10)


On the morning of September 10, the first batch of carbon fiber heavy-duty railway trucks independently developed by my country was officially rolled off the production line in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang. A total of 6 railway trucks were rolled off the production line this time, using new materials mainly based on carbon fiber for the first time.

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To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Norway, at the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Qiang, Norway Prime Minister Steller will pay an official visit to China from September 9 to 11, 2024.

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The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for heavy rain at 15:30 on September 10, 2024: Affected by strong precipitation clouds, it is expected that the cumulative precipitation in most areas of the city will reach 50 in 6 hours from this afternoon to tomorrow morning. Above millimeters, please pay attention to preventing urban waterlogging that may be caused by heavy rainfall, and do a good job in drainage and prevention in low-lying and flood-prone areas.

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美众议院通过《生物安全法案》 外交部:坚决反对美无理打压中国企业

China firmly opposes the review and adoption of relevant bills by the U.S. House of Representatives and discriminatory measures against Chinese companies. The United States should abandon ideological bias, earnestly respect market principles and economic and trade rules, stop promoting relevant bills, stop abusing various excuses to unreasonably suppress Chinese companies, and provide services to companies from all over the world. Provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment.

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七十五载奋进强国路 中国综合国力实现历史性跨越

New China was established on an extremely weak economic foundation. In a situation where everything was in ruins and everything was in ruins, China insisted on self-reliance and developed at a speed unseen in the world. The total economic volume continued to cross important barriers.

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At the end of the holidays and just after school starts, many children are prone to being uncomfortable with their study and life in the new semester. In terms of psychological behavior, it may manifest as emotional instability, nervousness, worry, and even decreased attention, memory loss, irritability, decreased thinking ability, and weariness of learning. Some children behave as procrastination, laziness, and avoidance. Some children also show physical symptoms, such as inability to eat, inability to sleep, or headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even fever. There is no clear physical reason for these symptoms, but it is actually some somatic manifestations of psychological anxiety.

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六年来谈判降价和医保报销让7.2亿人次获益 减负超7000亿元

The National Medical Insurance Administration introduced on September 10 that in recent years, China has carried out centralized and institutionalized procurement of drugs and consumables in quantities. A dynamic adjustment mechanism for the drug catalog has been established. In the past six years, a total of 744 new drugs have been added. On the basis of ensuring the accessibility of commonly used drugs, the level of medication protection for major diseases and special groups has been improved.

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中国开放水平持续提升 坚定外商投资信心

China continues to relax foreign investment access. Recently, it issued a new version of the negative list for foreign investment access, which is scheduled to be implemented on November 1. The restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector have been "cleared". Let's take a look at the views of the international media.

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China's Ministry of Finance will issue euro sovereign bonds in Paris, France during the week of September 23, with a scale of no more than 2 billion euros.

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The reporter learned from the General Administration of Customs of China on September 10 that in the first eight months of this year, the total import and export value of China's goods trade was 28.58 trillion yuan, and China's foreign trade continued to maintain growth.

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我国外贸经营主体活力足 外资企业进出口回升向好

China continues to expand its high-level opening up to the outside world. Judging from customs statistics, the number of foreign trade business entities in China with import and export performance increased by 8.8% year-on-year.

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山西阳曲警方:网传欺凌视频属实 5名未成年侵害人全部到案接受调查

On September 10, recently, a video of suspected bullying by minors in Yangqu County was spread on the Internet, attracting social attention. The Yangqu County Public Security Bureau attached great importance to it and quickly intervened to launch an investigation.

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Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said on the 10th that as of 6:00 that day, Typhoon Capricorn and its subsequent effects had killed 65 people and injured 752 people in Vietnam, and 39 others were missing.

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In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on education, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, create a strong atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society, and extensively gather the power of building a strong educational country, on the occasion of the 40th Teachers 'Day, the Central Committee The Ministry of Propaganda and the Ministry of Education released the "Most Beautiful Teachers" in 2024 to the whole society.

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集采重塑我国医药行业生态 腾出的费用空间可用于创新

The price reduction space for pharmaceutical products mainly comes from reducing expenses in the circulation field. More companies will shift their focus to quality improvement, scale production and innovation.

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七十五载风华盛 | 华丽转身 经济实力空前跃升

The National Bureau of Statistics released a series of reports on the economic and social development achievements of New China over the past 75 years on September 9. The report pointed out that in the 75 years since the founding of New China, my country's national economy has grown rapidly, its economic strength has jumped unprecedentedly, its per capita GDP has increased significantly, and its comprehensive national strength has leapt to the forefront of the world.

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呼吁停火 欧盟官员强调政治解决加沙危机的必要性

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell said when visiting the Rafah crossing at the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the 9th that the Gaza crisis is "man-made" and requires a political solution.

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考古发掘50年 秦兵马俑持续揭示中华文明密码

After 50 years of archaeological investigation, exploration, excavation and research, the Qin Dynasty military formation composed of three pits and more than 2000 terracotta warriors unearthed is clearly displayed in front of the world.

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七十五载风华盛 | 欣欣向荣 人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感提高

The National Bureau of Statistics released a series of reports on the economic and social development achievements of New China over the past 75 years on September 9. The report pointed out that in the 75 years since the founding of New China, my country has vigorously promoted the development of various social undertakings, the education level of the whole society has been significantly improved, the medical and health system has been gradually improved, and the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security has been significantly improved.

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七十五载风华盛 | 成果丰硕 科技发展从追踪跟跑到并跑领跑

The series of reports on the achievements of New China's economic and social development in the past 75 years released by the National Bureau of Statistics on September 9 shows that in the 75 years since the founding of New China, my country's national innovation system has become more complete, and the quantity and quality of scientific and technological output have increased simultaneously. It has gradually realized the historic transformation from tracking and following to running and leading the way, and has grown into a major scientific and technological country with important influence in the world.

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