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最新资讯 (2024-08-30)


The Governor of Tokyo, Japan, Yuriko Koike announced on August 30 that the male giant panda "Bili" and the female giant panda "Fairy" currently living in Tokyo's Ueno Zoo will return to China on September 29. In order to thank "Bili" and "Fairy" for the joy they brought to the Japanese people and their contribution to giant panda protection research, Ueno Zoo will hold a farewell event in September.

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On August 27, President Xi Jinping replied to a letter to scholars from 50 African countries, encouraging them to continue to provide intellectual support for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future and safeguarding the common interests of the "Global South." Xi Jinping pointed out that not long ago, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was successfully held, sounding the clarion call of the times to further deepen reforms and open up broad prospects for Chinese-style modernization.

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习近平作出重要指示强调 坚持融入日常 抓在经常 把党纪学习教育成果持续转化为推动高质量发展的强大动力

Xi Jinping issued important instructions emphasizing that we must persist in integrating into daily life and focusing on regular activities, and continue to transform the results of party discipline study and education into a powerful driving force for promoting high-quality development. Cai Qi presided over the meeting of the Central Party Building Leading Group and delivered a speech. Li Xi attended and delivered a speech.

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打好“完善市场准入制度”组合拳 亮点频现激发高质量发展潜力

Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Improving the Market Access System"(hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). Which industry access restrictions will be relaxed? Which industry access methods will be optimized? Let's listen to relevant interpretations from heads of multiple departments such as the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce.

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以峰会为契机 汇聚发展中国家团结合作的“全球南方力量”

Recently, African people such as Mwincha, former Vice Chairman of the African Union Commission, and Bahana, President of the South African Institute of Foreign Affairs, said that in the current international situation intertwined with turmoil, Africa and China should jointly adhere to multilateralism, safeguard world peace and development, and contribute to improving global governance contributes wisdom. However, some Western views believe that China is using the "global South" to challenge the so-called "free world order." Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian refuted this at a regular press conference today (August 30).

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A quick overview of my country's energy transformation "report card".

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我国秋粮面积稳中有增 主产区多措并举夯实稳产基础

At present, my country's autumn grain crops have entered a critical period of yield formation. The latest agricultural situation dispatch from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that my country's autumn grain area has increased steadily this year, and the current growth is generally normal.

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The increasing popularity of digital technology, especially the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality, has allowed cultural communication to move out of a static and single display form, making it more interactive and fresh, providing people with a new experience and allowing red culture to inherit and innovate.

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In order to resist online rumors, clean up cyberspace, and safeguard the rights and interests of netizens, at the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference Internet Rumors Forum, the Reporting Center of the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Science Popularization Department of the China Association for Science and Technology jointly released the "Internet Rumors in the Field of Social and People's Livelihood in the First Half of 2024" List ", one picture to understand.

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The 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference Internet Civilization International Exchange and Mutual Learning Sub-Forum was held in Chengdu on August 29. With the theme of "Promoting Exchanges and Mutual Learning and Building a Common Vision", the sub-forum aims to create an online cultural exchange and sharing platform and contribute to jointly building a community with a shared future in cyberspace and promoting the progress of human civilization. Guests attending the meeting believed that the role of the Internet in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations should be actively exerted, stories of mutual learning among civilizations should be told well, bridges for exchanges among civilizations should be built, inclusive and symbiosis among different civilizations, and work together to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

2024年中国网络文明大会网络文明国际交流互鉴分论坛8月29日在成都举行。分论坛以“推动交流互鉴 构建共同愿景”为主题,旨在打造网上文化交流共享平台,为携手构建网络空间命运共同体、促进人类文明进步作出贡献。与会嘉宾认为,应积极发挥互联网在促进文明交流互鉴中的作用,讲好文明互鉴故事,构筑文明交流桥梁,推动不同文明包容共生,携手构建网络空间命运共同体。
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The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed and approved the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization." Xinhuanet has produced a series of noun cards based on the "Decision of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" and worked with everyone to thoroughly study and understand the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The term for this issue is "carbon footprint".

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贵阳:聚焦“三个关键” 数智共生未来可期

On August 28, Guiyang, Guizhou Province welcomed the grand event again, and the China International Big Data Industry Expo officially kicked off. Ten years later, the Digital Expo has become a world-class event after 10 years of growth, witnessing Guizhou's efforts to promote the construction of an innovation zone for digital economic development.

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跟着总书记看中国 | 常旱之地的解渴之道

During the Spring Festival, the fields in Xuwen County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province are busy. In the green landscape, farmers are busy picking winter crops such as peppers, leeks, and beans, ready to sell them north to meet the "vegetable basket" of the northern market. The pleasant climate gives Xuwen County advantages in planting vegetables transported north. However, due to sufficient light and perennial drought, for a long time, the application for temporary drought-resistant water for agricultural irrigation has become one of the solutions for local farmers to "quench their thirst".

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In the western suburbs of the Tanzanian port city of Dar es Salaam, there is a quiet cemetery. Under the white flowers blooming in the trees, rows of granite tombstones are neat and solemn.

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四川九寨沟迎来“高铁时代” 川青铁路或将成为我国最“靓”观光线路

Today (August 30) morning, the Zhenjiangguan-Huangshengguan section of the newly built Sichuan-Xining Railway from Chengdu-Xining in Qinghai was opened for operation, which also marked the opening of the entire Chengdu-to-Huangshengguan section of the Sichuan-Qingdao Railway. After operation, Chengdu East Railway Station can reach Huanglong Jiuzhai Station as fast as 1 hour and 39 minutes, which greatly facilitates passengers to travel to tourist attractions such as Huanglong and Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan has ushered in the "high-speed rail era."

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On August 29, the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference Digital Charity Development Forum was held in Chengdu.

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国内食宿贵 韩国人青睐出境游

Due to the rising cost of accommodation and accommodation in South Korea, many Koreans have switched to neighboring countries and Southeast Asia, and domestic tourism in South Korea has shown a downward trend.

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农技专家深入果园护丰收 指导果农科学抗旱保产

The high temperature weather in Chongqing in recent days has had a certain impact on agricultural production, especially citrus planting. In Changshou District, Chongqing City, in order to ensure a high yield and bumper harvest of late-maturing citrus fruits, local agricultural technology experts were organized to go deep into orchards to guide fruit farmers to fight drought scientifically.

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Data shows that at the end of the second quarter of this year, the balance of inclusive small and micro loans was 32.38 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.9%, and the growth rate was 8.1 percentage points higher than that of various loans. Loans are relatively strong in supporting scientific and technological innovation enterprises. At the end of the second quarter, 261,700 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises received loan support, and the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises was 3.1 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%. The growth rate was higher than that of various loans. 13.6 percentage points.

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The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that my country's transportation economy was generally stable in the first seven months, and major indicators such as freight volume, port cargo throughput, and personnel flow all maintained growth. Among them, the completed road freight volume was 23.35 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%; the completed waterway freight volume was 5.49 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%.

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