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最新资讯 (2024-09-01)

县城七成消费订单来自“异乡人” 年轻人为何热爱奔县?

Young people pursuing "beautiful scenery with few people, relaxation, and unique experiences" are flocking to the county, adding a "fire" to domestic tourism.

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科技创新赋能蓝色经济 我国加快培育海洋新质生产力

The sea test water depth of the "Kaicao-2" deep-sea heavy-load mining vehicle exceeded 4000 meters for the first time; the "Deep Sea-1" large gas field achieved a leap to ultra-deep water of 1500 meters... my country's deep-sea technology and offshore engineering equipment have successively achieved new breakthroughs, and are becoming an important force in promoting the upgrading of traditional marine industries, the rise of emerging marine industries, and the cultivation of future marine industries.

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在旅游大巴上摔伤 谁应为意外“买单”?

The "Golden September and Silver Ten" tourist season is approaching, and people's travel safety has also attracted much attention. Recently, the People's Court of Fangshan District, Beijing City, concluded a case of injury caused by a tour group traveling. Tourists, travel agencies and tourism auxiliary service providers all had to "pay" for their respective defaults.

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两张负面清单为抓手 我国服务业开放跑出加速度

Recently, there has been constant news of expanding the opening up of the service industry, including revising and releasing a new version of the negative list for foreign investment access as soon as possible and accelerating the implementation of the negative list for cross-border trade in services.

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The reporter learned from the China Disabled Persons 'Federation that since the implementation of my country's "Barrier-Free Environment Law" one year ago, relevant work has been steadily advanced, and some "14th Five-Year Plan" tasks are expected to be completed ahead of schedule.

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According to a report by the New York Times on August 31, Paris Mayor Hidalgo said that the giant Olympic rings installed on the Eiffel Tower "will become a permanent fixture on this landmark building."

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According to a large number of investigations and tests by experts and relevant departments, a report issued by the Supreme Expert Committee of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces pointed out that the main causes of the helicopter crash were "complex climatic conditions in the region in spring" and the sudden appearance of "dense fog", causing the helicopter to collide with the mountain.

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The Israel Defense Forces announced on September 1 that the six bodies found in the Rafah Tunnel in southern Gaza the day before were Israeli hostages held by Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) militants in October 2023. They were "brutally murdered" before Israeli troops arrived in the area.

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焦点访谈:洪水退去 如期开学

Recently, the reporter visited several disaster-stricken schools and saw that the local government, faculty and staff, and all sectors of society are overcoming difficulties to ensure that schools can resume teaching activities as soon as possible.

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发展有亮点、政策显成效 中国经济释放蓬勃活力

On September 1,"News Network" reported on my country's gratifying achievements in many fields such as new industrialization, summer transportation, computing power, industrial transfer, and summer box office. Data increases confidence and confidence, and China's economic stability and improvement are supported.

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秋季传染病这样防【学校篇】 | 科普时间

The population in schools is concentrated, and once an infectious disease appears, it is easy to occur in clusters. So, how should schools prevent infectious diseases?

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近三分之二省份度过史上前三热8月!新台风即将生成 9月高温会消退吗?

I finally got through the scorching heat of August! Looking back on the past month, most parts of our country have experienced hotter summers than in previous years.

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According to RIA Novosti and Reuters, on September 1 local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russian troops had taken control of two settlements in the Donetsk region.

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President Xi Jinping's reply to a letter to scholars from 50 African countries triggered enthusiastic responses. Many scholars from African countries who participated in the joint letter to President Xi Jinping said that they were encouraged by President Xi's reply and would work with Chinese scholars to provide intellectual support to promote further cooperation between Africa and China and the development of the "Global South".

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The latest data released by the National Data Administration recently shows that my country's eight national hub nodes of "Eastern Computing and Western Computing" have driven investment of more than 200 billion yuan. The total size of existing data center racks exceeds 1.95 million standard racks, and the agglomeration and pulling effects are further highlighted; An urban computing network with transmission delay controlled within 1 millisecond has been initially realized in the demonstration area, and the user experience has been further optimized; The power utilization efficiency (PUE) of new data centers has dropped to a minimum of 1.04, and green and low-carbon development has been further accelerated.

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第17届夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会:中国体育代表团再创佳绩 游泳刷新世界纪录

At the Paris Paralympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation continued to create good results in many events such as table tennis, swimming, and archery.

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迎接新学期 全国中小学陆续开学

This week, primary and secondary schools across the country have opened one after another, and various places have opened the new autumn semester with colorful activities.

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The 62-day summer vacation ended. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport today (September 1): From July 1 to August 31, the total number of cross-regional people in the whole society totaled approximately 10.917 billion, an increase of 3.8% over the same period in 2023. During this year's summer vacation, the number of people moving on roads was 9.819 billion, and the proportion of people traveling across provinces increased.

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【权威访谈】加快推进新型工业化 塑造发展新动能新优势

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made systematic arrangements for further comprehensively deepening reforms and proposed to improve the system and mechanism for promoting high-quality economic development. How to accelerate the promotion of new industrialization and create new driving forces and new advantages for development? Today's (September 1)"Authoritative Interview" takes a look at the reporter's exclusive interview with Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology.

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Today (September 1) morning, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to release the standard score of the national anthem and the official recorded version of the national anthem.

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