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最新资讯 (2024-09-01)

发展有亮点、政策显成效 中国经济释放蓬勃活力

On September 1,"News Network" reported on my country's gratifying achievements in many fields such as new industrialization, summer transportation, computing power, industrial transfer, and summer box office. Data increases confidence and confidence, and China's economic stability and improvement are supported.

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秋季传染病这样防【学校篇】 | 科普时间

The population in schools is concentrated, and once an infectious disease appears, it is easy to occur in clusters. So, how should schools prevent infectious diseases?

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近三分之二省份度过史上前三热8月!新台风即将生成 9月高温会消退吗?

I finally got through the scorching heat of August! Looking back on the past month, most parts of our country have experienced hotter summers than in previous years.

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According to RIA Novosti and Reuters, on September 1 local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russian troops had taken control of two settlements in the Donetsk region.

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President Xi Jinping's reply to a letter to scholars from 50 African countries triggered enthusiastic responses. Many scholars from African countries who participated in the joint letter to President Xi Jinping said that they were encouraged by President Xi's reply and would work with Chinese scholars to provide intellectual support to promote further cooperation between Africa and China and the development of the "Global South".

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The latest data released by the National Data Administration recently shows that my country's eight national hub nodes of "Eastern Computing and Western Computing" have driven investment of more than 200 billion yuan. The total size of existing data center racks exceeds 1.95 million standard racks, and the agglomeration and pulling effects are further highlighted; An urban computing network with transmission delay controlled within 1 millisecond has been initially realized in the demonstration area, and the user experience has been further optimized; The power utilization efficiency (PUE) of new data centers has dropped to a minimum of 1.04, and green and low-carbon development has been further accelerated.

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第17届夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会:中国体育代表团再创佳绩 游泳刷新世界纪录

At the Paris Paralympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation continued to create good results in many events such as table tennis, swimming, and archery.

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迎接新学期 全国中小学陆续开学

This week, primary and secondary schools across the country have opened one after another, and various places have opened the new autumn semester with colorful activities.

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The 62-day summer vacation ended. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport today (September 1): From July 1 to August 31, the total number of cross-regional people in the whole society totaled approximately 10.917 billion, an increase of 3.8% over the same period in 2023. During this year's summer vacation, the number of people moving on roads was 9.819 billion, and the proportion of people traveling across provinces increased.

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【权威访谈】加快推进新型工业化 塑造发展新动能新优势

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made systematic arrangements for further comprehensively deepening reforms and proposed to improve the system and mechanism for promoting high-quality economic development. How to accelerate the promotion of new industrialization and create new driving forces and new advantages for development? Today's (September 1)"Authoritative Interview" takes a look at the reporter's exclusive interview with Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology.

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Today (September 1) morning, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to release the standard score of the national anthem and the official recorded version of the national anthem.

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携手推进现代化 共筑高水平中非命运共同体

The 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6. This is the first time that Chinese and African leaders have gathered in China after the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

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The 17th issue of "Qiushi" magazine published on September 1 published an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,"Cultivating Socialist Builders and Successors with Comprehensive Development of Morality, Intelligence, Physical Education, Art and Labor."

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文化新观察丨中国街舞:“舞”出“中国范儿” 自信向未来

From "Western street entertainment" in the past to "Chinese street dance art" today, street dance is not only a stage for practitioners and enthusiasts to show their youth and achieve their dreams, but also a world for sweat and entrepreneurship.

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September 1 is the registration day for the opening of the 2024 fall semester of Tuanzhou School in Huarong County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province.

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The reporter learned from China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. that on September 1, the 2024 edition of the "Railway Passenger Transport Regulations of China State Railway Group Co., Ltd." was officially announced, actively adapting to the development and changes of railway passenger transport business and passenger travel needs, and further improving the relevant rules for railway passenger transport. Improve, will promote the improvement of railway passenger transport service quality and facilitate passenger travel.

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向全球供应超70%关键原材料 我国动力电池产业延续增长态势

The 2024 World Power Battery Conference opened today (1st) in Yibin, Sichuan. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that China adheres to a green, low-carbon and sustainable development path, attaches great importance to the green transformation and development of the automobile industry, and supplies more than 70% of key raw materials to the world.

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日本一客机起飞前机体冒烟 未造成人员受伤

On September 1, local time, Japan's Naha Airport Office announced that at around 18:50 that day, an All Nippon Airways passenger plane with flight number NH474 planned to fly from Naha Airport to Tokyo's Haneda Airport took off before the auxiliary power system emitted smoke.

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On the eve of the new Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, President Xi Jinping replied to scholars from 50 African countries, encouraging them to continue to provide intellectual support for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future and safeguarding the common interests of the "Global South."

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" proposes: "Explore the implementation of national macro balance sheet management." This is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee to improve macroeconomic governance. It is of great significance for enhancing macroeconomic analysis capabilities, improving the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies, improving the government's macro management level, and preventing and defusing economic risks.

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