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最新资讯 (2024-08-31)

内地奥运健儿代表团展风采 跳水游泳示范赢得香港民众阵阵喝彩

Continue to pay attention to the visit activities of the mainland Olympic athletes delegation in Hong Kong. August 31 is the third day of the delegation's activities in Hong Kong.

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暑运跨区域人员流动量累计超105亿人次 透过“热力图”看活力满满

From July 1 to August 31, the 62-day summer vacation ends on the 31st. According to data released by the Ministry of Transport, the average daily flow of people across regions in society during the summer season reached 176 million. What are the characteristics of national road and waterway travel during this year's summer vacation? We will immediately connect with CCTV reporter Tang Ying who is at the Comprehensive Dispatching Command Center of the Ministry of Transport.

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中非经贸合作活力强劲 中国持续保持非洲第一大贸易伙伴国地位

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce that driven by projects such as trade promotion, investment-driven, poverty reduction and benefit farmers, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has developed steadily. China has maintained its status as Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years.

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半年“成绩单”公布!上半年中国财政运行总体平稳 重点领域支出得到保障

The Ministry of Finance released the "Report on the Implementation of China's Fiscal Policy for the First Half of 2024" on August 30.

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“我们入学啦!” 杭州一小学迎新国风仪式感拉满

On August 31, 2024, at Yingchun Primary School in Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, first-grade freshmen wore Hanfu and happily held new books.

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战高温、迎“烤”验 南方多地多部门数措并举保生产保民生

On August 30, the heat wave continued to sweep across Sichuan, Chongqing and other places, with the local maximum temperature exceeding 40℃. In this regard, various localities have taken multiple measures to deal with the adverse impact of high temperatures on people's production and life.

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“数”说上半年财政运行总体平稳 中国经济运行延续回升向好态势

On August 30, the Ministry of Finance released the "Report on the Implementation of China's Fiscal Policy for the First Half of 2024"(hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). The report shows that in the first half of this year, my country's economic performance continued to pick up and improve, and the fiscal operation was generally stable.

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北京:下周路网交通压力大 部分道路临时交通管制

According to the "Beijing Traffic Police" public account, next week, due to the combined influence of multiple factors such as the start of the new school year, the holding of major events, and the regular increase in traffic flow in September, the overall traffic pressure on the urban road network will be prominent.

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三中全会精神在军营 | 多军兵种部队联战联训 跑出强军“加速度”

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to deepen the reform of the joint operations system. A brigade of the 74th Group Army of the Army focuses on its functional missions, taking joint training as the guide, confrontation training as the core, and scientific and technological military training as the support. It sinks joint operations to combat units, extends joint combat and joint training to the end of combat effectiveness, and refines air defense sword in the furnace of the system.

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On August 30, 2024, the continuous beam of the Tongchuan Cross-Baotou-Maoming Expressway Bridge, a key control project of the Xi'an-Yanzhou (An) High-speed Railway undertaken by China Railway Shanghai Engineering Bureau, was successfully closed.

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多个试点地区实施放宽市场准入特别措施 有效激发各类经营主体活力

Since 2021, my country has selected Hainan, Shenzhen, Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, Guangzhou Nansha and other regions to continue to carry out pilot projects to relax market access, implement special measures to relax market access, and launch a number of valuable reform measures in commercial aerospace, electronic components and integrated circuits. The international trading center, sea, land and air unmanned systems and other fields have launched a number of valuable reform measures to effectively stimulate the vitality of business entities. Let's go and find out.

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At present, China-Africa cooperation is ushering in a new stage of quality improvement and upgrading, and there are exciting new trends and changes.

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警犬实战大比武 “汪汪队”显身手

On August 30, 2024, police dogs will demonstrate their basic abilities under the guidance of trainers.

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Africa, with a population of more than 1.4 billion and an area of approximately 30 million square kilometers, is home to thousands of ethnic groups with different cultural customs and more than 50 countries with different characteristics. It has diverse climates, geography and history, challenges, development and progress.

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中非经贸合作稳步发展、活力强劲、空间广阔 多领域迎来新成果、新机遇

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce that driven by projects such as trade promotion, investment-driven, poverty reduction and benefit farmers, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has developed steadily. China has maintained its status as Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years.

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The government portal website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released information on August 30. At the request of the Kinmen County public opinion representative delegation, the mainland will resume tourism by Fujian residents to Kinmen in the near future.

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Recently, many Africans said that Africa and China should jointly adhere to multilateralism and contribute wisdom to improving global governance. However, there is a view in the West that China is using the "global South" to challenge the so-called "free world order." In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said at a regular press conference on August 30 that China and Africa are the backbone of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, safeguarding the purposes of the United Nations Charter, and safeguarding multilateralism and international fairness and justice.

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Xianbin Reef is part of China's Nansha Islands. It inhabits and distributes one-third of the coral reef fish species and nearly two-thirds of the reef-making coral species in the Nansha Islands. Since the Philippine Ship 9701 was illegally stranded at Sembin Reef in April this year, the number of associated Philippine supply ships and fishing boats has increased significantly, causing damage to the ecological environment.

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中国已成为国际旅游最大客源国和主要目的地 中国旅游业已形成“最大市场”

The Ministry of Commerce introduced on August 30 that currently, China's tourism industry has formed the world's largest domestic tourism market, and China has become the largest source country and major destination of international tourism.

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In the Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris-China-France Artists Olympic Tour" co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television Station and relevant French institutions, more than 200 masterpieces by more than 100 Chinese artists were exhibited. Among them are the works of Xu Xiaobin, a famous flower and bird artist in contemporary Lingnan painting circles.

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