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最新资讯 (2024-08-27)

磨赛道、找感觉、保持体能 中国残奥自行车队场馆热身训练忙

For the Paralympic Camp on August 26, we will pay attention to the preparations of the Chinese Paralympic Cycling Team. After coming to Paris, the members of the cycling team have gone to the competition venues for training three times. The main content is to sharpen the track, find a feeling, maintain physical fitness, and strive for a good start.

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At the beginning of dawn, Ludian, Yunnan, now has a magnificent sea of clouds. Ethereal clouds and mist flow among the mountains, surging and rolling, and changing in thousands, making people feel as if they are in the middle of the legend of Xianxia.

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特色活动“引客来” 各地暑期文旅市场持续火热

Although the summer vacation is coming to an end, it is still at the peak of tourism. Various places have launched a series of cultural and tourism activities, and many scenic spots have high passenger traffic.

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各地迎来学生客流高峰 铁路部门“多管齐下”推出数项便利措施

As major colleges and universities open one after another, from August 26 to September 10, railways across the country will usher in a peak student passenger flow, with an estimated 6.5 million student passengers. The railway department has launched a number of convenient measures to ensure that student passengers return to school safely and orderly.

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“英国第一猫”拉里已17岁 唐宁街准备应对其死亡计划

According to the British "Independent", British Downing Street officials are preparing a "media plan" to announce the death of "Britain's first cat." Larry.

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The Paris Paralympic Games will open on the 28th local time. On August 26, the Chinese sports delegation announced that women's wheelchair fencer Gu Haiyan and men's weightlifter Qi Yongkai will serve as flag bearers of the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony of the Paris Paralympics.

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写生行 || 黔山墨境 岳黔山 山水画写生作品选

Born in Guiyang City in February 1963, he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts of the Central University for Nationalities in 1986 and stayed there to teach. In the 1960s: Lu Yushun, Ma Fenghui, He Jialin, Chen Hongwei, Yue Qianshan, Directional direction, Yu Wenjiang, Zha Xiao, Han Yaming, Li Xiaosong, Xia Yujin, Chen Mingchun, Zhang Jinbo, Xu Peijin, Wu Wei, Liu Yiyi, Gao Jian

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无人机“送外卖”、沉浸式“触碰”历史 外国游客热衷体验中国“硬核”科技

Since the beginning of this year, inbound tourism has continued to recover and grow. With the continuous expansion of the 144-hour visa-free "circle of friends", more and more foreign tourists have visited China. Traveling to China, in addition to visiting the great rivers and mountains, tasting local cuisine, and experiencing history and humanities, there are also many new ways to play and experience that amaze foreign friends. China's rapidly developing smart cities and ubiquitous smart life have also become unforgettable and novel experiences for foreign tourists.

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划重点!透过数字看“温度” 城乡居民医保迎来可喜新变化

The National Medical Insurance Administration, together with the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, recently issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Security for Urban and Rural Residents in 2024"(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The notice includes medical insurance payments and other aspects. What are the new changes?

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中东局势持续升温 美军一意孤行部署航母打击群火上浇油

As the situation in the Middle East continues to heat up, in order to declare its "firm support" for Israel, U.S. Defense Secretary Austin announced on the 25th the deployment of two aircraft carrier strike groups in the Middle East. Public opinion has noticed that the U.S. government clearly uses practical actions as Israel's "platform" and exacerbates tensions in the Middle East, but it confidently seeks to cool the situation. This move will not only not help promote peace in the Middle East, but will further increase the risk of escalating conflicts.

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德国总理谴责索林根市袭击事件 称将收紧刀具管制

German Chancellor Scholz mourned the victims of a previous knife attack in Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia, on the 26th, calling the incident "terrorism against all of us" and said he would push for changes to the law to tighten controls such as knives.

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According to the website of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to July, the total profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide were 4.09917 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%(calculated on a comparable basis).

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Yu Jigao's daughter, Yu Hui, said that when she was a child, she saw her father's back because her father had been painting at his desk early in the morning. Yu Jigao has lived this minimalist life from morning to evening for more than seventy years.

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百姓“菜篮子”货足价稳有保障 整体价格将呈现波动下行走势

Local heavy rainfall and high temperature weather have had a certain impact on agricultural production and vegetable supply. Is the people's "vegetable basket" guaranteed? Will the growth of corn, soybeans and other crops be affected? Let's take a look at the situation in various places.

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In recent years, as people have paid more and more attention to health preservation, some foods and drinks such as tea drinks, breads, and ice cream added with traditional Chinese medicine ingredients have been selling well in various places, and different types of health concept foods have emerged one after another. Experts said that many Chinese medicinal materials, especially those with the same origin of medicine and food, can indeed play a role in health care and wellness when rationally used in dietotherapy and medicinal diets or made into healthy foods.

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The National Ocean Forecasting Station issued a yellow wave warning based on the "Marine Disaster Emergency Plan". Affected by this year's No. 10 Typhoon Shanshan (strong typhoon level), it is expected that from the night of August 27 to noon on the 28 th, huge waves of 4 to 7 meters will appear in the eastern part of the East China Sea to the wild wave area, and the wave warning level in offshore waters is yellow. Ships operating in the above-mentioned sea areas are advised to pay attention to safety, and all relevant coastal units take measures to prevent waves and avoid waves in advance.

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Since 2023, Beijing and many other places have successively included assisted reproductive technology in the scope of medical insurance reimbursement. Since then, the medical insurance departments of many provinces have actively followed up. As of August 1, 2024, Beijing, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shandong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Qinghai, Jilin, Jiangsu, Hebei, Anhui, and Hainan have included assisted reproductive technology in the scope of medical insurance reimbursement.

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南方高温逐步缩减 江苏浙江等地有较强降雨

According to China Weather Network, due to the influence of cold air, starting from today (August 27), the high temperatures in the south will gradually decrease, and the high temperatures in Jianghuai, Jiangnan, South China and other places will gradually ease. However, the high temperatures in the Sichuan Basin will remain, and there will still be 40 ° C in Chongqing and other places. In hot weather above, you need to pay attention to heatstroke prevention. In terms of rainfall, today, my country's main rainfall areas continue to shift southeast, and the rain will also weaken significantly.

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Mooncakes are not only a traditional food, but also an important carrier of traditional culture. Eating mooncakes and appreciating the moon are common customs in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in all parts of north and south China. However, for a long time in the past,"sky-high" mooncakes were paired with famous wines, famous teas, etc., which caused waves of "luxury" to "spoil" the Mid-Autumn Festival. What is gratifying is that this year my country's mooncake market has shown the characteristics of refusing over-packaging and emerging a "simple style", which is eye-catching.

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On August 26, another city-wide rainstorm ended. In the 23 hours from 17:00 on August 25 to 16:00 on the 26 th, the average precipitation in Beijing City was 74.8 mm, and the average in the Urban area was 88.0 mm. As of 8:00 on August 25 (excluding this round of rainfall), the city's cumulative rainfall during the annual flood season in Beijing has reached 564 mm, 56% more than the 361.6 mm in the same period of the year.

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