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最新资讯 (2024-08-28)

马来西亚驻华使节:深化马中教育合作 增进两国人文交流

Fatil said that youth are the future of relations between the two countries. Only by promoting exchanges between youth between the two countries can we cultivate the foundation for mutual understanding between the two countries and promote further relations between the two countries. "Although for many Malaysian students, studying in China faces language barriers, I believe such challenges are opportunities rather than obstacles."

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At the beginning of 2017, when Kariu, who graduated from high school, traveled all the way to China to study railway management, Kenya had only one narrow-gauge railway built by British colonists more than 100 years ago.

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Since the beginning of this year, sales of Chinese electric vehicles in Egypt have increased significantly. Egyptian official data shows that in the first quarter, the number of registered electric vehicles in Egypt exceeded 1419, almost one-third of the total in the past three years, and the vast majority of them were made in China.

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人民论坛网评 | 让时代新风激荡网络空间

On August 28, the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference was held in Chengdu. The theme of this conference is "Promoting the Spirit of the Times and Jointly Building Internet Civilization" and is co-sponsored by the Central Cyberspace Administration, the Central Spiritual Civilization Construction Office, the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the People's Government of Sichuan Province.

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According to the Shanghai City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Jiang Chengjun, former deputy general manager of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Shanghai City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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On August 28, 2024, the new Zhoushan City City Exhibition Hall located in the second phase of the Ocean Culture and Art Center of Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province was officially opened for its appearance, attracting many citizens to visit and play.

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葡萄丰收挂满枝 满园飘香采摘忙

At present, nearly 20,000 acres of grapes in Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province have entered the picking season. This year's continuous high temperature weather has increased the temperature difference between day and night and improved the sweetness of grapes.

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On August 28, 2024, in Beijing, Shichahai was full of clouds and beautiful skies in the early morning.

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土耳其农民晾晒葡萄干 铺满地面如天然渐变调色盘

Green, yellow and brown dried grapes on the Menemen Plain, Izmir, Turkey, August 27, 2024 local time. Earlier this year, about 1 million hectares of vineyards in the Gediz River Basin, one of Turkey's most important agricultural centers, began drying Sultani seedless grapes.

当地时间2024年8月27日,土耳其伊兹密尔,Menemen平原上的绿色、黄色和棕色的干葡萄。今年早些时候,土耳其最重要的农业中心之一盖迪兹河流域(Gediz River Basin)约100万公顷的葡萄园已经开始了对Sultani无籽葡萄的干燥工作。
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第一视点丨人民有所呼 改革有所应

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Adhere to the people-centered approach, respect the people's dominant position and initiative, insist that the people have their calls and reforms respond to them, so that reform is for the people, reform relies on the people, and the results of reform are shared by the people."

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The Internet is an important carrier for spreading excellent human culture and promoting positive energy. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of Internet civilization, emphasizing the use of new trends of the times to shape and purify cyberspace and jointly build a beautiful spiritual home on the Internet.

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警惕这种常见的致残性畸形,如何早期发现脊柱侧弯?| 科普时间

The global prevalence of scoliosis ranges from 0.47% to 5.20%. The average prevalence of scoliosis among primary and secondary school students in my country is 1.23%, and the high incidence age is 13 to 15 years old. The prevalence rate in women is higher than that in men, with an average of 1.57 times that of men. It is noteworthy that the prevalence of scoliosis has been increasing year by year in recent years.

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开学在即,这份健康小妙招送给你 | 科普时间

Nervous, anxious, procrastinating on homework... Has this happened to your child recently? The summer vacation is coming to an end and the new semester is about to start. At this time, the "school opening syndrome" has quietly found its way.

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锚定现代化 改革再深化|便利综保区 活力口岸 智慧海关——西藏“撬动”外贸发展新动能

From comprehensive bonded zones to vibrant ports to smart customs, a series of deepening reform measures in the Tibet Autonomous Region have brought convenience to enterprises and accelerated the development of foreign trade on the snowy plateau.

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According to NBC, on the afternoon of August 27, local time, a female student at Rice University in Texas was found shot and killed in her dormitory. Authorities said a male suspect suspected of having a "dating relationship" with the victim was also found dead nearby.

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美警被曝涉嫌暴力执法:男子跪在地上高举双手 一脚被警员踹倒

Overseas Network, August 28. According to a report by NBC on August 27, on August 24, local time, police in Canton, Ohio kicked a man to the ground during law enforcement. Police reports showed guns and a backpack containing large amounts of marijuana were found at the scene, and McElroy and two other men were arrested for "obstruction of official duties" and resisting arrest.

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In order to solve the serious water shortage problem in some areas during the dry season, the Sri Lanka government has formulated the Mahaveli Water Security Investment Plan, hoping to introduce the abundant water resources in southwestern Sri Lanka into the relatively water-scarce central, northern and eastern regions. The 17-kilometer canal project in central Sri Lanka undertaken by China State Construction Group Co., Ltd. has become an important part of it.

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In the lens of foreign bloggers, the open, modern, beautiful and rich image of China is vividly presented three-dimensionally.

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In mid-August, the scorching sun was scorching in northeastern Algeria. At the construction site of the Bejaya connecting line on the East-West Expressway, road builders from China and Algeria were sweating profusely.

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The 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6. Ethiopian Ambassador to China Tafera Debe Imam said in a recent interview with Overseas Network that he looks forward to discussing Africa's industrialization, Africa's agricultural modernization, talent training and support for start-ups at the summit.

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