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最新资讯 (2024-08-30)

内地奥运健儿:感受到香港各界的欢迎和热情 未来一定更加努力

On the afternoon of August 29, a delegation of mainland Olympic athletes from the Paris Olympics came to Hong Kong Government House to attend a welcome reception hosted by the Hong Kong SAR Government. In an interview with reporters from the headquarters, the athletes said that feeling the welcome and enthusiasm from all walks of life in Hong Kong, they will work harder to create better results in the future.

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师资均衡配备,学生均衡编班 “阳光分班”这样进行

This year's "Admission Season", Yinchuan has comprehensively standardized the behavior of running basic education, requiring all freshmen in the starting grades of schools in the compulsory education stage to be included in the "sunshine division", eliminating any form of key classes, fast and slow classes, and experimental classes, and ensuring that the total number of students in each class is basically the same, the ratio of male to female students is relatively balanced, and the allocation of teachers is balanced.

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新时代中国调研行之看区域·东北篇|老街巷焕新颜 时光里话新潮

In recent years, in some cities in Northeast China, streets and alleys carrying historical memories have not only preserved the traces of time by introducing colorful cultural tourism and new consumption formats, but also injected new elements and introduced new trends into the long river of time.

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At noon on the 29th, a delegation of mainland Olympic athletes from the Paris Olympics arrived in Hong Kong for a three-day visit to Hong Kong. In the afternoon, the delegation participated in media meetings, welcome dinners and other activities. On the morning of August 30, the delegation visited the Hong Kong Sports Institute and other units respectively. Our reporter Ma Yuan has been following the delegation to conduct interviews for the past two days. Now we connect Ma Yuan in Hong Kong to introduce us to the latest situation of the delegation's visit.

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济南:“甲午海战暨甲午沉舰水下考古展” 300余件文物亮相

On August 24, 2024, Jinan, Shandong Province, the Shandong Museum exhibited exhibits at the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War and the Underwater Archaeological Exhibition of the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War and the Sino-Japanese Sinking Ship.

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The summer vacation is coming to an end. Data from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Station of the Zhuhai Border Inspection Station shows that from July 1 to August 29, more than 4.84 million passengers and more than 945,000 vehicles entered and exited the Zhuhai Highway Port of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge., the year-on-year growth exceeded 57.85% and 70.6% respectively, and the passenger flow and traffic flow also set a new record for the same period in history.

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美国一小型飞机在高速公路紧急降落后撞上汽车 有人受伤

According to US media reports on the 29th, authorities in North Carolina said that a small plane made an emergency landing on a highway near the state's airport and was subsequently hit by a vehicle, injuring a passenger on the plane. According to reports, North Carolina police said that due to mechanical problems, the plane sent a distress signal to the state airport at around 8 pm on the 28th.

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The first comprehensive systematic assessment shows that my country's Xianbin Reef coral reef ecosystem is generally healthy. The claims concocted by the Philippines that China has artificially accumulated coral debris at Simbin Reef have led to the bleaching and death of a large number of corals in the area have no scientific or factual basis.

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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held a regular press conference on August 30. Lin Jian said that China is highly concerned about the situation in Myanmar and the conflict in northern Myanmar. China will continue to play a constructive role in Myanmar's peace and reconciliation process and promote the easing and cooling of the situation in northern Myanmar.

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“去风险”论不得人心 德企增加对华投资多重考量

The latest statistics from the Bundesbank show that in the first half of 2024, German investment in China hit a record high of 7.3 billion euros. International observers believe that the German business community has "voted with its feet" to strengthen the industrial and supply chains by increasing capital to China, highlighting its recognition of the vitality and innovative strength of the Chinese market, and also reflecting the unpopularity of the so-called "risk reduction" policies of the United States and the West towards China.

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名为“友谊”见证“情谊” 这所小学建成背后有个动人的故事

The friendship between China and Africa has a long history and is deeply rooted in common historical memory and cultural exchanges. China and African countries have always been good friends in the same boat through thick and thin, good partners in sharing weal and woe, and good brothers who look after each other with sincerity. Starting today, CCTV News Channel launches a series of reports on "Love between China and Africa Across Mountains and Seas". Today, let's first learn about the story of a Friendship Primary School.

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中国式现代化发展向前、民生向暖 人民的美好“愿景”正不断变为“实景”

On the 29th, the National Health Commission issued the "Statistical Bulletin on the Development of China's Health and Health Services in 2023"(hereinafter referred to as the "Bulletin"). According to the "Communique", my country's average life expectancy reaches 78.6 years.

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Under the protection of border inspection, maritime affairs and other departments, the ultra-large container ship "Oriental Portugal" successfully left the waters of the Nantong section of the Yangtze River and went to relevant sea areas for trial voyages.

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The Paris Paralympic Games celebrated its first competition day after its opening on the 29th. Cyclist Li Zhangyu won the first gold medal for the Chinese sports delegation. On the first day of the competition, Chinese team players won a total of 4 golds and 1 silver in cycling, swimming and other events, breaking many records.

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我国有机产业增势强劲 已成为全球第三大有机消费市场

The reporter learned from the 2024 National "Organic Product Certification Publicity Week" event launched in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province on August 29 that the theme of this year's publicity week is "Organic Product Certification: Passing Trust and Protecting Consumption." At the launching ceremony, the State Administration for Market Regulation released the "China Organic Product Certification and Organic Industry Development (2024)" report.

记者8月29日在江苏省无锡市启动的2024年全国“有机产品认证宣传周”活动上了解到,今年宣传周主题为“有机产品认证:传递信任 守护消费”。启动仪式上市场监管总局发布了《中国有机产品认证与有机产业发展(2024)》报告。
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When you are in Arxan, a small town on the border of the northern border of the motherland, you will definitely see a border guard team wearing red vests and little red hats. Their figures may be in urban areas, scenic spots, residential areas, or They may also be in grazing sites, forestry stations, fire watchtowers and other areas that need safety protection... They are the "Snow City Volunteer Police" team in Aershan City.

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Dressed in a purple flowered dress and a trademark smile, Heidia, a beautiful girl from Tanzania, walked out of the cafe and sang Tanzanian folk songs confidently and enthusiastically. In the ancient city of Kashgar, where there are many "Bazaar", the "Dili and Diya" cafe is particularly eye-catching. "I like Kashgar very much and am very satisfied with my present life!" Haidiya said.

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仙宾礁“体检报告”发布 其主权归属不容置疑

China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Reef, and its adjacent waters, which has sufficient historical and legal basis. Below, let's learn about Xianbin Reef through a satellite image.

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This summer, a strong "Chinese style" is blowing on the world stage. However, some Westerners who are not accustomed to or accept China's development and progress in relevant fields have shown inadaptability and resistance.

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Canada recently decided to follow the example of the United States and impose a 100% tariff on electric vehicles imported from China. Dancing with the United States and artificially setting up trade barriers, Canada's move is tantamount to standing on its laurels and will ultimately harm the interests of its consumers.

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