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最新资讯 (2024-08-26)


All parties agreed to strengthen cooperation and close coordination based on the results of joint efforts to combat cross-border criminal activities in the previous stage, increase efforts to crack down on criminal activities such as pornography, gambling, electric fraud, drug trafficking, and human trafficking, and jointly safeguard regional peace and tranquility.

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The Hebei Province Meteorological Disaster Prevention Headquarters decided to upgrade the Major Meteorological Disaster (Heavy Rain) Incident Response Service to Level II at 12:00 on the 26th. This is the first time Hebei has launched a Level II Incident Response Service for a Major Meteorological Disaster (Heavy Rain) this year.

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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held a regular press conference on August 26. A reporter asked questions about the informal meeting between the foreign ministers of China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand held in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held a regular press conference on August 26. A reporter asked: According to reports, since the Supreme Court of Venezuela ruled on August 22 that it recognized Venezuelan President Maduro to win the election, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua and other countries have supported the ruling, but the United States and several Latin American countries have refused to accept it.

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The 2024 World Robot Conference, hosted by the China Electronics Society and the World Robot Cooperation Organization, was held in Beijing from the 21st to the 25th. More than 400 domestic and foreign experts and scholars focused on cutting-edge robot technologies and industrial development to discuss. More than 600 innovative products from 169 companies participated in the exhibition, of which more than 60 new products were released during the session.

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今年居民医保参保缴费财政补助增加30元 社会保障网进一步“织密织牢”

The National Medical Insurance Administration, together with the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, recently issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Security for Urban and Rural Residents in 2024." In 2024, finance at all levels will continue to increase subsidies for residents 'medical insurance contributions. At the same time, the increase in individual residents' contributions will be appropriately reduced. Financial subsidies and individual payment standards will increase by 30 yuan and 20 yuan respectively compared with the previous year, and each person will not be less than 670 yuan and 400 yuan respectively. This is the first time since 2016 that the new standard for personal contributions is lower than the financial subsidy standard.

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从20多米到1500米 水下考古如何叩开“深蓝之门”

Recently, a "cross-border" exhibition was held at Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City in Sanya, Hainan Province. Replictions of exquisite cultural relics such as fara-colored lotus pond pattern plum vases and pictographic pots, together with the "Discovery-1","Discovery-2" scientific research ships and the "Deep Sea Warrior" manned submersible model, appeared in the Deep Sea Advanced Technology and Deep Sea (South China Sea) Shipwreck Archaeology Theme Exhibition, jointly telling the story of the cross-border integration of deep-sea technology and underwater archaeology.

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On August 26, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held a regular press conference. In response to a question that US Presidential Assistant for National Security Sullivan will visit China from August 27 to 29, Lin Jian said that regarding Assistant Sullivan's visit to China, the head of the US Department of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given a briefing on relevant issues. We will release the news in due course.

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提升城乡居民医保“含金量” 撑起百姓“幸福伞”

The National Medical Insurance Administration, together with the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, recently issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Security for Urban and Rural Residents in 2024." In 2024, finance at all levels will continue to increase subsidies for residents 'medical insurance contributions. At the same time, the increase in individual residents' contributions will be appropriately reduced. Financial subsidies and individual payment standards will increase by 30 yuan and 20 yuan respectively compared with the previous year, and each person will not be less than 670 yuan and 400 yuan respectively. This is the first time since 2016 that the new standard for personal contributions is lower than the financial subsidy standard.

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Recently, with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, the Liaoning Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case investigation into Yin Jingyou, former member of the party group and deputy director of the board of directors of the Liaoning Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative Federation, for serious violations of discipline and law.

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After investigation, there were three videos involved. Two of the videos involved eighth-grade students from Chengdong Middle School in Guanghe County. When registering for the new semester on the afternoon of August 24, they clashed over trivial matters such as slander of appearance and nicknames. Six female students, including Ma, Su and Ding Moumou, bullied two female students, Ma MouA and Ma Moub, on campus, by slapping and insulting them.

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Recently, an exchange activity called "Taiwanese businessmen and young people come to Shanxi" was launched in Shanxi Province, attracting nearly 100 Taiwanese businessmen and young people to Shanxi to visit Shanxi's scenic spots and ancient buildings up close, and experience the historical culture of "the same origin and the same species". How do they feel and gain? Let's go and have a look together.

近期,一场名为“台商台青走晋来” 的交流活动在山西省展开,吸引了近百名台商台青来到山西,近距离走进山西的名胜古建,感受“同源同种”的历史文化,他们有着怎样的感受和收获?我们一起去看一看。
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On August 26, without the permission of the Chinese government, the Philippines sent Coast Guard ships No. 4409 and 4411 to illegally storm into the waters adjacent to Xianbin Reef in China's Nansha Islands. They continued to dangerously approach the normally sailing Chinese Coast Guard ships and incite hype. The Chinese Coast Guard took control measures against the Philippines.

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北方部分地区迎来大范围降水 多部门启动预案积极应对

The Beijing City Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning signal for heavy rain yesterday afternoon (August 25). The latest statistics from the Beijing Meteorological Department show that from 5 pm on August 25 to 9 a.m. on the 26 th, the average precipitation in Beijing was 51.9 mm and the average in the Urban area was 56.3 mm, both reaching the level of heavy rain; the maximum precipitation occurred in Yongshun Park, Tongzhou, Beijing, reaching 137.0 mm.

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黎以对抗加剧、局势骤紧 美联社:美国坚定支持以色列

The situation in Lebanon and Israel suddenly became tense. The Israeli military launched a "pre-emptive" strike against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, while Hezbollah claimed to have launched a "massive" attack on Israel. Let's take a look at relevant international media reports.

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Qu Weimin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Jiangsu Province Credit Re-Guarantee Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Jiangsu Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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我国一批重大工程“进度条”刷新 踔厉奋发向“新征途”迈进

The reporter learned from CNOOC on the 26th that the A12 well of the second phase of the "Deep Sea No. 1" project, the natural gas development well with the highest offshore pressure in my country, has completed drilling operations, with a daily test output of 830,000 cubic meters, marking my country's first deep water and high-pressure natural gas development project "Deep Sea No. 1" has been completed.

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According to changes in upstream gas prices, the sales price of residential pipeline natural gas in Tianjin City's urban gas pipeline network will be adjusted from September 1, 2024, increasing by an average of 0.07 yuan per cubic meter.

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菲律宾新发现2例猴痘病例 大马尼拉地区疫情持续蔓延

According to Reuters, on the 26th local time, the Philippine health department said that two new cases of monkeypox virus infection have been confirmed in the country, and the number of active cases has increased to three.

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According to comprehensive foreign media reports, on the 24th local time, Brazilian officials said that a fire in São Paulo state had killed at least two people. According to the Associated Press, São Paulo State Governor De Freitas said on the same day that the state government has established a crisis management office, and at least 7300 government workers and volunteers have been dispatched to the state to "help control the spread of the fire and extinguish it."

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