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最新资讯 (2024-09-07)


Liu Wuai, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiujiang City People's Congress of Jiangxi Province, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and took the initiative to explain the problem to the organization. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Jiangxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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文化中国行 | 一线中轴承古通今 一城古韵活态传承

Seventy-five years of prosperity have ushered in a new journey for a glorious China. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. From being poor and impoverished to now prosperous, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people have lived and worked in peace and contentment, ethnic unity and harmony, and social harmony and stability. Today, New China, standing tall in the east of the world, is exuding unprecedented vitality and vitality.

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In the past few days, African and international distinguished guests attending the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation gathered in the Great Hall of the People. It was very lively. Many people noticed the African songs and dances of children on the day of the welcome dinner.

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Wang Yunfeng, former secretary of the Tongzhou District Committee of Beijing City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Beijing City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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山东日照:日出时分 朝霞映照海龙湾

On September 7, in Hailong Bay Scenic Area in Rizhao, Shandong Province, the autumn sea sunrise has a unique flavor. visual China

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September 6, Beijing, sunrise and sunrise in Beigong Forest Park. visual China

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On September 6, Baotu Spring gushed. On that day, Jinan Baotu Spring, known as the "No. 1 Spring in the World", gushed vigorously. Since its resurgence on September 6, 2003, Baotu Spring has continued to spout for 21 years. It is understood that on September 6, the groundwater level of Baotu Spring reached 28.98 meters. Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Xu Suhui

9月6日,趵突泉泉水喷涌。当日,被誉为“天下第一泉”的济南趵突泉泉水喷涌有力,自2003年9月6日复涌至今,趵突泉已持续喷涌21年。据了解,9月6日,趵突泉地下水位达28.98米。新华社记者 徐速绘 摄
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山西临汾:黄河壶口瀑布迎秋汛 水雾翻腾现彩虹

On September 6, in Linfen, Shanxi Province, tourists visited the Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River in Ji County. Recently, affected by rainfall in the upper and middle reaches and the joint dispatch of sand discharge from key reservoirs, the main stream of the Yellow River has ushered in autumn floods. Turbid currents are rolling down. The main and auxiliary waterfalls of Hukou Waterfall are connected in a line, forming a magnificent waterfall group, attracting many tourists. visual China

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新疆多地牧区陆续开启秋季转场 当地政府工作人员“护航”保安全

Starting from the end of August, many pastoral areas in Xinjiang have begun autumn transfers. Four seasons transition and seasonal rotation grazing are traditional animal husbandry production methods in Xinjiang.

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国家发展改革委紧急下达2亿元中央预算内投资 支持海南、广东台风灾害灾后应急恢复

On September 7, the National Development and Reform Commission urgently issued a central budget investment of 200 million yuan to support emergency recovery after typhoon disasters in Hainan and Guangdong, focusing on infrastructure and public service facilities such as damaged roads and bridges, water conservancy embankments, schools and hospitals in the disaster areas. Emergency recovery construction will promote the restoration of normal production and living order as soon as possible.

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Affected by Typhoon Capricorn, all inbound and outbound flights operated by airlines at Haikou Meilan International Airport (hereinafter referred to as Meilan Airport) under Hainan Holdings are expected to be cancelled before 15:00 on September 7.

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“蛟龙号”完成2024西太平洋国际航次第14潜 取得哪些成果?一起来看↓↓↓

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Natural Resources that on September 6, the "Jiaolong" manned submersible successfully completed the 14th dive of the 2024 Western Pacific International Voyage. At this point, the diving work of international scientists on this voyage has all ended.

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数据比较见证海洋灾害预警预报系统更及时精准 “妈祖”守护近海安全

Marine natural disasters such as waves and storm surges are highly destructive and cause huge losses to our lives and production. In order to reduce losses from natural disasters such as waves and storm surges, China has increased investment in marine disaster early warning and forecasting technology and equipment in recent years, achieving accurate and timely early warning and forecasting.

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This year's 11th typhoon "Capricorn" has entered the Beibu Gulf, and its impact on Guangdong Province has gradually decreased. According to the "Guangdong Province Emergency Plan for Flood Control, Drought, Wind and Freezing" and the relevant regulations of the Provincial Defense Headquarters, the Guangdong Province Flood Control, Drought, Wind Prevention and Wind Prevention Headquarters adjusted the Windproof Level I Incident Response Service to Windproof Level III Incident Response Service at 11:00 on September 7.

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On the same day, China and Somalia, Liberia, Gambia, Central Africa, and South Sudan upgraded their bilateral relations to strategic partnerships, their bilateral relations with Burundi to comprehensive strategic partnerships, and their relations with Madagascar to comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

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The reporter learned from the Guangxi Meteorological Bureau that at 7 o'clock today, the "Capricorn" center is located on the sea surface of the Beibu Gulf about 110 kilometers southwest of Weizhou Island. The maximum wind force near the center is 16.

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梯田风光撬动农旅融合产业链 “稻田+”让村民乐享发展红利

Since August, rice has been harvested in Chongqing. At present, rice in high-altitude mountainous areas has also entered the harvesting stage.

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The 2024 National Cyber Security Publicity Week Cyber Security Expo and Cyber Security Products and Services Supply and Demand Negotiation Conference opened in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province on the morning of September 7.

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It is expected that there will still be obvious wind and rain in the western half of Hainan Island on the afternoon of the 7th. There will be heavy to heavy rain in cities and counties such as Lingao, Danzhou, Baisha, Changjiang, Dongfang, Qiongzhong, Wuzhishan, Baoting, Ledong and Sanya. There will be moderate to heavy rain in other cities and counties and local heavy rain.

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In response to the current disaster situation in Guangdong Province, according to the "Guangdong Province Natural Disaster Relief Emergency Plan", the Guangdong Province Disaster Reduction Commission has upgraded the Provincial Level III Disaster Relief Incident Response Service to Level II at 8:00 on September 7.

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