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最新资讯 (2024-09-01)


On August 31, the 62-day summer vacation ended. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport: From July 1 to August 31, the total number of cross-regional people in the whole society was approximately 10.917 billion, with an average of 176 million people per day, an increase of 3.8% over the same period last year.

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Our country has a vast territory, and border governance is related to our country's territorial integrity, national security, national unity, and good-neighborly friendship. The three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia, as important border areas in my country, shoulder major responsibilities in maintaining national defense security. Today, here, a new picture of stable borders, beautiful borders, and rich border people is slowly unfolding.

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"They are sometimes more Chinese than Chinese, and they will serve you tea during conversation, just like in China." On the other end of the video call, Stephen Kiama Gitahi, president of the University of Nairobi and dean of the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi, was smiling and imitating his proud graduates-a group of local Chinese teachers who came out of Inner Mongolia.

“他们有时候比中国人还像中国人,交谈时会为你端上茶,就像在中国一样。”视频通话的那头,内罗毕大学校长、内罗毕大学孔子学院肯方院长齐睿成(Stephen Kiama Gitahi)正笑着模仿他引以为傲的毕业生——从内大走出的一批本土中文教师。
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Sudanese Minister of Energy and Petroleum Muhiddin Naim Mohammed Said recently said in a written interview with a reporter from Xinhua Agency in the eastern Sudanese city of Port Sudan that practice has proved that the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has promoted the implementation of a large number of key infrastructure projects. It plays a vital role in promoting Africa-China trade, investment and people-to-people bonds, and has become a powerful platform for both sides to carry out pragmatic and efficient cooperation and jointly build a high-level community with a shared future.

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It is the harvest season, and the fields are busy, and high-quality agricultural products are continuously sent to supermarkets in cities across the country; at the same time, new energy vehicles and green smart home appliances have entered farmyards, and urban tourists have gone to the fields and countryside to experience "poetry and distance".

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巴黎残奥会 | 金牌,源自守望相助的力量

As night falls, the lights in the Grand Palais in Paris are bright. In the center of the ring, Li Yujie and coach Yu Jie held the five-star red flag high, circled the field, and then hugged each other and cried.

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Recently, Henan science and technology workers are rejoicing over two major events. One is that at the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards Conference, Henan won 15 National Science and Technology Awards, of which 7 were hosted and 8 participated, achieving "both quantity and quality.", this is an affirmation of Henan's efforts in the past few years.

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Experience special projects such as "Encounter Salt Carving" in Qinghai Chaka Salt Lake, check in the "transparent boat" at Xiaoqikong in Libo, Guizhou, and "Find Dunhuang" in Gansu to experience beautiful China from more perspectives... During the summer vacation, various places continue to launch new products, new business formats, and new models for tourism, entertainment and other activities, which have become a microcosm of my country's rapid growth in service consumption and the continuous release of potential.

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The U.S. Navy issued a statement on August 30 local time, announcing the dismissal of Cameron Yast, captain of the U.S. Navy missile destroyer USS John McCain, due to "loss of confidence" in Yast's command capabilities. Yast will hold this position from October 2023.

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On September 1, the 2024 version of the "Railway Passenger Transport Regulations of China State Railway Group Co., Ltd."(referred to as the "Railway Group Passenger Regulations") was released in full on the Railway 12306 website and will come into effect on the same day. China Railway Group stated that the main consideration is to prevent serious overcrowding of trains and cause various risks, and effectively ensure the safe and order of train operation and passenger experience.

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According to French media reports on August 31 local time, Paris Mayor Hidalgo said in an interview that after the Paris Olympics and Paralympics, the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower will be retained, which has been approved by the International Olympic Committee.

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"In the morning, I enter Zhuhai via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. At noon, I go to Zhongshan to taste Shiqi young pigeons and visit the Memorial Hall of Sun Yat-sen's Former Residence. In the evening, I go to Shenzhen for dinner and return to Hong Kong. Children can visit three cities in one day and experience two Century Bridges. It feels great!" Hong Kong car owner Mr. Lai said.

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On September 1, local time, the Russian emergency department dispatched air search and rescue forces to the Mi-8 helicopter accident area. According to the content reported by relevant departments, it was initially concluded that all people on the missing Mi-8 helicopter had been killed.

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In response to questions about duplication of paper pictures, the Liver Surgery Department of Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology recently responded.

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UNICEF issued a joint statement with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization on August 31, saying that UNICEF has issued an emergency tender to provide monkeys to countries most affected by the monkeypox epidemic. Vaccines.

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教材“上新”、课间延长、教师减负等 新学期注意这些新变化

Starting from the beginning of this fall, primary schools and junior high schools across the country will use newly revised textbooks on ethics and rule of law, Chinese, and history.

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On the largest 20000 Ariary banknote in the African island country of Madagascar, a pattern of Chinese hybrid rice is printed. Why is this?

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On August 30, China Agricultural University held a 2024 freshmen opening ceremony. The paper noted that Sun Qixin, president of China Agricultural University, revealed in his speech that Yuan Longping's granddaughter also came to China Agricultural University this year and is one of the freshmen in the 2024 class.

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携手同行中非情 非洲留学生来华实现太空梦

More and more Chinese people are looking for opportunities in Africa, and many African young people are coming to China to pursue their dreams. Previously, the Chinese Space Station held its first international exhibition, with 10 paintings carrying the dreams of African teenagers on display, which aroused strong repercussions. Many African students have traveled thousands of miles to China to study aerospace majors with the help of Chinese universities, and are constantly moving towards the sea of stars in their hearts.

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On September 1,@ Xihu issued a report on the preliminary investigation into the diarrhea incident of some members of a performance team.

9月1日,@西湖发布 通报某演出团队部分成员腹泻事件初步调查情况。
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