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最新资讯 (2024-09-03)

共筑繁荣之路 | 八年完成“无人能修的路” 中非合作之路将续写更多华美篇章

Across mountains and seas, you can reach through paths. In the African country of Congo (Brazzaville), there is a well-known highway-National Highway 1. It stretches for more than 500 kilometers, crosses plateaus, river valleys, passes through virgin forests and coastal plains, and finally reaches Pointe-Noire, a city at the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean. This road, which seems "impossible to build" to others, has gradually become a reality in the hands of Chinese builders. President Sassou of the Republic of Congo lamented that it was the Chinese builders who have fulfilled the dream of generations of Congolese people.

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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the promotion of the great spirit of resistance, advocating heroes, remembering martyrs, and unswervingly following the path of peaceful development. How to carry forward the great spirit of the War of Resistance and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation?

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According to the "Ping An Wuhan" public account, in accordance with the requirements of public security organs across the country to carry out special operations to crack down on online rumors, Wuhan police carefully sorted out clues on online rumors and continued to increase their crackdown. We now announce three typical online rumor cases that have been investigated and dealt with recently.

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人工增雨、设置临时医疗点……南方多地高温持续 各部门多措并举保民生

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high temperature yellow warning at 6 o'clock this morning (September 3). It is expected that during the day, the highest temperatures in some areas of Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Sichuan Basin, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guangdong and other places will reach 37 - 39℃. Among them, local temperatures in northeastern Sichuan Basin, central and southern Chongqing and other places can reach above 40℃. On September 2, Chongqing continued to issue a high temperature red warning. This is also the 13th high temperature red warning issued in Chongqing since August 21.

中央气象台今早(9月3日)6时继续发布高温黄色预警,预计今天白天,安徽、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、四川盆地、重庆、贵州、广东等地部分地区最高气温37~39℃, 其中,四川盆地东北部、重庆中南部等地局地可达40℃以上。9月2日,重庆继续发布了高温红色预警,这也是从8月21日开始,重庆连续发布的第13个高温红色预警。
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真实亲诚 命运与共——习近平主席引领新时代中非团结合作述评

China is the largest developing country; Africa is the continent with the largest concentration of developing countries. Towards the common goal of modernization, since the new era, more than two billion Chinese and African people have joined hands to pursue their dreams, writing a new chapter of unity and forge ahead, and embarking on a distinctive path of win-win cooperation.

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Today is September 3, the 79th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. It is also a day that every Chinese must remember. In the past few days, all units of the entire army have commemorated the 79th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War through various activities, guiding officers and soldiers to recall history and remember the martyrs, be strong in strength and determined to win.

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Open a new style, use seal seals into the grass, and write down the feelings of innocence. The 15th episode of the China Central Radio and Television Station's Social Education Program Center series "The Bond of Art": Yan Gongda will be premiered on September 3 on the "People and Stories" column of the Science and Education Channel (CCTV-10) at 12:49.

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On the morning of September 3, Beijing time, at the 75th Executive Council of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage held in Sydney, Australia, the 2024 (11th batch) World Irrigation Engineering Heritage List was announced. Four projects, including Kanerjing in Turpan, Xinjiang, Huizhou, Shiba in Wuyuan (joint declaration), Fengyan Terrace in Hanyin in Shaanxi, and Jufeng Weir in Xiushan in Chongqing, were successfully selected.

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For Xi Jinping, Africa is a wish continent that is familiar and cordial.

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On September 3, 2015, at the conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, President Xi Jinping's "Three Victory" was shocking, expressing the voice of the Chinese people and carrying the aspirations of the people of the world.

2015年9月3日,在纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年大会上,习近平主席 “三个必胜”振聋发聩,道出了中国人民的心声,也承载着世界人民的愿望。
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Guangzhou Medical University and relevant units officially released OrganSEC, the first commercial volume bioprinting equipment in China. This equipment solves the problems of slow speed and low cell survival rate of conventional layer-by-layer printing, and its technical indicators have reached the world-class level.

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Many rare operas carry ancient cultural and artistic genes, inherit the performance forms of classical opera and the vast repertoire texts, maintain vivid and unique customs, dialects and tones, and vividly demonstrate the aesthetics and creativity of folk art.

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The two sides stated that they cherish the special friendship between the two sides that has grown stronger over time and will accelerate the construction of a high-level China-South Africa community with a shared future. In order to further inherit friendship, consolidate mutual trust, expand cooperation, and strengthen cooperation, the two heads of state unanimously decided to upgrade bilateral relations to an all-round strategic cooperative partnership in the new era.

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南方秋老虎来势汹汹多地仍可超40℃ 北方迎降温开启夏秋转换

According to the China Weather Network, warm and high pressure controls the south, and high temperature weather will continue to develop. Today (September 3), local temperatures in northeastern Sichuan Basin, central and southern Chongqing and other places can reach above 40℃. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue this morning. High temperature yellow warning. At the same time, most parts of the north have cooled down and rained, and some areas are accompanied by windy weather. The coolness is gradually becoming apparent. The public needs to pay attention to adding clothes to prevent catching cold.

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【8点见】 四成酒店预订后“不可撤销”?在线旅游平台被约谈

At 8 o'clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small events that happen around us within 24 hours.

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The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue typhoon forecasts at 06:00 on September 3. The center of this year's No. 11th typhoon "Capricorn"(Tropical Storm Class) is located at 5 a.m. today (3rd) at the northwest coast of Luzon Island in the Philippines, which is 18.2 degrees north latitude and 119.7 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is 8 (20 meters/s), the lowest pressure in the center is 995 hPa, and the seventh-level wind circle is 150-250 kilometers.

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北京今明天云量增多最高气温持续不足30℃ 明天迎小雨天气

According to the China Weather Network, during the day today (September 3), Beijing will turn sunny to cloudy, with showers in the mountainous areas, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. You need to wear clothes when you go out early and return late to prevent catching a cold. Tomorrow, the cloud cover will increase in Beijing and there will be light rain. People need to bring umbrellas when going out to beware of slippery roads.

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The reporter learned from PetroChina on September 3 that the cumulative production of oil and gas equivalent by PetroChina Changqing Oilfield, my country's largest oil and gas field, exceeded 1 billion tons, injecting strong momentum into ensuring national oil and gas energy security and promoting coordinated regional economic development.

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According to the "Israel Times" report, at the security cabinet meeting held that day, Israeli Defense Minister Galante and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again engaged in fierce confrontation.

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韩国检方调查前总统文在寅 在野党:这是政治报复

According to a report by the Korean National Daily on September 2, South Korean prosecutors are investigating former President Moon Jae-in and his former son-in-law Xu for "suspected bribery." South Korea's opposition parties strongly opposed this, saying it was "political retaliation" against the former president.

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