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最新资讯 (2024-08-24)


"It was very shocking to experience the important process of the Red Army's Long March!" On August 22, Liu Yuling, a tourist from Jiangsu Province, booked tickets for the "Red Ribbon·Great Journey" performance through the "One Code Tour Guizhou" Mini programs, and immersively experienced the Red Army's arduous journey of "bloody battles in the Xiangjiang River" and "climbing snowy mountains and grass".

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On August 23, there are only five days left before the official opening of the 2024 China International Big Data Industry Expo. Amid the passionate oath, the volunteer expedition ceremony of the 2024 China International Big Data Industry Expo was grandly held in the Science and Technology Park of Guizhou University. 200 young volunteers from Guizhou University and Guizhou Normal University fully entered the "preparation" state.

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建设算力集群 加速“东数西算”

In the core infrastructure of Guizhou's computing power-the National (Guizhou) Main Hub Center of the National Integrated Computing Power Network, dozens of domestic intelligent computing servers are constantly operating, transporting computing power to all parts of the country. According to technicians from the hub center, each server in the center has 8 AI chips, which can provide 1.76P computing power, equivalent to 1760 trillion calculations per second.

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"We have fully applied new energy equipment and introduced nearly a hundred unmanned mining trucks. In Xinjiang alone, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 4000 tons per year." On August 22, Bai Xijiang, head of the Zhundong Branch of China Energy Construction Ipuli Xinjiang Company, said at the Wucaiwan No. 1 open-pit coal mine in Zhundong Coalfield, Xinjiang.

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Across the mobile phone screen, Luo Kwok-hing, managing director of Hong Kong's Nandaemun Seafood Cooking Specialty Store, stood at this end of the Lei Yue Mun Pier, with the memories of his fathers on that end. With the help of technology, precious memories about Hong Kong emerged again. Luo Guoxing took this technology-full "AR Clock" shuttle to taste Hong Kong's history through the ages.

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The "China-Honduras Enterprise Trade Matchmaking Conference and Signing Ceremony" was held on the 23rd in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. Companies from China and Hong Kong signed a number of trade agreements at the matchmaking meeting, with a total contract value of US$18 million.

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State Grid of China Brazil Power CPFL Company (hereinafter referred to as State Grid Brazil Power CPFL Company) and Brazil Mizu Cement Manufacturing Company held a signing ceremony for a green hydrogen technology project in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil on the 22nd to inject new impetus into local energy transformation.

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The sun rises and shines on the deep-water port of Kribi, Cameroon on the Gulf of Guinea. In the village of Ndumamale, about 25 kilometers from the port, 10-year-old Brian Munger came to the village's elementary school to participate in summer extracurricular activities.

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列国鉴·坦桑尼亚|记者观察:建交60年 重新认识中国的非洲老朋友坦桑尼亚

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Republic of Tanzania and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Tanzania. As an old friend and good friend of China in Africa, Tanzania has entered the ranks of middle-income countries after decades of development and is no longer poor.

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以军袭击加沙地带多地 已致37人死亡

On the 24th local time, Israeli troops attacked various areas in the southern and central Gaza Strip, including areas near the Khan Younis and Nusayreat refugee camps.

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On August 24, 2024, on the coast of Jintang Island, Dinghai District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, the construction project of the Xihoumen Highway-Railway Dual-Use Bridge on the Yongzhou Railway was progressing in an orderly manner.

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塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德郊区两车相撞 致1死20余伤

At about 8 a.m. local time on August 24, a bus collided with a truck between the towns of Umka and Ostruzhnica on the outskirts of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, killing at least one person. More than 20 people were injured, six of whom were taken to the emergency center due to their serious injuries.

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“三伏热浪走 初秋气象新”,我国最早秋粮开始收获

On August 24, the 40-day "three volts" finally ended. As the saying goes,"the weather in early autumn is new when the heat wave goes on in three weeks." At present, the earliest batch of autumn grain has begun to harvest sporadically.

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中国企业出海 带火印尼“工业旅游”

Indonesia is a popular choice for the Belt and Road Initiative to start businesses overseas. Currently, more than 1000 Chinese-funded companies are operating in Indonesia. They not only bring industry and employment to the local area, but also bring popularity to Indonesia's "industrial tourism".

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On August 24, 2024, in the Yantian Port Area of Yantian District, Shenzhen City, automated equipment such as bridge cranes and gantry cranes at various terminals were running back and forth, and container loading and unloading operations were busy and orderly.

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Guo Hongwei, former Party Secretary and President of Bank of Communications Tianjin City Branch, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission in Bank of Communications and supervision and investigation by the Tianjin City Supervisory Commission.

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跨境电商跑出“加速度” 为我国外贸增长注入新势能

Statistics from the General Administration of Customs show that in the first half of this year, China's cross-border e-commerce increased by 10.5% year-on-year, which was 4.4 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate of China's foreign trade during the same period, becoming a new engine and new potential energy for China's foreign trade growth.

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On August 23, 2024, in Daqing, Heilongjiang Province, located at the shale oil drilling construction site of Daqing Oilfield in Hejiayao Village, Durbat Mongolian Autonomous County, the drilling rigs were neatly arranged and standing on the vast grassland. Currently, five unit drilling teams, including the 1202 drilling team, are drilling at the same time.

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今日告别“三伏天”!养生要提上日程,未来的日子别将就着过~ | 时令节气与健康

Say goodbye to the "dog days" today! Health preservation should be put on the agenda.

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On August 22, 2024, the underground space and supporting facilities project of Kunshan City Plaza in Suzhou is under intensive construction.

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