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最新资讯 (2024-08-23)

锚定现代化 改革再深化丨山东德州:“北接南融”下好人才发展“先手棋”

Dezhou, Shandong Province, looks at Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in the north and Jinan in the south. The significant "siphon effect" of talents has put pressure on the local area to promote high-quality development. In order to make a good first move for talents, Dezhou City has launched the special action of "Connecting North to South and Integrating South" since 2022, insisting on "integration" and "undertaking", and exploring a regional talent work path with misplaced layout, cross-domain collaboration, and integrated development.

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锚定现代化 改革再深化丨湖南浏阳:农村集体经营性建设用地入市试点唤醒沉睡资产

In recent years, Liuyang City has carried out in-depth pilot projects for rural collective-operating construction land to enter the market, and pieces of "sleeping" collective land have been traded as smoothly as state-owned land. So far, Liuyang City has listed and traded 502 rural collective-commercial construction land, and rural collectives and individual farmers have earned approximately 551 million yuan in income.

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周光召同志遗体在京火化 习近平赵乐际王沪宁蔡奇丁薛祥李希韩正等到八宝山革命公墓送别

An outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a loyal communist fighter, an outstanding scientist, a senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, former president and party secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, honorary chairman and former chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress The body of Comrade Zhou Guangzhao was cremated at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing on the 23rd.

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Internet advertising identifiability means that Internet advertisements can be distinguished from other non-advertising information, allowing consumers to identify them as advertisements. The "Guide" combines the characteristics of Internet advertising and industry development trends, and makes clear provisions on the identification of advertising identifiability for different Internet advertising publishing scenarios, further enhancing the transparency and scientificity of Internet advertising regulatory rules.

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川藏青藏公路建成通车70周年 | 奋战高原、扎根高原 他们用热血青春述说忠诚与担当

On the two roads to the plateau, let's first take a look at a car transport brigade from the Qinghai-Tibet Military Station Department recently conducting field driving training on the northern Tibetan Plateau.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 15:41 on August 23, a magnitude 3.1 earthquake occurred in Yuli County, Bayingoleng Prefecture, Xinjiang (40.90 degrees north latitude, 84.17 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 19 kilometers.

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Small and medium-sized reservoirs and check dams in heavy rain areas can safely survive floods, as well as mountain torrents and floods in small and medium-sized rivers. Li Guoying, deputy commander-in-chief of the National Defense Command and Minister of Water Resources, called for close monitoring of weather changes, strengthening rolling consultations and judgment, and effectively preventing heavy rains and floods.

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川藏青藏公路建成通车70周年|传承“两路精神” “白衣战士”守护军民生命健康

On the two roads to the plateau, we will continue to watch the special report on "The 70th Anniversary of the Completion and Opening of the Sichuan-Tibet Qinghai-Tibet Highway". We often say that food is connected with combat effectiveness. When it is time for meal, let's talk about military camp food. In the past two days, the Sichuan-Tibet Line motorcade of the General Station has arrived at a station at the Sichuan-Tibet Military Station. The cooks here have put a lot of effort into making the officers and soldiers taste "like home."

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Wang Wenqing, former inspector of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee's Bureau of Veterans Cadres, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Anhui Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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考古发掘50年 马王堆汉墓文物知识库初步形成

The 50-year archaeological excavation of the Han tomb in Mawangdui has once again attracted world attention. At present, the Mawangdui Han Tomb Cultural Relics Knowledge Base has completed high-definition digital collection of 948 pieces of Mawangdui collections, including 7779 pictures and 285 three-dimensional models.

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2024年我国早稻生产保持稳定 国家统计局解读

In terms of regions, 8 of the 10 early-producing provinces (regions) have increased sowing area. Among them, the main producing areas of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Guangxi increased by 6.1 thousand hectares (92,000 acres), 46,000 hectares (70,000 acres), 37,000 hectares (56,000 acres) and 22,000 hectares (33,000 acres) respectively, an increase of 0.5%, 0.4%, 0.4% and 0.3%. Zhejiang increased by 36,000 hectares (54,000 acres), an increase of 3.0%.

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中共中央政治局召开会议 审议《进一步推动西部大开发形成新格局的若干政策措施》 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on August 23 to review "Several Policies and Measures to Further Promote the Development of the Western Region to Form a New Pattern." Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

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The national early rice sowing area is 4,754.8 thousand hectares (71.322 million acres), an increase of 21.7 thousand hectares (325,000 acres) compared with 2023, an increase of 0.5%.

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According to news from the Supreme People's Procuratorate on August 23, the case of Long Fei, former member of the party group and head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd., suspected of accepting bribes was investigated and concluded by the National Supervisory Commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. A few days ago, after the Supreme People's Procuratorate designated jurisdiction, the Shandong Province People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Long Fei on suspicion of accepting bribes in accordance with the law.

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“小”葡萄蹚出致富新路子 酿酒、采摘、观光旅游绘就幸福“画卷”

In the past two days, more than 600,000 acres of wine grapes at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia have successively ushered in bumper harvests and entered the picking season.

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处暑节气适合做哪些运动?| 时令节气与健康

During the summer heat season, the weather is cool, so you can do some outdoor sports. For example, climbing mountains, swimming, walking quickly, etc. Young people can do long-distance running, and the elderly can practice Baduanjin and Tai Chi.

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Recently, the domestic 3A game "Black Myth: Wukong" exploded on the entire Internet after its launch. This domestic game, which took 6 years of research and development, topped the list of world-renowned game platforms in pre-sales. It attracted millions of people online at the same time on the day it officially opened for sale, winning a comprehensive harvest of reputation, revenue, and traffic. Industry insiders believe that this game's vivid presentation of Chinese culture has reached a new level, finding a new way for China's excellent cultural export.

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On August 23, important progress was made in the construction of the Zhangjinggao Yangtze River Bridge, the world's largest span suspension bridge. The foundation of the north anchorage of the Beihang Bridge, which set a domestic record in volume, sank accurately into place and firmly took root on the bank of the Yangtze River. The main function of the bridge anchorage is to fix and support the main cable of the suspension bridge, while the open caisson is a structural component buried underground. This "giant" provides strong support for the entire bridge.

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In order to further strengthen care services for children with autism and solve the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problem of families of children with autism, today, the China Disabled Persons 'Federation, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the National Health Commission, the National Medical Insurance Administration, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the All-China Women's Federation jointly launched the Action to Promote Care for Children with Autism.

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援藏三十年|传承“老西藏精神” 近1.2万名干部人才接力进藏支援

More than 70 years ago, the heroic 18th Army peacefully liberated Xizang and planted the red flag on the snowy mountains. It also created the "Old Xizang Spirit" that was "particularly able to endure hardship, fight, endure, unite, and contribute."

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