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最新资讯 (2024-08-31)


Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov served as the head of the delegation. The members of the delegation include Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vershinin, Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Federal Council Karasin, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nebianja, and State Duma International Affairs Committee Chairman Slutsky and others.

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The Meteorological Department of Guangdong Province released the September climate trend forecast on the 31st. According to the forecast conclusions, it is expected that there will still be large-scale high temperature processes in Guangdong in September. In addition, 2 to 3 tropical cyclones will land or seriously affect the province. The Guangzhou City Meteorological Department also released a climate trend forecast for September on the 31st. It is expected that there will be three high temperature processes in Guangzhou in September.

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After ending their trip to Hong Kong, the mainland Olympic athletes delegation from the Paris Olympics arrived in Macau by bus via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge port on the 31st to begin a three-day visit and exchange activities.

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一系列“稳经济”政策措施持续显效 高质量发展提“智”向“新”稳中向好

On August 31,"News Network" reported on a series of measures China has taken to "stabilize the economy and promote development", including vigorously supporting private investment and development, benefiting farmers and farmers, the development of artificial intelligence industries, opening up to the outside world, industrial transformation, and logistics. In many fields such as development, these policies and measures are continuing to be "stable and effective". At the same time, my country is moving towards "new" and "intelligent" in agriculture, economy and other aspects. Thousands of industries gather the power of "holding fingers into fists" to jointly promote high-quality development and present a "new" picture.

8月31日,《新闻联播》报道了中国在“稳经济 促发展”方面采取的一系列措施,包括大力支持民间投资发展、惠农助农、人工智能产业发展、对外开放、产业转型、物流发展等诸多领域,这些政策措施正朝着“稳健有效”持续发力。同时,我国在农业、经济等方面向“新”向“智”而行。千行百业“握指成拳”聚合力,共同推动高质量发展展现“新”图景。
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数读中国 | 我国经济发展新动能持续增强

New driving forces for economic development play an important role in expanding domestic demand, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, and promoting high-quality development. Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on August 31 shows that in 2023, as the economy recovers and is driven by a series of policies and measures, my country's economic vitality will continue to increase, scientific and technological innovation will continue to advance, new industries, new business formats and new models will continue to develop, and the economy New momentum for development continues to increase.

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The reporter learned from CNOOC on August 31 that CNOOC efficiently completed exploratory well drilling operations in a certain area in the southern waters of Hainan Island. Among them, the highest footage per day on August 20 was as high as 2138 meters, creating a domestic offshore oil and gas well. A new record for daily footage of a single well. This marks a new breakthrough in my country's offshore oil and gas well drilling speed-up technology.

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汽车爆胎 高速公路秒变“开学第一课”课堂

Protect first, then serve, and then warn. The police car stopped, and one policeman held a vehicle-mounted megaphone to remind other vehicles to avoid it. Another policeman quickly ran to 150 meters in the direction of the incoming vehicle and set up warning signs.

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多项经济指标传递市场之“暖” 经济高质量发展有支撑、有动力

Look at the economy through data, and look at development through the economy. Today (August 31),"News Network" released a number of economic data covering major project construction, transportation, logistics and other fields. A series of economic indicators are positive, and China's economic popularity is steadily increasing.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping recently issued important instructions, fully affirming the results of party discipline study and education, and putting forward clear requirements for consolidating and deepening the results of party discipline study and education.

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As the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit is about to be held, on August 27, President Xi Jinping once again talked about "building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future" when replying to a letter to scholars from 50 African countries.

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In the southwest corner of the motherland, the Himalayas stretch endlessly, and the Yarlung Zangbo River gallops endlessly. In the foothills of the mountains and a prosperous township by the river, it is Shigatse, Xizang, which has a history of more than 600 years.

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The delegation to Hong Kong includes 65 athletes and 8 coaches from 16 sports, including 59 gold medalists. The Hong Kong SAR Government held a welcoming ceremony and dinner on the day of the delegation's arrival to welcome mainland Olympic athletes with people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, share the joy of the Olympics, and appreciate the Olympic spirit.

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第17届夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会|中国体育代表团再获多枚奖牌 跆拳道项目创历史

In the just-concluded women's javelin F13 competition, Zhao Yuping broke the world record and won the gold medal. Di Dongdong successfully defended the men's long jump T11 championship with a world record of 6.85 meters, and Chen Shichang won the silver medal. Zhou Xia and Guo Qianqian won the gold and silver medals in the women's 100-meter T35 class. Wen Xiaoyan won the women's 200-meter T37 championship.

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【文化中国行】走进良渚 感受五千多年中华文明

Tourists can take the newly developed self-driving guided vehicle in the park to travel through the natural scenery that has lasted for thousands of years and experience the charm of ancient civilization; they can also experience the journey through history through wearing devices in the Liangzhu Museum and Smart Experience Hall. A magical journey where cultural relics and scenes are "brought alive".

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文明交响 数字筑梦——“非洲伙伴”媒体行动在京举行

Guests attending the meeting said that under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and African leaders, China-Africa relations have entered a new stage of jointly building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit will be held in Beijing, which will surely open up a new realm for the development of China-Africa relations and write a new chapter in building a community with a shared future for China and Africa.

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【在希望的田野上】科技赋能 助力秋粮生产

Technology empowers increased grain production capacity. In the past two days, more than one million acres of highland barley in Qinghai Province have gradually entered the harvest period. This year, Qinghai has strengthened the promotion and application of innovative machinery such as smart agricultural machinery and high-performance agricultural machinery, and achieved remarkable results.

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【权威访谈】完善市场经济基础制度 构建全国统一大市场

The "Decision" proposes that further comprehensively deepening reforms must properly handle major relationships such as efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, and development and security. Luo Wen said that we must focus on properly handling the three major relationships, further comprehensively deepen reforms in the field of market supervision, and help high-quality economic and social development.

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发挥媒体作用、凝聚合作共识 这个论坛搭建出“一带一路”沟通之桥

Today (August 31), the 2024 "Belt and Road" Journalists Organization Forum was held in Chongqing. Leaders of journalist organizations and media representatives from 50 overseas countries and regions participated in this event. The forum also released the "Media Messenger Initiative" for the first time.

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【锚定现代化 改革再深化】深化集体林权制度改革 谱写兴绿富民新篇章

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to continue to deepen the reform of collective forest rights to better realize the organic unity of ecological beauty and people's prosperity. Since the beginning of this year, various localities and departments have deepened the reform of the collective forest rights system, worked hard on ecological industrialization and industrial ecologization, broadened the transformation path of the "two mountains", and embarked on a new path of green development with beautiful ecology and rich people.

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新疆多地牧区开启秋季转场 戍边民警护航“转场路”

Recently, as temperatures continue to drop, pastoral areas in many places in Xinjiang have begun their autumn transition. The lowest temperature at Kungate Ranch in Ajele Town, Altay Prefecture dropped to 8 degrees Celsius. More than 200 local herdsmen and 80,000 livestock have successively embarked on the transfer road to autumn pastures 90 kilometers away.

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