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最新资讯 (2024-08-29)

2024“一带一路”媒体合作论坛在成都举行 李书磊出席并致辞

The 2024 "Belt and Road" Media Cooperation Forum was held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province on the 28th. Li Shulei, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

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内地奥运健儿代表团抵港 将展开为期三天访问活动

At about 12 noon on the 29th, the delegation of mainland Olympic athletes from the Paris Olympics arrived at Hong Kong International Airport by plane. Representatives from all walks of life in Hong Kong held a welcoming ceremony at the airport. Afterwards, the delegation will start a three-day visit in Hong Kong.

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White mountains and black waters, lush forests. The Northeast has a vast territory, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and thousands of fertile fields. The proportion of forest area, wetland area and nature reserves ranks among the top in the country. It is an ecological security barrier that protects northern my country.

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心相近丨数千“幸福井” 润泽非洲大陆

From Senegal, the "gateway to West Africa", to Kenya on the grasslands of East Africa, from Tanzania, the "country of sisal and cloves" to Rwanda, the "country of thousands of hills", thousands of "happiness wells" have been built by China, allowing millions of people to eat "safe water" and nourish this hopeful African continent.

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On August 29, the National Development and Reform Commission held a special press conference to introduce the relevant situation of the "Development Report on the Belt and Road Initiative between China and African Countries."

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天朗气清 总书记这样指引网络空间建设

General Secretary Tianlang and Qingqi guided the construction of cyberspace in this way.

天朗气清 总书记这样指引网络空间建设。
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中非合作求“质”向“新” 贸易成果“含金量”足

Avocados, coffee, rubber produced in Africa, mobile phones, electric vehicles, cranes made in China... In recent years, more and more good things from China and Africa have traveled across the ocean and "flew into the homes of ordinary people", and China-Africa trade exchanges have become closer.

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蔬菜价格明显回落 多措并举拎稳“菜篮子”

Recently, fluctuations in agricultural product markets, especially vegetable prices, have attracted widespread attention. Monitoring shows that in the past two months, the prices of various vegetables have shown an upward trend, and have now declined somewhat. So what factors are mainly affected by fluctuations in vegetable prices? What is the future trend?

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一山两季 新疆昆仑山秋季旅游持续升温

In autumn, it has snowed up and down on Kunlun Mountain, but there is still a summer landscape covered with green grass at the foot of the mountain. There are two seasons on the mountain, which keeps Kunlun Mountain's tourism popularity undiminished and attracts many tourists.

进入秋季,昆仑山上下起了雪,而山下依然是绿草如织的夏日景观 ,一山两季,让昆仑山旅游热度不减,吸引了众多游客。
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国庆假期出游热度攀升 中长线跨省游成主流

The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the popularity of the tourism market is gradually turning to the National Day Golden Week more than a month later."Where to go on National Day" has become a hot search term. Let's take a look at the reporter's interview in Guangdong.

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物流“快跑” 消费“火热” 凸显中国经济发展韧性与活力

The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released logistics operation data from January to July on August 29. Data shows that the recovery momentum of logistics demand is basically stable. In July, although it was disturbed by short-term factors such as high temperatures and heavy rainfall in some areas, the growth rate of total logistics increased month-on-month.

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On the evening of August 28, a delivery event for the domestic large aircraft C919 was held at the Pudong base of COMAC's final assembly and manufacturing center. Air China and China Southern Airlines simultaneously received the first C919 aircraft. As the hangar door slowly opened, the first aircraft of Air China C919 painted with a five-star red flag and the first aircraft of China Southern Airlines C919 painted with red kapok were unveiled on the same stage.

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On August 29, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines answered reporters 'questions on the Japanese ambassador to the Philippines' erroneous remarks on the South China Sea

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江苏海安:保护利用发展并重 传统村落焕发生机

On August 29, 2024, a bird 's-eye view of Tangzhuang Village, Nanmo Town, Hai 'an City, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, green fields and residential buildings, rivers, roads, etc. complement each other.

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Recently, the Ministry of Public Security held a symposium on supervising the investigation and handling of criminal cases. Since the regular launch of the campaign against crime and evil, the public security organs have launched special investigations on 147 cases involving the Ministry and Supervision, and successfully eradicated a number of criminal organizations that have caused serious harm. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to continue to deepen the crackdown on key industry areas, insist on attacking rural evil forces such as "village bullies" and "rural bullies" as soon as they emerge, and crack down on evil forces such as "sand bullies","mining bullies" and "city bullies". Maintain a high pressure and continue to launch cluster campaigns against naked chat extortion, routine loans, negative public opinion extortion, malicious claims, soft violence collection, and Internet water force troubles, and resolutely curb the trend of high incidence.

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铁路暑运迎学生客流高峰 学生购票服务再升级

As the summer season comes to an end, schools in various places open one after another, and railways usher in a peak student passenger flow. From August 26 to September 10, railways across the country are expected to carry 6.5 million student passengers. Railway departments in many places coordinate transportation capacity arrangements to ensure passenger travel.

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As the fifth captain of the Party Member Service Team of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Chengdu High-tech Lianxin Bridge, in order to ensure the power supply of the Universiade, Liu Yuan led his team members to form a "Sharp Knife Company" to enter the venue 65 days in advance, walking at least 30,000 steps every day and checking. More than 3000 switches have achieved the power service of "ensuring the lamp holder, microphone, and socket", and won the "power supply war" of the Universiade with all their strength.

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夜游火、文博热……暑期文旅热度不减 新模式新场景释放消费新活力

This summer, various parts of China have continued to enrich cultural tourism products and launched various new scenarios and experiences, further releasing the vitality of summer consumption.

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The British Parliament will resume in September. Faced with worsening financial and people's livelihood difficulties, British Prime Minister Kiel Stammer recently warned that the UK is experiencing a "black hole" in fiscal and social management."Things will get worse before they get better." The government will take strict measures in all aspects to "repair the foundations of the country."

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The reporter learned from the Ocean Ports and Port Administration of Tangshan City, Hebei Province that from January to July this year, the cargo throughput of Tangshan Port Caofeidian Port Area completed 316.98 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.75%.

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