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最新资讯 (2024-09-01)

“神十八”乘组太空生活井然有序 多项实验同步进行

The Shenzhou 18 crew has been in orbit for four months. Space life is in an orderly manner, and multiple experiments are being carried out simultaneously. The "space journey" of the three astronauts continues...

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开学啦!这些传染病易高发 防控指南请查收

The school season is a period of high incidence of various infectious diseases. In order to protect the health of students, parents, students and schools need to take preventive work in advance.

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On August 31, the 62-day railway summer vacation ended successfully. From July 1 to August 31, the country's railways sent a total of 887 million passengers, a year-on-year increase of 6.7%. The average daily number of passengers sent was 14.312 million, setting a record high for summer passenger traffic. Among them, from August 10 to 12, the daily passenger flow exceeded 16 million for three consecutive days.

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Agriculture is the foundation of the world, and it is of great importance. In more than 20 days, the lunar autumn equinox will be, and our country will also usher in the seventh Chinese Farmers 'Harvest Festival.

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The 45-year-old female protagonist was beaten and scolded by her son and daughter-in-law at home. The son even tried to get her to remarry in exchange for a betrothal gift of 88,000 yuan. Until the female protagonist met a middle-aged bully who pretended to be a taxi driver on a blind date. As a result, the middle-aged life began to "counterattack"... This is the beginning of the short drama "Flash Marriage to Fifty Years". The seemingly old-fashioned plot has recently received 500 million views on Short videos platforms.

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At the critical juncture of the Old and Neolithic Ages, Xinjiang's archaeological achievements are frequently produced. Since 100,000 years ago, especially during the critical period of 50,000 years ago, Paleolithic remains in Xinjiang have begun to appear, with obvious regional characteristics, showing a trend of cultural exchanges with the east and west regions.

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It is their research that has made the development and evolution of Chinese civilization more clearly present to the world, and the long history of Chinese culture has a more detailed and vivid footnote.

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On August 31, local time, according to US media reports, a new study found that rock fragments produced when the NASA "Double Asteroid Redirection Test" spacecraft hit a near-Earth asteroid in 2022 may form an artificial meteor shower that can last for 100 years.

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There are such a group of people that have become more and more common in hospitals in recent years. They are neither patients nor medical staff, but they skillfully shuttle between various departments of the hospital, playing the role of tour guides, errands, and even family members of patients. They are gradually becoming an indispensable force in the medical field. They are accompanying doctors.

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宝晓峰@大国外交最前线丨有朋自远方来 中非友好大家庭再迎大团圆!

The 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6. This is the largest home diplomacy held by China in recent years and attended by foreign leaders. Leaders of many African countries and the Chairman of the African Union Commission will lead delegations to attend the meeting. The Secretary-General of the United Nations will serve as a special guest and relevant international and regional organizations will serve as observers. Members will also attend summit-related activities.

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一根黄瓜5块钱背后的菜价“狂飙” 记者赴蔬菜之乡探究竟

Judging from feedback from many interviewees such as vegetable growers and wholesalers, the continuous rainfall in the past may have become the main reason for the recent increase in vegetable prices. The reporter learned from official channels that Shouguang Agricultural Products Logistics Park has 3800 room temperature stalls and cargo spaces, and a 100,000 cubic meter cold storage can be used for vegetable reserves, which can fully ensure the supply of "vegetable baskets".

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Yerevan News: Armenian Prime Minister Pashnyan said on August 31 that Armenia had submitted a new proposal to Azerbaijan on the 30th on the conclusion of a peace treaty, proposing to sign the peace treaty based on the agreed terms and continue discussions on outstanding issues.

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A bus rollover accident occurred in Warren County, Mississippi, USA in the early morning of August 31, killing 7 people and injuring dozens of others.

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President Xi Jinping recently replied to a letter to scholars from 50 African countries, encouraging them to continue to provide intellectual support for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future and safeguarding the common interests of the "Global South."

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According to statistics from the State Film Administration, the national box office of movies in the summer period of 2024 (June 1 to August 31) will be 11.643 billion yuan, with 285 million movie-goers.

据国家电影局统计,2024年暑期档(6月1日至8月31日)全国电影票房为116.43亿元,观影人次为 2.85亿。
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According to the Guizhou Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: With the approval of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the Guizhou Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision filed a case against Pi Guihuai, a member of the 13th Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and former member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Guizhou Province Investment Promotion Bureau, for serious violations of discipline and law. review and investigation.

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With the approval of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the Guizhou Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Zhong Yang, member of the 13th Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, former deputy secretary of the Qiannan Prefecture Prefecture Committee and governor.

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The reporter learned from the Beijing Railway Public Security Bureau that on August 31, the two-month railway summer vacation came to a successful conclusion. During the summer vacation, the Beijing Railway Police handled a total of 1585 cases of various types and dealt with 1708 illegal persons, making every effort to ensure stable public security and order at stations and trains and safe and smooth passenger transportation during the summer vacation.

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Starting from September, a number of new regulations covering charity, taxation, veterans, unfair competition, etc. have been implemented. It is noteworthy that there are standards for identifying unfair competition behaviors on the Internet. The new regulations regulate key issues such as swiping orders, speculation of letters, and cashes from positive reviews, and require platform operators to strengthen the standardized management of competitive behaviors within the platform.

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Recently, with the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case investigation into Huang Min, former member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and former deputy mayor of the Municipal Government, for serious violations of discipline and law. Huang Min seriously violated the party's organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constituted a serious job violation and was suspected of accepting bribes. He also refused to restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. His nature is serious and has a bad impact and should be dealt with seriously.

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