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最新资讯 (2024-08-27)

东莞警方通报:恶意制作涉及我国的不实视频信息 男子被刑拘

In order to gain attention and attract fans, netizen Zhang Mouxi (male, 52 years old, living in Dongguan city) maliciously fabricated online rumors, used mobile video editing software to edit videos of speeches by foreign celebrities, with Chinese subtitles that have nothing to do with the content of the speech, and maliciously created false video information involving our country.

恶意编造网络谣言案件  网民张某喜(男,52岁,住东莞市)为博取眼球、吸粉引流,利用手机视频编辑软件对国外名人演讲视频进行编辑,并配以与演讲内容完全无关的中文字幕,恶意制作涉及我国的不实视频信息。
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税收“大数据”折射中国经济澎湃动能 稳中有进态势将进一步巩固增强

Data released by the State Administration of Taxation on August 27 showed that from January to July, my country's inter-provincial sales grew rapidly, key areas had an obvious radiating and driving effect, the flow of technology and data markets accelerated, and the construction of a unified national market steadily advanced.

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According to the Weixin Official Accounts of the Liaoning Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Sun Changjiang, Party Secretary and Director of the Natural Resources Bureau of Panjin City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Panjin City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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跨越山海 格桑花开|医疗人才“组团式”援藏提升雪域高原群众健康福祉

Since August 2015, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the National Health Commission and other relevant departments have jointly organized and implemented "group-style" assistance for medical talents to Tibet, bringing superb medical technology and advanced equipment to the snowy plateau and creating more health and well-being for the people of Xizang.

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1.6万张号牌、3.2万公里 我国无人驾驶、自动驾驶汽车产业有序推进

At the press conference of the State Council Information Office today (August 27), the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security introduced that at present, through continuous technology accumulation and testing development, my country's driverless and autonomous vehicle industry is advancing in an orderly manner. The public security organs protect the rights and interests of traffic participants in accordance with the law, constantly adapt to the needs of technological development, and actively cooperate with industry authorities to do a good job in management and guarantee work. A total of 16,000 self-driving vehicle test plates have been issued and 32,000 kilometers of public test roads have been opened.

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鄱阳湖水位跌破16米 船舶无需报告可通行

Affected by the continuous sunny, hot and high temperature weather and the reduction in the flow of the "Five Rivers" into the lake, the water level of Poyang Lake, my country's largest freshwater lake, continues to fall. The water level in the lake area has dropped below 16 meters. Ships entering the waters of Poyang Lake can pass normally without reporting. Since August, the water level of Poyang Lake has dropped by more than 3.5 meters, and the area of water connecting to the river in the lake has shrunk by more than one-fifth.

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On August 27, 2024, Xuchang, Henan Province ushered in fine weather, blue skies and white clouds, and was beautiful. In recent years, Xuchang City has presented the beautiful Xuchang with blue sky, green earth and clear water to citizens by creating a national ecological civilization demonstration zone, a national ecological garden city, and a national water ecological civilization city.

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杭州植物园石蒜竞相开放 游客徜徉花海拍照打卡

On August 27, 2024, Lycoris flowers in the Botanical Garden in Hangzhou were open to the public. Tourists came here to take photos, watch, and check in Lycoris flowers in the sea of flowers.

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August 27, 2024, Shenyang, the scenery of the Puhe Ecological and Cultural Corridor in Shenbei New District. The Puhe Ecological and Cultural Corridor in Shenbei New District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, blue sky, clear water, wetlands, corridors, buildings and the Puhe River channel set off each other, forming a beautiful ecological picture of a livable and business-friendly city where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

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On August 27, in Guangzhou, Guangdong, the giant panda "Xingyi" attracted tourists. The giant panda brother "Xing Yi" of Guangzhou Zoo was born on August 23, 2013, and the sister "Ya Yi" was born on August 27, 2013. August is the date of their birth. In order to celebrate the arrival of the two brothers and sisters at the age of 11, the Guangzhou Zoo held birthday parties, which were arranged with the themes of "riding the wind and waves" and "bumper harvests" to wish "Xingyi" and "Ya Yi" health and happiness. visual China

8月27日,广东广州,大熊猫“星一”吸引游客。广州动物园大熊猫哥哥“星一”出生于2013年8月23日,妹妹“雅一”出生于2013年8月27日,8月是它们的生日月。为了庆祝两兄妹11周岁的到来,广州动物园举办生日会,分别以“乘风破浪”和“五谷丰登”为主题布置现场,祝福“星一”“雅一”健康快乐。 视觉中国
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The special additional deduction for continuing education includes academic (degree) continuing education and vocational qualification continuing education. If you obtain both a vocational qualification certificate and academic (degree) continuing education within one year, the two belong to different types of continuing education and can be superimposed. Enjoy.

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On August 27, 2024, the Higher People's Court of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region publicly pronounced the second-instance case of the appellant Li Jianping's embezzlement, bribery, misappropriation of public funds, and conniving of underworld organizations. It ruled to reject the appeal, uphold the death sentence, and report it to the Supreme People's Court for approval in accordance with the law.

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The State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" today (August 27)

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On the morning of August 27, 2024, the Intermediate People's Court of Xianning City, Hubei Province held a public trial in the first instance to hear the bribery case of Liu Yi, former deputy head of the preparatory group for the change of the Chinese Football Association and former secretary-general of the Chinese Football Association.

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On the morning of August 27, the People's Court of Shishou City, Hubei Province held a public trial of the bribery case of Tan Hai, former director of the Referee Management Department of the Chinese Football Association.

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Internet civilization is a new form of civilization produced with the development of the Internet and an important symbol of the progress of civilization in modern society.

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The 2024 Digital Expo opens tomorrow! The exhibition arrangement work is progressing in an orderly manner...

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中方坚持劝和促谈 为推动政治解决乌克兰危机贡献智慧和方案

Recently, Li Hui, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs, launched the fourth round of shuttle diplomacy on the Ukraine crisis. On the morning of the 27th, Li Hui held a briefing in Beijing to introduce the situation of this round of shuttle diplomacy to envoys stationed in China and Chinese and foreign media reporters. Li Hui said that all parties believe that they should actively explore more constructive ideas and pool the peace efforts of all parties into greater synergy to promote a fair and just resolution of the Ukraine crisis.

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图文直播预告|2024数博会8月28日开幕 最全直播矩阵来了

The 2024 China International Big Data Industry Expo (referred to as the "Digital Expo") will open in Guiyang at 8:30 a.m. on August 28. At that time, many mainstream media from the central, provincial and municipal governments such as People's Daily Online and Xinhuanet will broadcast live graphics and text throughout the opening ceremony. Please pay attention.

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How to visit the most professional exhibition of this Digital Expo? What are the highlights of the scene? Eight special professional exhibition routes will "spoil" you in advance--

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