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最新资讯 (2024-09-01)


UNICEF issued a joint statement with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization on August 31, saying that UNICEF has issued an emergency tender to provide monkeys to countries most affected by the monkeypox epidemic. Vaccines.

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教材“上新”、课间延长、教师减负等 新学期注意这些新变化

Starting from the beginning of this fall, primary schools and junior high schools across the country will use newly revised textbooks on ethics and rule of law, Chinese, and history.

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On the largest 20000 Ariary banknote in the African island country of Madagascar, a pattern of Chinese hybrid rice is printed. Why is this?

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On August 30, China Agricultural University held a 2024 freshmen opening ceremony. The paper noted that Sun Qixin, president of China Agricultural University, revealed in his speech that Yuan Longping's granddaughter also came to China Agricultural University this year and is one of the freshmen in the 2024 class.

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携手同行中非情 非洲留学生来华实现太空梦

More and more Chinese people are looking for opportunities in Africa, and many African young people are coming to China to pursue their dreams. Previously, the Chinese Space Station held its first international exhibition, with 10 paintings carrying the dreams of African teenagers on display, which aroused strong repercussions. Many African students have traveled thousands of miles to China to study aerospace majors with the help of Chinese universities, and are constantly moving towards the sea of stars in their hearts.

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On September 1,@ Xihu issued a report on the preliminary investigation into the diarrhea incident of some members of a performance team.

9月1日,@西湖发布 通报某演出团队部分成员腹泻事件初步调查情况。
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舌尖上的异域风味 非洲好物“漂洋过海”进入中国消费者“购物车”

African coffee and nuts are becoming Hunan's "new specialties". In Gaoqiao Market, there is a special African nut trading center, where nuts with unique characteristics such as cashew nuts, pecans, and macadamia nuts from Africa enter the "shopping carts" of Chinese consumers.

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According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on the 1st local time, South Korean prosecutors raided Moon Tae-hye, daughter of former President Moon Jae-in, and listed Moon Jae-in as a criminal suspect suspected of accepting bribes in the seizure order.

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开学第一课:让世界看见多彩中国 外籍教师讲述中国热

The first class of school allows the world to see colorful Chinese foreign teachers talk about China's craze

开学第一课 让世界看见多彩中国 外籍教师讲述中国热
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On the eve of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, the National Development and Reform Commission released the 2024 edition of the Blue Book of the "China-African Countries Joint Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative" Development Report. At present, 52 African countries and the African Union have signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative with our country, and the "hard connectivity" of China-Africa infrastructure has reached a new level.

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独家揭秘: 特殊的“开学第一课”

In the past two days, US military aircraft have appeared at the scene of the Philippine accident in the South China Sea again. But compared with such interference, other means of U.S. intervention in the South China Sea issue are more secretive and confusing. Tan Master exclusively obtained social studies textbooks for grades 5 to 7 published by the local official Ministry of Education from the Philippines to see what Tan Master discovered.

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新循环治理融入城市生活 金色沙漠唤醒片片绿意

From roads and railways to parks and ports, the results of China-Africa infrastructure cooperation spread across the African continent. About 50 kilometers east of Cairo, the capital of Egypt, the key project jointly built by China and Egypt of the "Belt and Road"-the Central Business District Project of Egypt's New Administrative Capital is sprinting towards full completion and will soon become a new landmark in the desert.

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The 2024 autumn school season begins at the beginning of the new semester, the public security traffic police department enters the campus to protect safety

2024秋季开学季 新学期伊始 公安交警部门进校园守护平安
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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 14:53 on September 01, a magnitude 3.2 earthquake occurred in Yajiang County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province (29.75 degrees north latitude, 101.11 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 15 kilometers.

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我国黄渤海休渔期结束 千帆竞发赴秋捕

At 12 noon on September 1, the four-month fishing ban in the Yellow and Bohai Seas officially ended, and fishing boats went to various fishing areas to carry out fishing operations.

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Walking into Yi Village, Helong Village, Ninghua County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, the 9500-square-meter Helong Gongmi Cultural Park is endless and crisscrossed.

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On September 1, primary and secondary schools in many places across the country will fully open the 2024 autumn semester.

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新学期 新面貌!各地“开学第一课”丰富多彩

On September 1, schools across the country will usher in the 2024 autumn opening season. In Beijing, a special flag-raising ceremony was held in Tiananmen Square to start the first lesson in patriotism.

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中非合作大使说 | 中非友谊是长期信任和相互尊重的关系

South Africa is the first country in Africa to join the Belt and Road Initiative and the first country on the African continent to incorporate Chinese into the national education system. September 17 every year is also listed as South Africa's Chinese Day. Under the guidance of the two heads of state, China-South Africa relations have developed rapidly. China has been South Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, and South Africa has been China's largest trading partner in Africa for 14 consecutive years. The trade volume between the two countries accounts for about fifth of China-Africa trade volume. One.

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推动市场由大到强 构建全链条全生命周期信用监管体系

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made reform arrangements for market supervision, further clarifying the direction and key tasks of reform in the field of market supervision, which is of extremely important and far-reaching significance to the high-quality development of market supervision.

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