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最新资讯 (2024-09-09)


On September 9, the MVA strain attenuated live monkeypox vaccine independently developed by Sinopharm's Shanghai Institute of Biological Products received a clinical trial notice issued by the State Food and Drug Administration. This is the first approved clinical monkeypox vaccine in my country. It is expected to play an important role in my country's prevention and control of diseases caused by monkeypox virus.

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Reshaping urban-rural relations and promoting integrated development.

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【央广时评】逐梦残奥为国争光 为拼搏人生喝彩

At the Paris Paralympic Games, Chinese Paralympic athletes worked hard and achieved remarkable results. The Chinese delegation successfully concluded with 94 gold medals, 76 silver medals and 50 bronze medals, totaling 220 medals, ranking first in the Paralympic gold medal list for six consecutive years. This is not only the best reward for the athletes 'hard training and tenacious struggle, but also an outstanding contribution to the national sports industry.

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人民论坛网评 | 真心实意“拜人民为师”

September 10, 2024 is the 40th Teachers 'Day in my country. "A teacher is a teacher, so he can pass on his teachings and learn from his knowledge." General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that in front of the people, we will always be primary school students. We must consciously worship the people as our teachers, seek advice from the capable, and ask the wise for advice. The majority of party members and cadres should respect the people as their teachers with a sincere attitude, develop the ability to learn real talents, practice the style of doing real work, and gain true feelings in the fiery practice of "taking the people as teachers and asking the people for advice". Feel, find the right direction of development, achieve results and effectiveness, and hand over an answer sheet that satisfies the people.

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There is an increase in development space, thanks to institutional guarantees. With the institutional advantages of "one country, two systems" and the innovative practices of high-level open cooperation, the momentum for high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is even more powerful.

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供乌武器收益大部分留在美国 军工复合体最大限度获利!

Although the Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused serious human and economic losses to Russia and Ukraine, it has allowed the U.S. military-industrial complex to make huge profits. According to U.S. media statistics, since the escalation of the Ukraine crisis in February 2022, the total U.S. military support to Ukraine has exceeded US$56 billion, and the advanced level and destructive power of weapons aid to Ukraine have gradually increased.

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On September 8, the 24th China International Fair for Investment and Trade opened as scheduled in Xiamen. This conference has a total exhibition area of 120,000 square meters, and has a central exhibition area and three theme pavilions: investment promotion, industrial innovation and development, and project capital docking. It is expected that 119 countries and regions, nearly 1000 merchant groups and 80,000 merchants will attend the conference.

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【光明时评】点亮科学梦想 激发探索勇气

Recently, the special committee of the China Youth Science and Technology Educators Association released the "Star Sailing" youth aerospace science and technology course to the public, providing primary and secondary schools with a science and technology teaching course system that can be practiced in and out of class. This set of courses is based on the in-depth integration of multiple subject fields such as science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. It has the original curriculum design concept of "introducing through play, promoting thinking through doing, stimulating creation through comparison, and writing through writing". In the process of playing and doing, we cultivate students 'inquiry and practical abilities and innovative thinking, and are committed to enhancing young people's interest and literacy in aerospace science and technology.

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"Try your best" emphasizes subjective initiative, and "one's ability" focuses on acting according to rules. Adhering to the unity of doing our best and within our capabilities, and adhering to the unity of exerting subjective initiative and respecting objective laws are important methods to promote the development of the cause of the party and the country.

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The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made comprehensive and systematic arrangements for deepening the comprehensive reform of education, emphasizing the need to "improve the mechanism of cultivating moral character and cultivating people","promote the integrated reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and improve the comprehensive training system of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor." On the new journey, we must implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people, better cultivate new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation, and also face the challenges of profound changes in the internal and external environment.

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On the afternoon of September 9, President Xi Jinping met with Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez in Beijing.

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广西东兴:市场商超开门营业 果蔬肉禽供应充足

As the influence of "Capricorn" on Guangxi gradually weakened, on September 8, farmers 'markets and supermarkets in Dongxing, Guangxi resumed business, with sufficient supplies of vegetables, fruits, meat, etc.

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广西北海景区逐步开放 航运即将重启

Affected by "Capricorn", some scenic spots in Beihai City, Guangxi have been closed and shipping has been suspended since the 6th. Currently, Beihai City is gradually resuming normal production and life.

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华南华北等地部分地区有强降水 两部门持续调度部署防范应对工作

On September 9, the National Defense General Office and the Ministry of Emergency Management continued to organize special consultations between meteorological, water conservancy, natural resources and other departments, and made video dispatches to key provinces such as Guangxi, Yunnan, Qinghai, and Shanxi to analyze and judge the impact of the remnant vortex of Typhoon Capricorn and the precipitation situation in the northern region, and arrange and deploy flood control and disaster relief work in key areas.

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Currently, the wave of digital transformation and the rapid development of AI models are jointly promoting the continued growth of data center computing demand.

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2024数博会展商巡礼 | 中国数安港:为数据要素建设提供更强动力

At this Digital Expo, Digital 'an Port comprehensively demonstrated a series of innovative exploration work targeting core pain points such as the data industry's "dare not share","cannot share" and "unwilling to share".

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According to Reuters, the Vietnam Disaster Management Bureau said on September 9 local time that Typhoon Capricorn has killed at least 35 people and left 24 missing in Vietnam.

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On September 8, local time, Spanish Foreign Minister Alvarez responded to Venezuelan opposition leader Gonzalez's travel to Spain to seek political asylum.

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With the approval of the State Council, the Ministry of Finance will issue euro sovereign bonds in Paris, France during the week of September 23, 2024, with a scale of no more than 2 billion euros. Specific issuance arrangements will be announced separately before issuance.

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On September 8, the Hainan Province Emergency Command for Typhoon Capricorn held a press conference. At present, Hainan Province is making every effort to promote post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and restore normal production and living order as soon as possible.

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