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最新资讯 (2024-09-02)


According to news from the Guizhou Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on the 2nd, the Guizhou Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision publicly reported eight typical cases of unhealthy practices and corruption among the masses that were investigated and dealt with, and a group of cadres were seriously held accountable.

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Hunan Province will use ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to support the trade-in of consumer goods in key disaster-stricken areas, and complete the goal of trade-in of-old products by the end of 2024. This is the news that the reporter got from the press conference of the Hunan Province People's Government on the 2nd.

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Recently, well-known American entrepreneur Musk posted a warning on social media that "at the current rate of government spending, the United States is on the fast lane of bankruptcy."

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On September 2 local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in Moscow that weapons prohibited by the INF Treaty have appeared in Denmark and the Philippines. Lavrov said that Russia is willing to engage with the West, but will not fail to respond severely to the West's unfriendly actions.

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According to the Ministry of Commerce, recently, we received reports from the masses that some criminals forged and issued the "General Office of the Ministry of Commerce Document" Notarization Notice on the Issuance of Subsidies for Trade-in to-New People to Benefit the People ", and organized" Trade-in-Old for New "in the name of the Ministry of Commerce and its subsidiaries" Activities such as live broadcasts of "Building the Chinese Dream Together" will charge notarization fees.

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工信部征求意见:目标到2027年 轻工骨干企业基本实现数字化改造全覆盖

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the "Implementation Plan for the Digital Transformation of Light Industry (Draft for Comments)". It is proposed that by 2027, key light industry enterprises will basically achieve full coverage of digital transformation, mature and easy-to-use digital solutions will become more popular, advanced and applicable digital transformation standards will be implemented more widely, and the research and development and supply of smart products with high quality and high prices have been significantly enhanced, and the digital transformation of light industry has achieved remarkable results. The penetration rate of digital R & D and design tools in key light industry enterprises has reached 90%, and the numerical control rate of key processes has reached 75%.

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把事办在群众心坎上 格桑茉莉共芬芳——江苏援藏持续提升基层医疗卫生服务能力

In 1994, the Central Committee's Third Xizang Work Forum made a new deployment for national aid to Tibet. Since 1995, Nanjing City has begun to provide counterpart support to Mozhugongka County in Lhasa City. In the past 30 years, Nanjing's aid to Tibet has always adhered to the requirements of "sincere aid to Tibet, scientific aid to Tibet, and continuous aid to Tibet" and "being the first and demonstrating". It has always insisted that Tibet aid projects and Tibet aid funds should be tilted towards the grassroots, towards people's livelihood, and towards industrial development, focusing on infrastructure, public facilities, talents, planning, industry, education, medical care, employment, grassroots governance and other aspects to carry out assistance, exchanges and integration work, filling one after another in the development history of Mozhugongka County. Blank. We have done practical and good things in the hearts of the people.

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对口援藏30年|倾情奉献在高原 一名援藏医生的故事

Dr. Wang Keming from the Plastic Surgery Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences came to the People's Hospital of the Tibet Autonomous Region in July 2020 as a "group-style" aid expert for medical talents. He applied to establish a plastic surgery department here, and while cultivating local doctors, he went to agricultural and pastoral areas many times to carry out free clinics.

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At noon on the 31st, next to the Invalides, where the cemetery of Napoleon I, the French Emperor of the First Empire, was located, the women's individual compound bow W1 final of the Paris Paralympic Archery was underway. Three years later, Guangdong girl Chen Minyi once again defeated Czech opponent Pultar and won the first gold medal in the archery event of the Chinese delegation.

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Attracting 170 companies to settle in, with an actual investment exceeding US$2.1 billion and cumulative sales of nearly US$4.9 billion... The booming TEDA Cooperation Zone is a successful example of the development of economic and trade relations between China and Egypt, and is also a high-quality China-Africa joint construction A vivid portrayal of the Belt and Road Initiative. With the in-depth advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has achieved fruitful results.

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全国主汛期结束 9月可能还有台风登陆或影响我国

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Water Resources that my country's main flood season has ended, and the current flood situation across the country is generally stable. However, the risk of secondary disasters caused by local heavy rainfall still exists, and typhoons may continue to affect my country in the later period.

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@求职者 电力、医药卫生等4个线上招聘专场来了

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection that from September 2 to September 14, the 100-day recruitment special campaign launched four online recruitment sessions: electricity, medicine and health, education and training, and the "Rain and Dew Plan". A total of more than 4200 employers participated, and the recruitment demand exceeded 170,000.

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The grassroots level is the front line of reform, development and stability, and is a gathering place for various contradictions and problems. Fanshui Town, Baoying County, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province is known as the "Golden Flood Water" due to its rich resources and superior terrain. In recent years, the local government has continued to create "good governance signboards","intelligent governance signboards", and "joint governance signboards", chanting the three-character classics of "small","micro" and "new", so that grassroots governance has shifted from "singing a one-man show" to "setting up a stage and singing a show".

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Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations said on the 2nd that rescuers found the remains of all 22 victims at the Mi-8 helicopter crash site on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, and the search operation has ended. The head of the Kamchatka Territory General Administration of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations said on September 1 that search and rescue personnel found the wreckage of the missing helicopter and initially confirmed it as a crash.

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The Chinese mainland Olympic athletes delegation concluded its visit to Macau on the 2nd and set off for return to the mainland. At this point, the delegation's visit to Hong Kong and Macao came to a successful conclusion.

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On the afternoon of September 2, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with South African President Ramaphosa, who was in China to attend the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit and pay a state visit.

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秋季传染病这样防【家庭篇】 | 科普时间

The family environment is very important for preventing infectious diseases. What should we pay attention to? Parents, look over.

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习近平会见吉布提总统 中吉关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系

On the morning of September 2, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Djibouti President Guelleh, who was in China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Kyrgyzstan relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

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学习笔记 | 习近平擘画高水平中非命运共同体美好未来

Xi Jinping outlines a bright future for a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

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习近平会见多哥总统 中多关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系

On the morning of September 2, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Togolese President Faure, who was in China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Dominica relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

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