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最新资讯 (2024-08-29)


From August 28 to 29, the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference was held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. The theme of the conference was "Promoting the Spirit of the Times and Building Internet Civilization." Strengthening the construction of network civilization is an inevitable requirement to accelerate adaptation to the new situation of rapid development of information technology, and is the proper meaning of building a cultural and network power.

8月28日至29日,2024年中国网络文明大会在四川省成都市举办,大会主题为“弘扬时代精神 共建网络文明”。加强网络文明建设,是加快适应信息技术迅猛发展新形势的必然要求,是建设文化强国、网络强国的应有之义。
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中国Vlog|古戏楼邂逅国粹 好戏连台

Peking Opera carries China's thousand-year cultural heritage and is known as the quintessence of China. Since it was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists in 2006, Peking Opera has not only been passed down through protection, but has also been revitalized through innovation. The century-old theater building of the Tianjin Theater Museum is a vivid portrayal of this blend of traditional art and modern culture.

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看图学习丨亿万民众共同的精神家园 总书记格外重视

"Adhere to the unity of development and governance, the integration of online and offline, and broadly gather upward and good forces" and "jointly build a beautiful spiritual home online." General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of cyberspace, the common spiritual home of 100 million people, and has made a series of important and profound expositions focusing on network culture and the construction of a network power.

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“互联网+充电”产业生态提升用户服务 车主充电体验更舒适

On August 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference, and the National Energy Administration released the white paper "China's Energy Transformation". Wan Jinsong, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, said that by the end of 2025, my country's cross-provincial and cross-regional transmission capacity will reach 360 million kilowatts, and the power grid's carrying capacity and allocation capabilities for power resources will be significantly improved.

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和评理 | 中美相处之道关键在于平等相待

Sino-US relations have gone through ups and downs, and the experiences are worth summarizing and the lessons need to be learned. The key is to anchor the general direction of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.

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加强四方面工作 提升能源治理体系和能力现代化

On August 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference, and the National Energy Administration released the white paper "China's Energy Transformation". At the press conference, Zhang Jianhua, director of the National Energy Administration, said that my country will strengthen four aspects of work and vigorously improve the modernization of the energy governance system and governance capabilities.

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镜头连中外·第60辑 | “小”木薯结硕果 在非洲播种丰收希望

Cassava is the world's sixth largest food crop and an important raw material for feed production, food processing and various industrial applications. As an important food crop in Africa, due to backward varieties and technology, local cassava yields per unit in Africa are low and the level of product processing is limited.

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美法院裁定吸大麻的人不能被禁枪 网民讽刺:吸了大麻后作出的判决吗?

According to a Reuters report on the 28th, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on the same day that a lawsuit prohibiting gun ownership cannot be filed against a gun owner for illegally smoking marijuana. Once the ruling was issued, it attracted criticism and sarcasm from American netizens, who questioned that the judge's move would cause greater damage to society.

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"The upcoming 2024 Africa-China Cooperation Forum Summit will further promote practical cooperation between Africa and China in various fields and help Africa realize the African Union's Agenda 2063." In an exclusive interview with this reporter recently, former Vice Chairman of the African Union Commission, Mwencha, said that since the establishment of the Africa-China Cooperation Forum in 2000, the practical cooperation between Africa and China has yielded fruitful results, the scale of bilateral trade has continued to grow, and people-to-people exchanges have become increasingly close., traditional friendship has become stronger over time.

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全球连线|入境、交通、生活……144小时过境免签“China Travel”全攻略来了

Immigration, transportation, life... A detailed and considerate 144-hour visa-free "China Travel" guide has been carefully created for you to help you easily embark on this journey.

入境、交通、生活……一份详尽而贴心的144小时过境免签“China Travel(中国游)”全攻略已为您精心打造,助您轻松踏上这场说走就走的旅程。
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新时代中国调研行之看区域·东北篇|工业遗产再利用 城市美景展新姿

In recent years, the Northeast region has actively promoted the protection and reuse of industrial heritage. Through spatial reconstruction and value reshaping, more and more industrial sites have "transformed" into written creation parks and characteristic neighborhoods, while inheriting the industrial context and retaining urban memory., injecting new vitality into urban development.

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On August 29, 2024, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, thousands of acres of sunflower flowers were in full bloom in Niuxinyu Village at the foot of the Qinling Mountains in Xiaozhai Town, Lantian County. The blooming sea of flowers was as beautiful as a picture, attracting tourists.

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "Accelerate the construction of the national strategic talent force and strive to cultivate strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams."

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大数据“灌溉”传统种植 “数字+农业”发展为农业生产现代化注入新活力

At present, big data is promoting the transformation of agricultural production into intelligent, and the development of "digital + agriculture" has injected new vitality into the modernization of agricultural production. Follow the reporter to Guiyang, Guizhou, to see how the local government can empower agricultural production through smart platforms.

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On August 29, 2024, in Suzhou, in the waters of the Zhangjiagang section of the Yangtze River, ships sailed in an orderly manner, and the water channel presented a busy transportation scene. In the early autumn season, in the Zhangjiagang section of the Yangtze River Channel, known as the "Golden Waterway", ships carrying production and daily necessities shuttle back and forth on the river, effectively ensuring the production and people's daily necessities needs and helping the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

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中国能源转型保障人民美好生活需要 为美丽中国建设提供能源保障

On August 29, the State Council Information Office held a press conference, and the National Energy Administration released the white paper "China's Energy Transformation". Relevant person in charge introduced that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's energy development mode has undergone profound changes, providing strong energy guarantee for high-quality economic and social development and the construction of a beautiful China.

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一张网数据共享 我国高精度导航定位服务能力提升

August 29 is the 21st National Surveying and Mapping Law Publicity Day. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Natural Resources that my country has built a national network of satellite navigation and positioning reference stations and built a unified national surveying and mapping reference service platform to further improve my country's high-precision navigation and positioning service capabilities and promote Beidou's large-scale application and healthy industrial development.

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中非拓展深化合作 探索科技创新合作新路径新模式

New areas such as health, green, digital, and innovation are the focus of deepening and expanding the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that in the next step, China and Africa will further expand and deepen cooperation in these fields under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, in order to achieve more and more practical cooperation results.

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奔赴新征程 中非始终是推进现代化道路上的同行者、好伙伴

A few days ago, African experts and scholars such as Vaqira, former World Bank economist and Kenyan government adviser, Foe, professor of the School of Humanities at the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon, said in interviews that promoting modernization is related to the future of mankind and the well-being of people of all countries. The cooperation between China and Africa is really willing to help Africa achieve modernization in an African way. China and Africa should join hands to walk the path of modernization. In response, at the regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on August 29, spokesperson Lin Jian said that no matter how the international situation changes, China and Africa have always been peers and good partners on the road to promoting modernization.

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The reporter learned from the Shanghai Border Inspection Station that as of the morning of August 29, the total number of people entering and exiting the Shanghai Pudong Airport Port this year has exceeded 20 million.

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