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最新资讯 (2024-09-08)

安徽霍邱一村庄发现大量古钱币 相关部门已进行抢救性发掘

Recently, a large number of ancient coins were discovered during the implementation of high-standard farmland improvement in Shisanwan Village, Hekou Town, Huoqiu County, Anhui Province. On September 7, staff of the Cultural Management Office of Huoqiu County conducted a rescue excavation of the coin kiln collection in accordance with the relevant regulations of the national cultural relics protection.△ Staff of the Cultural Management Office carried out rescue excavations on the coin kiln.

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局地39℃以上 湖北发布高温橙色预警

The Hubei Province Meteorological Observatory issued a high-temperature orange warning at 15:08 on September 8, 2024: It is expected that during the day of September 9, except for Shennongjia, Enshi alpine areas, and Yichang alpine areas, the highest temperature in most areas of the province will rise to 35 - 38℃. Among them, Yichang, Wuhan, Ezhou, Huanggang, Huangshi and Xianning are above 39℃. Please take precautions.

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On September 8, the reporter learned from the Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports Bureau of Sanya City, Hainan Province that as the impact of the super typhoon "Capricorn" gradually subsided, all tourist attractions and cultural, sports and entertainment venues in Sanya City have been opened to the public and normal production and operations have resumed.

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On September 8, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Health Commission, and the State Food and Drug Administration jointly issued a notice on carrying out pilot work on expanding opening up in the medical field.

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感染源不明!今年3月以来第14例 美国确诊人感染禽流感病例

U.S. public health officials confirmed on the 6th that a patient in Missouri was infected with the avian influenza virus. This is the 14th case of human infection with avian influenza discovered in the United States since March this year. The H5N1 avian influenza virus mainly spreads in wild birds and may also infect poultry and livestock. Human infection is rare.

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Recently, the energy consumption problem of high-speed rail has attracted attention. There are Internet rumors that "China's high-speed rail consumes 10,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per kilometer." In response, China Railway Group responded that this statement confuses the concepts of unit time and unit mileage and is inconsistent with the facts.

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The prelude to the new semester quietly began, and students restarted campus life.

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In the past two days, the wind and rain impact caused by Typhoon Capricorn has attracted the attention of many netizens across the country. Some cold knowledge related to typhoons is also widely spread on the Internet, such as typhoon landing sites are the most affected, and typhoon eyes are the most windy. Is this really the case?

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云南威信县整改“烈士墓前跳广场舞”:公布管理通告 安排人员巡查

Recently, a video of many people dancing in the square in front of the tombstone of the Red Army Martyrs Cemetery in Tashi, Weixin County, Yunnan Province has attracted widespread attention and heated discussion.

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A batch of frozen mutton produced in Madagascar, Africa, arrived at the designated inspection site for imported meat in Hongxing, Hunan on the 8th. The batch of goods totaled 50 pieces and more than 900 kilograms.

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出借银行卡手机卡 谨防沦为电诈帮凶

With the continuous improvement of my country's ability to combat telecommunications network fraud and the comprehensive popularization of anti-fraud knowledge, the public's anti-fraud awareness has generally increased. However, some people still take chances in order to seek illegal benefits. By forming "money laundering" gangs and setting up "money laundering studios", they still provide their own or others 'mobile phones while knowing that others are engaged in telecommunications network fraud. Card, bank card, etc., act as accomplices to "electric fraud".

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The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce on the 8th that the Ministry of Commerce, the National Health Commission, and the State Food and Drug Administration recently issued a notice clarifying the pilot work of expanding opening up in the medical field.

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海南多地积极开展灾后恢复工作 基本生活物资供应整体平稳

Typhoon Capricorn caused great losses to Hainan. On the evening of September 7, the Hainan Province Emergency Command for Defending Typhoon Capricorn held a press conference. Relevant person in charge introduced that according to preliminary statistics, as of 15:00 on September 7, Typhoon "Capricorn" has caused a total of 526,100 people in 19 cities and counties in Hainan Province to be affected. 312,600 people have been evacuated urgently, and currently 76,000 people have been relocated urgently. In Wenchang, Haikou and other places that were severely affected by the disaster, post-disaster recovery work is underway.

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提升“民生温度”、增加“幸福厚度” 保障房“以购代建”模式在多地落地

Purchasing existing commercial housing for affordable housing is also called "purchasing instead of building". In May this year, a national video conference on effectively ensuring housing and housing delivery proposed that in cities with large stocks of commercial housing, the government could order on demand and purchase some commercial housing at reasonable prices as appropriate for affordable housing. Subsequently, more and more cities began to express their support. State-owned enterprises purchase existing commercial housing for affordable housing. So far, more than 30 cities have issued announcements to solicit housing.

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In order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, revised and promulgated the "Foreign Investment Access" on the basis of extensive listening to opinions and suggestions from various localities, multinational companies, business associations, etc.,"Special Management Measures (Negative List)(2024 Edition)", which has completely eliminated restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector.

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Typhoon "Capricorn" has adversely affected many places in Hainan and Guangdong. The southern theater has organized and commanded more than 8500 officers, soldiers and militiamen to devote themselves to emergency rescue, disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.

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中国“避暑神器”境外受欢迎 折射了什么?

This summer, many places around the world have suffered from high temperatures. Take Europe as an example. Rare high temperature weather is unbearable for residents in many European countries. Many provinces in France have issued high temperature orange warnings. Spain has experienced the hottest summer since 1961, and temperatures in many places in Portugal and Italy have exceeded 45 degrees Celsius.

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After Typhoon Capricorn made landfall in northern Vietnam on September 7, it caused widespread damage. In addition to causing seven deaths in Quang Ninh Province, Hanoi City, and Haiyang City, it also caused landslides in Hoan Province, buried many houses, and killed four people. Typhoon Capricorn also broke more than 2800 trees in Hanoi, flooded 47 hectares of rice fields and 26.5 hectares of vegetable fields, and damaged more than 6000 hectares of rice, vegetables and fruit trees.

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On September 8, local time, the head of the External Reporting Office of the Reporting Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK issued a statement entitled "We will continue to implement various practical measures and resolutely respond to the long-term nuclear confrontation with the United States."

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我国全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制 外资和内资享受同等待遇

On September 8, my country issued the "Special Management Measures for Foreign Investment Access (Negative List) 2024 Edition" to completely cancel restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, which will take effect from November 1.

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