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最新资讯 (2024-08-27)


General reporters learned on August 27 local time that International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Grosi had arrived in Kurchatov, where the Kursk nuclear power plant is located. Russia informed the International Atomic Energy Agency on August 22 that the wreckage of a drone was found near the Kursk nuclear power plant. The drone fragments were found about 100 meters away from the spent fuel storage facility of the nuclear power plant.

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Since the launch of the 100-day and 100-million-dollar recruitment special campaign in June, the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection has organized and mobilized public employment service agencies and market-oriented human resources service agencies to build a supply and demand docking platform, and continue to launch targeted and characteristic recruitment to help college graduates and other key groups seek employment.

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During the summer of this year, Hainan's tourism market continued to heat up. Various cultural and sports activities with various forms and exciting content such as the Hainan Island Cycling Race and the "Village BA" have been launched, continuously enhancing the appeal of tourist destinations and stimulating new vitality in tourism consumption.

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On August 27 local time, the Polish Armed Forces Combat Command issued a notice stating that the Polish Air Force had initiated all necessary procedures to ensure the safety of Polish airspace. The statement pointed out that the Polish military will continuously monitor the situation in Ukraine and remain vigilant at all times to ensure the safety of Polish airspace.

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The reporter learned today from the Public Security Traffic Management Bureau of the Beijing City Public Security Bureau that in August 2020, the Beijing Traffic Management Department developed and launched the Beijing Traffic Police's "Hands-on" complaint acceptance platform to receive all complaints about motor vehicle traffic violations and traffic light problems. So far, there are 6.13 million registered users, and a total of 11.03 million complaint clues have been received in the past four years of operation.

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The Chinese people have been yearning for space for thousands of years, and many flying myths bear witness to this dream. Nowadays, it has long been a reality for Chinese rockets to fly into space. However, these rockets flying into the sky have not yet had the experience of "flying home"-rocket recycling is still a dangerous hurdle for Chinese rocket people.

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暑期文旅市场研学游火热 多地满足消费需求推动实现“研学优”

Visiting prestigious schools, visiting cultural and cultural venues, and checking in places of interest and historic sites, this summer, study travel has ushered in a new wave of craze. At the Yunnan Province Museum, children studying can deeply experience the "Kingdom of Animals and Plants"-the ancient biodiversity world of Yunnan from ancient Yunnan bronzes.

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On August 27, local time, The Russian Federation Security Service opened a criminal investigation against German journalist Nikolaus Konoli and Ukraine journalist Natalie Nagornaya to investigate the illegal crossing of the border to Suja, Okursk Oblast, to report.

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On August 27, local time, Ukraine Air Force Commander Oreshuk reported that in the early morning of the day, the Russian army had launched 10 missiles including 3 Dagger hypersonic missiles, 1 Iskander M missile, 1 Iskander K missile, 5 Kh-101 cruise missiles and 81 attack drones at various places in Ukraine, of which 5 Kh-101 cruise missiles and 60 attack drones were shot down.

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In the past few days, the 30th Cross-Strait College Student News Camp with the theme of "Looking to the Future Together-Opportunities and Challenges for Future Journalists on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the All-Media Era" is being held in Beijing. Nearly 200 college students from many universities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have entered the National Exhibition Museum, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other cultural and cultural institutions and historical monuments, immersively feel Chinese culture.

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乌称多地遭俄军袭击 已致5人死亡

On August 27, local time, the Military and Political Administration of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast of Ukraine reported that in the early morning of the same day, a hotel in the city of Kriverich (known as Krivorog in Russian) was attacked by Russian missiles, killing 2 people and injuring 5 others. Rescue workers are still working on the scene.

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On August 27, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense released news that Kirilov, commander of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces (Third Defense Forces) of the Russian Armed Forces, said that the Russian army received information on transporting ammunition containing chemical substances to the Third Aviation Mobile Battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in mid-July.

当地时间8月27日,俄罗斯国防部发布消息,俄罗斯武装力量辐射、化学和生物防护部队(三防部队) 司令基里洛夫称,俄军于7月中旬收到了有关向乌克兰武装力量第三航空机动营部队运送含有化学物质的弹药的情报。
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新疆江布拉克万亩旱田开镰收割 “立体麦田”壮观景象美醉游人

Entering mid-to-late August, the 10,000-acre dry land wheat in Bulak, Qitai River, Xinjiang has entered the harvest period. Let's go and have a look.

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Reference News Network reported on August 27 According to Agence France-Presse reported on August 26, the TV debate between U.S. presidential candidates Harris and Trump to be held on September 10 is highly anticipated. The two sides are currently discussing the microphone management in the debate. There are differences of opinion.

参考消息网8月27日报道 据法新社8月26日报道,将于9月10日举行的美国总统候选人哈里斯和特朗普的电视辩论备受期待,双方目前对辩论中的麦克风管理产生意见分歧。
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渤海沿岸部分地区出现风暴潮天气 相关部门提前行动积极应对

Affected by weak cold air and out-going cyclones, storm surge weather occurred in some areas along the Bohai Sea coast. Relevant departments in Binzhou, Shandong Province acted in advance to deal with severe weather.

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In the past few days, many students have been lamenting that the summer vacation progress bar is almost full and the holiday is about to end. What special memories impressed students during this holiday? Where did everyone leave different youthful footprints? Let's go and have a look together.

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The newly revised Chinese textbooks for compulsory education cover a total of 9 grades. Its revision strictly follows the Chinese curriculum standards and the new concept of Chinese education reform. It focuses on consolidating students 'core qualities and guiding students to independently build knowledge, abilities and learning experience.

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40991.7亿元、同比增长3.6% 1—7月工业企业利润增长有所加快

Data released today (August 27) by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that from January to July, the total profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide were 4.09917 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%, and the profit growth of industrial enterprises accelerated.

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In order to avoid the overturned guardrail in the traffic accident, Li, a person driving a tricycle passing by, squeezed his body into Tan, a tricycle passenger, causing a slight contusion to Tan's left foot.

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成年人的健康跑量是多少?|提素养 促健康

Healthy running volume is a topic of concern to runners. So, how many kilometers per week is good for your health? How many kilometers do you run per month is the minimum amount of exercise needed to stay healthy?

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