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最新资讯 (2024-08-27)


In recent years, the construction of cold storage facilities from fields to hubs has been accelerated to ensure the quality and supply of agricultural products.

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At the press conference on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office on August 27, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security introduced: Last year, the number of criminal cases filed by public security organs across the country dropped by 4.8% compared with 2022, and the number of public security cases investigated and dealt with is basically the same as 2022; From January to July this year, the number of criminal cases filed dropped by 30.1% year-on-year, which has dropped year-on-year for 14 consecutive months. The number of telecommunications network fraud cases filed dropped by 23.8% year-on-year, which has dropped year-on-year for 11 consecutive months. The current homicide detection rate remains at 99.94%. The highest level in history. In 2023, the national public security index will reach 98.2%, maintaining a high level of more than 98% for four consecutive years.

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产供销多管齐下 各地多措并举保障“菜篮子”供应

At present, various localities are taking various measures simultaneously to ensure a stable supply of citizens '"vegetable baskets". At around 6 o'clock in the morning, vegetable farmers in Yuzhong County, Gansu Province sent freshly picked vegetables to vegetable purchasing points for centralized sales. It was a busy scene. According to statistics, recently, 6000 tons of plateau summer vegetables from Yuzhong County are shipped to the southern market every day, an increase of 4000 tons compared with the outward shipment of plateau summer vegetables in early June.

目前,各地多措并举,全力保障市民的“菜篮子”稳定供应。 早上六点多,甘肃榆中县的菜农们将刚采摘好的蔬菜送到蔬菜收购点集中出售,一派繁忙景象。据统计,近期榆中县的高原夏菜每天有6000吨运往南方市场,相比6月初高原夏菜的外运量增加了4000吨。
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This round of large-scale heavy rainfall in Hebei has attracted external attention. As the range of rainfall decreased and the intensity weakened, the Hebei Province Meteorological Observatory lifted the rainstorm warning signal at 19:59 on the 26th. The Hebei Province Meteorological Disaster Prevention Headquarters also lifted the Heavy Rain Level II Incident Response Service at 20:30 on the 26th.

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@中小学生 新学期迎来新变化 新修订的义务教育统编教材来了!

Starting this week, primary and secondary school students from all over the country have started new semesters one after another. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that starting from the beginning of this fall, primary schools and junior high schools across the country will use newly revised textbooks for the three subjects of compulsory education (Ethics and Rule of Law, Chinese, and History). The first is It is used in the initial grade and covers all grades of compulsory education within three years.

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Recently, the Fujian Province Soil and Water Conservation Society and the Taiwan Soil and Water Conservation Technology Association signed the "Framework Agreement on Common Cooperation on Soil and Water Conservation Standards on Cross-Strait", laying the foundation for further promoting the common and integrated development of soil and water conservation standards on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

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On August 27, the main bridge of the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Highway and Railway Bridge was successfully closed. The bridge is the world's first double-deck cable-stayed suspension bridge.

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新疆奇台江布拉克万亩旱地小麦“丰”景如画 机械助力颗粒归仓

Entering mid-to-late August, 10,000 acres of dry land wheat in Bulak, Qitai River, Xinjiang entered the harvest period.

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Reference News Network reported on August 27 According to a report on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on August 27, US President Biden and Indian Prime Minister Modi had a phone call on the 26th, and the two discussed the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

参考消息网8月27日报道 据新加坡《联合早报》网站8月27日报道,美国总统拜登和印度总理莫迪26日通电话,两人讨论了俄乌冲突。
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According to Agence France-Presse reported on August 26, the choice of the French prime minister is still up in the air, but the left wing is angry and shouts loudly. French President Macron officially ruled out the possibility of appointing the "New People's Front" government on the grounds of "institutional stability" on the 26th and announced that new consultations would be held on the 27th.

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The reporter learned from the series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office that the public security traffic control department has launched a number of reform measures such as simplifying vehicle registration and certification, road traffic, and traffic accident handling in batches. 250 million electronic driving licenses have been issued around the entire process and various links of mass transportation, such as licensing, road traffic, and traffic accident handling. The electronic implementation of motor vehicle driving licenses has been piloted in 60 cities including Beijing, and electronic driving licenses have been issued to more than 22 million car owners.

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Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Beijing City has completed the environmental improvement of 632 new administrative villages. The rural ecological environment has been significantly improved, and the level of green agricultural development has been significantly improved. Shunyi District of Beijing City explores the resource utilization of vegetable field waste, recycling an average of 120,000 tons of vegetable field waste every year and making about 30,000 tons of organic fertilizer per year, so that it can be taken from the field and returned to the field to further improve the soil and enrich the soil.

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The Palestinian Ministry of Health issued a statement on the 26th local time saying that Israeli troops bombed the Nur Shams refugee camp in the northern West Bank that day, killing five Palestinians. An Israeli army spokesman issued a statement on the same day saying that the Israeli army attacked a combat room in the Nurshams area. Please do not reproduce and use it without permission.

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The World Health Organization launched a global strategic prevention and response plan for the monkeypox epidemic on the 26th to curb the spread of the epidemic through coordinated global, regional and national efforts. The communique said the plan will also promote vaccination of high-risk groups such as close contacts of monkeypox cases and medical staff to cut off the chain of transmission.

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巴西圣保罗州大火明火已基本扑灭 超3万公顷植被被烧毁

On August 26, local time, Tasisio de Freitas, governor of the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, told the media that it is difficult to estimate the specific economic losses caused by the large-scale fire incident in the state, but he believes that the losses will definitely exceed 1 billion reais (about 1.3 billion yuan).

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受大雨影响 日本静冈县浜松市发布避难指示

Due to the increased risk of mudslides caused by heavy rain, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, issued evacuation instructions to 4643 households and a total of 13506 people in relevant areas of the city. The evacuation instruction is a fourth-level alert on the five-level alert level and calls on all people to evacuate from dangerous areas. (General reporter Li Weibing)

因大雨导致泥石流灾害危险增加,当地时间8月27日9时,日本静冈县浜松市向该市相关区域4643户、共13506人发出了避难指示。该避难指示是五级警报级别中的四级警报,呼吁所有人从危险地区撤离。(总台记者 李卫兵)
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In the past few days, on board the Chinese Navy's Peace Ark Hospital, which is carrying out the "Harmony Mission-2024" mission in Cape Town, South Africa, a special patient was welcomed-Belina, who came all the way from Seychelles. What is the story behind this journey of life that spans thousands of miles? Next, let us walk into the story of Belina and the "Peace Ark".

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In 1994, painter Cai Chao used traditional Chinese pen and ink to express the poetry of modern industrial space and recorded the most powerful moment in China's industrialization process. "Hoisting" became a classic work on Chinese industrial themes in the early 1990s. It seems to be painting a scene of workers hoisting and construction, but actually draws the strength and spirit of people in large letters.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 10:15 on August 27, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred in the Banda Sea, Indonesia (7.25 degrees south latitude, 129.50 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 100 kilometers.

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事关解决中小企业账款问题 最高法批复了

In order to further solve the problem of corporate accounts default, ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises can participate fairly in market competition, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises in accordance with the law, and boost the confidence of business entities, the Supreme People's Court has studied and formulated the "Agreement between Large Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Make Payments by Third Parties" Reply on Issues Concerning the Effectiveness of Prerequisites "was officially released today. Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Effectiveness of the Agreement between Large Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises on Payment by a Third Party as the Prerequisite for Payment

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