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最新资讯 (2024-08-31)

开学季催热 “开学经济” 教辅读物文具等“装备”热销

It's the school season again, and students and parents are also busy, adding "new equipment" for the new semester. In stationery stores and bookstores across the country, school supplies and teaching aid books have ushered in a sales boom, and the "school economy" continues to heat up.

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The 17th Summer Paralympic Games kicked off on the 29th, and the Chinese sports delegation performed well. Li Zhangyu won the first gold medal of the Chinese sports delegation in this Paralympic Games in the men's C1 3000-meter individual pursuit gold medal race in the track cycling men's C1 level 3000-meter individual pursuit race, and also set a new world record. Liang Weicong won the silver medal in this event. Chinese athlete Wang Xiaomei broke the world record and won the gold medal in the women's C1-3 3000-meter individual pursuit race in the track cycling competition. In the swimming arena, Chinese athletes won the women's 50-meter freestyle S10 and S6 finals respectively. The Chinese men's blind gateball team defeated the Japanese team in the first group stage and ushered in a good start.

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Recently, in Hegang, Heilongjiang Province, the lower section of Suibin on the north bank of the Songhua River has blue skies and white clouds, vast rivers, and a yellow and green earth.

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多地延长中小学课间时长 让孩子们快乐“动起来”“跳起来”

Primary and secondary schools in various places have opened one after another in the past few days. The reporter learned from the Beijing City Education Commission on August 30 that starting from the fall semester this year, Beijing City Compulsory Education Schools will optimize recess arrangements and implement a 15-minute recess duration in principle.

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The "Regulations on the Resettlement of Veterans" will come into effect on September 1. Shanghai City's local standard "Requirements for the Establishment and Management of Outdoor Smoking Points" will be implemented on September 1, stipulating the site selection, facilities, signs, health tips and other setting requirements for outdoor smoking points, and clarifying the management requirements for daily inspection and maintenance of outdoor smoking points. This is also the first standard specification for outdoor smoking points in China.

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课间扩至一刻钟 如何更好利用?四大热点问题回应来了!

The new semester is about to start. The reporter learned from the Beijing City Education Commission on August 30 that starting from this fall semester, classes in compulsory education schools in the city will in principle be extended to 15 minutes. Class breaks are extended. Where does the time come from? How to make better use of the extended time? Let's get to know together. Where does the extended time come from?

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On the afternoon of August 30, the Ministry of Commerce and other five departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Replacement of Old Electric Bicycles with New", which is also the first time my country has introduced an "trade-in" policy for electric bicycles. my country is a major producer and consumer of electric bicycles in the world. At present, the number of electric bicycles in the country has reached 350 million. The introduction of the implementation plan for replacing the old and new will benefit many consumers. So how to replace electric bicycles? What subsidies are there?

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2024年8月中国采购经理指数发布 国家统计局解读

On August 31, 2024, the Service Industry Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released the China Purchasing Managers Index. Zhao Qinghe, senior statistician of the Service Industry Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics, interpreted this.

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送水、开放防空洞、检修线路……南方多地高温持续 多措并举保民生

Let's pay attention to the high temperature weather in many places in the south. On August 30, the heat wave continued to sweep across Sichuan, Chongqing and other places, with the local maximum temperature exceeding 40℃. In this regard, various localities have taken multiple measures to deal with the adverse impact of high temperatures on people's production and life.

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In August, the manufacturing purchasing managers 'index (PMI) was 49.1%, down 0.3 percentage points from the previous month, and the manufacturing boom declined slightly.

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2024年服贸会准备就绪 各项展览展示更加凸显新质生产力特征

The reporter learned from the press conference of the State Council Information Office held on the afternoon of August 30 that the 2024 Service Trade Fair will be held in Beijing from September 12 to 16. More than 80 countries and international organizations will hold exhibitions and conferences, and more than 420 The world's top 500 and industry leading companies have confirmed offline participation.

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From September 4 to 6, the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit will be held in Beijing.

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In September, the curtain of the "Planetarium" is about to kick off, with "blockbusters" such as Mercury's great western distance, Venus accompanying the moon, Saturn's opposition to the sun, the "super moon", Neptune's opposition to the sun, and Comet Zijinshan-Atlas crossing the perihelion."Get together" and be staged.

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Cultivating and developing new productive forces means developing green productive forces. At present, how to lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation and increase green technology innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies is an issue worth studying.

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暑期文旅市场亮点频现 多元玩法催生新增长点

This summer, people are choosing to travel and spend their holidays. Whether it's combining tourism with sports, concerts, and games to release dopamine, or pursuing self-healing and escape the hustle through county tours and rural tours, tourism projects that provide high emotional value have become popular choices during the summer.

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The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that it is now a critical period for the formation of autumn grain output. Mid-season rice and corn have entered the filling period, soybeans have entered the grain filling period, and double-season late rice have successively entered the jointing period. Overall, autumn grain seedlings have normal growth preferences in most areas of the country, and there is a basis for achieving a high yield and bumper harvest.

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The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services will be held in Beijing from September 12 to 16. On August 30, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the development of China's trade in services and the preparations for the CIFTIS.

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数实融合 向新而行——从数博会十年看贵州数字经济高质量发展

The integration of digital economy and the real world is moving forward--Looking at the high-quality development of Guizhou's digital economy from the past ten years of the Digital Expo

数实融合 向新而行——从数博会十年看贵州数字经济高质量发展
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"We must bring tangible and tangible results and benefits to the people of China and Africa."

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看图学习·立德树人丨德智体美劳全面发展 总书记殷切期望莘莘学子

"Children are the future of the motherland." General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to and cared about the healthy growth of young people. Every time he goes to the campus and among the students, the General Secretary always talks with them about study, ideals, and growth, and encourages them to work hard to win opportunities for themselves to excel in life and be useful people to the country, the people, and society. It is another school season of the year. Let us review the General Secretary's ardent expectations for many students. Learn together!

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