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最新资讯 (2024-08-30)

产地忙采摘护航“菜篮子”价稳货丰 蔬菜价格呈现稳中略降趋势

Feixiang District, Handan City, Hebei Province, is a key area in the country's vegetable industry. In order to ensure vegetable production and supply, Feixiang District has taken various measures to ensure supply and stabilize prices.

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Bamako News: Mali's Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure issued a press release on the 29th, saying that a bus and truck collision occurred in the central part of the country that day, killing at least 14 people and injuring 29 others. The communiqué said that the accident occurred at around 6:00 local time on the 29th. A bus and a truck collided head-on National Highway 6 in the town of Fana in central Mali, killing at least 14 people and injuring 29 others, 9 of whom The injuries were serious.

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市场规模庞大、营商环境不断优化 外资企业信心增强持续“加码中国”

Continue to pay attention to the series of reports on "New Opportunities in China's Big Market in the World". As of 2023, my country's automobile production and sales have ranked first in the world for 15 consecutive years, and the production and sales of new energy vehicles have ranked first in the world for 9 consecutive years. Such a huge market size has attracted global companies to invest in China.

继续关注《中国大市场 世界新机遇》系列报道。截至2023年,我国汽车产销量连续15年位居全球第一,新能源汽车产销量连续9年位居全球之首。这样庞大的市场规模吸引了全球企业注资中国。
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On August 29, the National Museum of Brazil, which is under restoration, opened its first permanent exhibition space for young students in the partially restored museum building. The collections on display include fossils, animal specimens, indigenous costumes, and ancient Egyptian sarcophagus statues and other cultural relics.

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女司机王某驾车逆行、打人 青岛崂山警方:行拘10日、罚款1000元

On August 29, Qingdao police reported that 38-year-old woman Wang was driving in the reverse direction. Because she did not give way to Lin Moumou, who was driving normally, Wang got off the car and insulted and beat Lin Moumou. The police detained Wang Moumou for 10 days and fined 1,000 yuan.

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厄瓜多尔基兰加森林大火持续 过火面积达3877公顷

On August 29, local time, the National Risk Management Secretariat of Ecuador reported that the Kiranga forest fire in Loja Province in the country had lasted for seven days, with an area of 3877 hectares, injuring a total of three people, including one firefighter. Ecuador's National Risk Management Secretariat said that relevant departments tried to control the fire, but due to lack of resources and harsh terrain, the severity of the fire exceeded local control capabilities.

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多领域数据表现“亮眼” 中国经济“枝繁叶茂”展现多维度活力

Look at the economy through numbers and see achievements through data.

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European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrelli said on August 29 local time that he was preparing to propose sanctions against some Israeli cabinet ministers suspected of "inciting hatred against the Palestinians" and would urge EU member states to support the proposal. She hesitated about Borelli's new proposal, saying that the EU has introduced sanctions against Israeli "violent" settlers in the West Bank, and further measures require the unanimous consent of EU member states.

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海河防潮闸连续6日泄水 有效降低水位

The Haihe River Dampproof Gate is a key node on the eastern sea barrier line of Tianjin's urban flood control circle in the Haihe River Basin. It undertakes multiple tasks such as flood discharge, tide blocking, and drainage. Since August 23, due to continuous rainfall in large areas in the basin, the main stream of the Haihe River has experienced a significant water surge process, and the Haihe River Dampproof Gate is facing a severe situation of three "flood surges".

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全国降雨区域分散 南方高温将再度发展

According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory on the 30th, heavy rainfall occurred in Guangxi, Guangdong and Heilongjiang yesterday, and high temperatures continued in Sichuan, Chongqing and other places. It is expected that the rainfall distribution affecting our country will be relatively scattered today, with moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains in northeastern Heilongjiang, northwest Inner Mongolia, western Sichuan Basin, southeastern Yunnan, and southern South China.

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According to Japan's TBS News Network, a 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Tokyo, Japan at about 5:4 local time on the 30th. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the earthquake had a focal depth of 10 kilometers and its epicenter was off the coast of Fajima. Ogasawara Village, Tokyo, monitored an earthquake with a magnitude of 1. Sources said that the earthquake did not trigger a tsunami.

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最高法、最高检联合印发意见 规范办理行政再审检察建议

Recently, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued the "Opinions on Several Issues Concerning Standardizing the Handling of Administrative Retrial Prosecutorial Suggestion Cases"(hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). The "Opinions" also clarify the situation and tasks for the transfer of relevant case materials, the feedback period for the court to decide not to retry or adopt the retrial procuratorial recommendation to initiate retrial, and the circumstances and tasks for the procuratorate to send personnel to attend the retrial court.

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Will the air conditioner blow out all night cause facial paralysis? If you use drugs for children, you can just halve the adult dose? You can't step on cockroaches, but the more you step on them, the more you step on them, the more they will be? Regarding these rumors, have you been "caught"?

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According to news from the Central Meteorological Observatory on August 30, heavy rainfall occurred in Guangxi, Guangdong, Heilongjiang and other places yesterday, and high temperatures continued in Sichuan, Chongqing and other places. It is expected that the rainfall distribution affecting our country will be relatively scattered today, with moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains in northeastern Heilongjiang, northwest Inner Mongolia, western Sichuan Basin, southeastern Yunnan, and southern South China.

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On the evening of the 26th, Wang set fire to the underground garage of the community due to an emotional dispute, causing damage to three motor vehicles to varying degrees. At present, the criminal suspect Wang has been detained.

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In the Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris-China-France Artists Olympic Tour" co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television Station and relevant French institutions, more than 200 masterpieces by more than 100 Chinese artists were exhibited. Among them are the works of sculptor Wu Weishan.

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It is learned from the Beijing City Education Commission that starting from the fall semester this year, compulsory education schools in Beijing will make overall arrangements for class breaks. In principle, they will implement a 15-minute class break time to guide teachers and students out of the classroom, go outdoors, and enter the sun.

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【8点见】食用油运输拟出台强制性国家标准 市监局公开征求意见

At 8 o'clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small events that happen around us within 24 hours.

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Yang Tao said that at the invitation of Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs of the United States, visited China from August 27 to 29 to hold a new round of Sino-US strategic communication.

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持刀袭击事件后 德国出台措施改善安全局势

German Interior and Land Minister Feiser announced in Berlin on August 29 local time that the German government will step up efforts to crack down on illegal immigration and terrorism, and strengthen knife control to improve the domestic security situation.

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