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最新资讯 (2024-08-31)

多地农产品“硕果累累”进入收获期 五彩“丰”景绘就富民画卷

Recently, more than 90,000 acres of potatoes in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area have entered the harvest season. The local area has seized favorable weather and organized manpower and equipment to harvest potatoes.

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Congo (Brazzaville) National Highway No. 1, with a total length of 536 kilometers, is the largest cooperation project between China and Congo.

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“县城旅游”正释放出强劲动能 从“火起来”到“火下去”带动百业兴旺

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made important strategic arrangements for improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development, and proposed taking counties as important entry points. This summer, while traditional tourist cities are still hot, we found that the tourist sinking market composed of small county towns has become a choice for more young people and is releasing strong momentum.

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菲方船只故意冲撞我舰艇 中国海警正告菲方正视现实、放弃幻想

Liu Dejun, spokesperson of the China Coast Guard Bureau, said that at 08:02 on August 31, the Philippines 'Coast Guard vessel No. 9701 illegally stranded in China's Xianbin Reef lifted anchor. It continued to maneuver in the Xianbin Reef lagoon, causing trouble. The Chinese Coast Guard vessel 5205 took measures such as shouting warnings, monitoring and control against the vessel No. 9701 in accordance with laws and regulations.

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I think the key to what basic qualities and mental state the socialist builders and successors we want to cultivate should have and how to cultivate them is to do a good job in the following aspects. The school has the unique advantage of conducting Chinese excellent traditional cultural education in a centralized, systematic and continuous manner. It is necessary to regard Chinese excellent traditional cultural education as a basic project to consolidate the foundation and build the soul, and run through the entire process of talent training.

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According to the public account of the "Chinese Embassy in the Philippines", new confirmed cases of monkeypox have recently appeared in the Philippines. The Philippine Ministry of Health urges the public to remain vigilant and take preventive measures to curb the spread of the virus, and requires inbound passengers to take the initiative to make relevant health declarations. The World Health Organization once again listed the monkeypox epidemic as a "public health emergency of international concern" this month.

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“开学经济”持续升温 理性消费、按需消费成为“经济开学”新常态

The new semester is approaching, and preparing for admission has become a top priority for many parents and students. Among these school equipment, mobile phones and computers have become "standard", and various electronic products such as electronic watches have also been included in the purchase list. Let's go to Taiyuan, Shanxi to learn about it. Recently, the reporter visited Tai

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新学期开启 各地学校举办形式多样、寓教于乐的“开学第一课”

In the past two days, many places have started school one after another. Anhui, Shandong, Henan and other places have held the "first class of school" to welcome the new semester with the children.

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Liu Dejun, spokesperson of the China Coast Guard Bureau, said that at 08:02 on August 31, the Philippines 'Coast Guard vessel No. 9701 illegally stranded in China's Xianbin Reef lifted anchor. It continued to maneuver in the Xianbin Reef lagoon, causing trouble. The Chinese Coast Guard vessel 5205 took measures such as shouting warnings, monitoring and control against the vessel No. 9701 in accordance with laws and regulations.

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2138米!我国海上钻井速度创新高 背后是什么在支撑实现“中国深度”?

The reporter learned from CNOOC on August 31 that an offshore exploratory well in the Yinggehai Basin in the southern waters of Hainan Island completed its drilling mission. During this period, 2138 meters were drilled underground in one day at the fastest time, setting a new record for daily footage of a single well in domestic offshore oil and gas well.

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Personal hygiene habits are important for preventing diseases, including but not limited to frequent hand washing, frequent ventilation, not drinking raw water, eating cooked food, drying clothes and quilts, etc. These good habits can effectively prevent the spread of diseases and protect the health and safety of individuals and groups.

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On the 30th local time, the Brazilian Supreme Court ruled to suspend the services of social media platform X in the country because the platform had not appointed a legal representative in Brazil. Brazil's Supreme Court issued a ruling on its official website, requiring Brazil's National Telecommunications Authority to suspend the operation of the social media platform in Brazil within 24 hours and notify telecom operators to implement the relevant ban.

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The 17th issue of "Qiushi" magazine published on September 1 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,"Cultivating Socialist Builders and Successors with Comprehensive Development of Morality, Intelligence, Physical Education, Art and Labor."

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The 17th issue of "Qiushi" magazine published on September 1 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,"Cultivating Socialist Builders and Successors with Comprehensive Development of Morality, Intelligence, Physical Education, Art and Labor."

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8月份我国经济景气水平总体保持稳定 部分行业PMI回升明显

Data released today (31st) by the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing showed that in August, China's manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) was 49.1%, and the non-manufacturing business activity index was 50.3%. The overall level of my country's economic prosperity remained stable.

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锚定现代化 改革再深化|从家庭医生改革入手 多措并举推进医防融合

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to implement the health priority development strategy, improve the public health system, and promote social co-governance, medical prevention coordination, and medical prevention integration. Lanzhou New District, Gansu Province, one of the national pilot cities for the integration of medical and prevention, starts with the reform of family doctors and takes multiple measures to promote the integration of medical and prevention.

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On the evening of the 30th, the "Olympic Athletes Grand Show" attended by a delegation of mainland Olympic athletes visiting Hong Kong was successfully held at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Hong Kong. The athletes each displayed their unique skills, presenting a colorful sports feast for the Hong Kong audience.

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On the 30th local time, at a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Trump in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a man rushed into the media area, was then surrounded by police, and was eventually subdued with a stun gun. At present, it is unclear what the man's motive is.

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The vast grasslands, wild lions, simple huts, hungry children, terrible epidemics, tribal conflicts. Under the long-term indoctrination and exaggeration of Western media, these scenes constitute the impression of many people in the world on Africa.

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锚定现代化 改革再深化|用心用情托起“朝夕美好”——云南文山州健全“一老一小”关爱服务机制

"One old and one young" is a major issue for people's livelihood. In recent years, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province has improved the lives of the "one old and one small" group through practical people's livelihood matters, and has continuously improved the care and service mechanism in which the government, families and society participate together, and supported the "good day and night" with heart and emotion.

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