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最新资讯 (2024-09-07)


The Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of Fangchenggang in Guangxi issued a notice on September 7. Based on the latest impact of this year's No. 11th Typhoon Capricorn, after research and judgment, the Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of Fangchenggang decided that starting from 20:00 on September 7, the city's public buses, passenger buses (including city and county buses) and taxis will resume normal operations.

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After 22 days and sailing on 50 survey lines, the "Deep Sea-1" ship, which is conducting the 2024 Western Pacific International Expedition, completed the 1000-kilometer multi-beam survey mission on September 7.

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台风“摩羯”致海南35千伏及以上变电站停运79座 正加快抢修

Today (7th), the Hainan Province Typhoon Capricorn Emergency Command held a press conference to introduce the situation of typhoon prevention and answer questions from reporters. At the meeting, Zhao Youcheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., introduced that as of the evening of September 7, 79 substations of 35 kV and above in Hainan Province had been shut down, and 836 lines of 10 kV and above had tripped.

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"The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost." At this time of year, the temperature difference between day and night widens, and the cold produces dew condenses.

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两部门会商调度重点地区防御台风“摩羯” 部署全力开展交通电力通信抢修和救灾救助等工作

The meeting emphasized that although Typhoon Capricorn has passed through Hainan and Guangdong, it still maintains a super typhoon intensity and has a high risk of disaster. Its impact on my country and the disasters it causes continue. It is necessary to coordinate the efforts of various parties to carry out search and rescue and emergency handling, quickly carry out emergency repair work such as transportation, power, and communications, and strive to do a good job in disaster relief and rescue work.

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In the swimming arena, in the men's 50-meter butterfly S5 final, the Chinese team once again won the gold, silver and bronze medals. Guo Jincheng broke the world record and won the gold medal. The Chinese team also swept the championship and runner-up in the women's event. Lu Dong set a new world record and won the gold medal. The Chinese team also won the S6 gold medal in the women's 400-meter freestyle.

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全力开展抢险救灾 各地各部门积极应对台风“摩羯”

As of 15:00 today, Hainan Province has evacuated 312,600 people from emergency shelters and has deployed more than 20,000 rescue forces from all parties. At present, the wind and rain in northern Hainan have significantly weakened, and post-disaster recovery work in the province has intensified.

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"Communique of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China","Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization","On" Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization "The Notes" has been compiled and compiled by the Central Press, Published by Foreign Languages Press.

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Today (7th), the Hainan Province Typhoon Capricorn Emergency Command held a press conference to introduce the situation of typhoon prevention and answer questions from reporters.

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“数”里行间说经济:增长“势头好” 发展“活力足”

"Numbers" talk about China's economy, economic growth has "good momentum" and high-quality development is "full of vitality"

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命运与共 携手同行——习近平主席在中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话引发中外与会嘉宾热烈反响

On the morning of September 5, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. Chinese and foreign guests attending the meeting said that in his speech, President Xi Jinping reviewed the development history of China-Africa relations, announced the new positioning of China-Africa relations, and proposed to implement the ten major partnership actions of China and Africa to jointly promote modernization. It points out the direction for China and Africa to work together to promote modernization and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

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On the evening of September 6, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with South Sudanese President Kiir, who was in China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-South Africa relations to a strategic partnership.

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On the evening of September 6, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Chinese and African President Touadra, who was in China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Africa relations to a strategic partnership.

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On the afternoon of September 6, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Gambian President Barrow, who was in China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Gangnam relations to a strategic partnership.

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On the afternoon of September 6, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Madagascar President Rajoelina, who was in China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Malaysia relations to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

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习近平对海南广东等地台风灾害作出重要指示 要求抓紧组织力量救灾 切实保障人民群众生命财产安全

This year's 11th super typhoon "Capricorn" landed in Wenchang City, Hainan, and Xuwen County, Guangdong at 16:20 and 22:20 on September 6, causing serious disasters. A large number of users 'power and communication were interrupted, and some houses were damaged. As of 12:00 on the 7th, the disaster had caused 1.227 million people in Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces to be affected to varying degrees, with 3 people killed and 95 injured.

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财政部、应急管理部紧急预拨2.7亿元中央自然灾害救灾资金 重点支持海南、广东等省(区)做好防汛防台风应急抢险救灾工作

On September 7, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management urgently pre-allocated 270 million yuan in central natural disaster relief funds, focusing on supporting Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces (regions) in flood prevention, typhoon prevention, flood relief and disaster relief work, which are used for search and rescue, relocation and resettlement of disaster-stricken people, emergency response such as emergency disposal, investigation and emergency rectification of hidden dangers of secondary disasters, and repair of damaged houses.

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今日18时起 海南全省旅游客运车辆恢复运营

The normal operation of tourist passenger transport will be fully restored from 18:00 on September 7, 2024. If the city and county governments (or the three prevention headquarters) have issued instructions and specific time to resume road passenger transport operations, the instructions and specific time to resume operations issued by the city and county shall prevail.

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丰收啦!金色沃野好“丰”景 鱼跃人欢产业旺

Plant one grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand grains in autumn. With the arrival of autumn, 290,000 acres of highland barley in Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province have gradually entered the harvest period.

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Wang Shouwen emphasized that the San Francisco meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States pointed out the direction for the development of economic and trade relations between the two countries. The first vice-ministerial meeting of the China-US Business Working Group was successfully held in the United States in April this year. China is willing to work together with the United States to strengthen communication, expand cooperation, manage differences, and create a good policy environment for cooperation between the business communities of the two countries.

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