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最新资讯 (2024-08-30)


On August 30, the spokesperson of the Embassy in Japan answered reporters 'questions on Japan's erroneous remarks related to the South China Sea.

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At 11:15 a.m. on August 30, the body of He Xiaoqing, the first secretary of Desheng Village, Keer Township, Jinchuan County, Aba Prefecture, who was lost in the river, was found. On the afternoon of August 22, He Xiaoqing drove into a river while going to work in the village and lost contact.

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波音星际客机将于9月“空载”返回 宇航员继续滞留太空

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, after about 12 weeks of flying in space, Boeing's "StarJet" spacecraft will finally return to Earth from the International Space Station on September 6 local time. According to the latest news from CNN, after about 12 weeks of flying in space, Boeing's "Interstellar" spacecraft will finally return "empty" from the International Space Station on September 6 local time.

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高温天气持续 川渝各地供电部门多措并举保障电力供应

Under the continuous high temperatures in Sichuan and Chongqing, the electricity load in many places has also increased rapidly.

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雄安公布第二批科研课题榜单 “水环境持续保障”位列榜首

The list of the second batch of "unveiling the list" scientific research topics in Xiongan New Area in 2024 was officially announced recently, involving a total of 10 scientific research topics, covering technical research such as continuous protection of the water environment and generation of autonomous driving simulation scenarios.

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On August 29, the fifth Qingdao Summit of Multinational Company Leaders concluded. During the summit, a total of 163 cooperation projects were signed, with a total amount of US$53.3 billion. This summit attracted 18 global president-level leaders of multinational companies, the most ever. During the summit, the Institute of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce released a series of research reports on "Multinational Corporations in China".

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台风“珊珊”持续影响日本 致大量航班取消

On August 30 local time, the 10th Typhoon "Shanshan" continued to move eastward from the West Japan region. Affected by this, All Nippon Airways canceled 346 flights from airports in the West Japan region that day, and Japan Airlines canceled 287 flights.

当地时间8月30日,第10号台风“珊珊” 继续从西日本地区向东移动。受其影响,全日空航空公司当天取消西日本地区机场起降航班346架次,日本航空公司取消航班287架次。
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The Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference today to introduce the progress of the protection and management of key river basins in my country.

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It is expected that from 14:00 to 20:00 on the 30th, 29 districts and counties including Yuzhong, Shapingba, Dadukou, Jiangbei, Jiulongpo, Nan 'an, Liangjiang New Area, High-tech Zone, Yubei, Beibei, Banan, Tongnan, Hechuan, Tongliang, Bishan, Rongchang, Yongchuan, Jiangjin, Qijiang, Changshou, Dianjiang, Fuling, Fengdu, Wanzhou, Kaizhou, Yunyang, Fengjie, Wuxi, and Shizhu will rise below 400 meters above sea level.

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New progress has been reported in the national key water conservancy project-the "Diversion from Han to Wei River Project". At 10:00 on August 30, the Jinghe Pipe Bridge, the first river-crossing building in the second phase of the Han-to-Wei River Diversion Project, was successfully closed, laying a solid foundation for the completion of the North Main Line and water supply by the end of 2025. The sweet water source transferred from the Han River will continue to be transported northward to Jingyang, Sanyuan, Gaoling, Yanliang, Fuping and other places through the Jinghe Pipe Bridge.

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美国霸权政策是地区不稳定源头 人权和民主不过是美国的挡箭牌

Afghan political analysts said in an interview with reporters from Radio Station that due to the United States mistakenly launching the 20-year war in Afghanistan, a large number of people lost their property and even their lives. Today, Afghanistan still bears the cost of war. The United States 'hegemonic policy under the banner of peace and democracy is the source of regional instability.

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川渝地区遭遇持续高温晴热天气 各地各部门“攥指成拳”保障民生

In the past few days, the Sichuan and Chongqing region has experienced continuous high temperature, sunny and hot weather, and the local area has issued high temperature red warnings for more than a week in a row. As the high temperatures continue to persist, many places in Sichuan and Chongqing have also postponed the autumn start dates of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

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In an interview broadcast on CNN on the 29th, US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said that her "values have not changed" on issues such as climate change and immigration.

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held a press conference on the 30th to introduce the overall arrangements and preparations for the 2024 China Farmers 'Harvest Festival, and answer questions from reporters. At the meeting, Lei Liugong, director of the Market and Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced that the overall arrangement for this year's harvest festival is divided into four levels.

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超级“巨无霸”工程建造完工 保障粤港澳大湾区和华南地区能源安全

On August 30, my country independently designed and constructed, and the second phase of the CNOOC Jinwan "Green Energy Port" project, the world's largest LNG storage tank group with single tank capacity, was completed, marking the largest natural gas storage and transportation base in South China. The comprehensive completion of the base will greatly enhance the natural gas supply guarantee capabilities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and South China.

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At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 30th, Ren Duanping, director of the Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration, said that improper market competition and market intervention will be strictly supervised. Adhere to the simultaneous advancement of pre-emptive prevention and post-event punishment, the simultaneous advancement of supervision and law enforcement and publicity and advocacy, the simultaneous advancement of correcting typical cases and strengthening system construction, and resolutely break down barriers to market access.

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内地奥运健儿代表团抵达香港访问 希望能好好与香港各界分享和交流

The Chinese sports delegation achieved the best results in the history of overseas participation in the Summer Olympics at the Paris Olympics, and the China Hong Kong delegation also achieved 2 golds and 2 bronzes. The mainland Olympic athletes delegation arrived in Hong Kong at noon on August 29. The Hong Kong SAR government held a welcoming ceremony at the airport to welcome the mainland Olympic athletes together with people from all walks of life in Hong Kong.

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我国首次发布仙宾礁珊瑚礁“体检”报告 菲方炮制言论毫无科学和事实依据

China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Reef, and its adjacent waters, which has sufficient historical and legal basis.

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From teaching people to teaching people to fish, over the past decades, China has effectively promoted the development of Africa's agriculture and contributed to poverty reduction in Africa through measures such as food aid, establishing agricultural demonstration centers, investing in African agriculture, and supporting the export of African agricultural products to China. Make outstanding contributions to the cause.

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Wang Linjie, spokesperson of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that as an important supporting event for the 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit, the 8th China-Africa Entrepreneurs Conference will be held at the Beijing National Convention Center on September 6. This conference will highlight the summit "Working together to promote modernization and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future" The theme of "modernization and jointly building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future" includes three links: opening ceremony, special speeches and closing.

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