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最新资讯 (2024-08-23)


This year's 40-day "three volts" are finally coming to an end. On August 24, he officially surrendered. After the rainy days, the summer heat gradually subsided and the weather began to turn cooler. As the saying goes,"the new cool reaches thousands of gold."

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“中国文化+邮轮游”展现别样风采 国际邮轮公司加码布局中国市场

This summer, Shanghai cruise tourism has reached its peak. As of July 31, Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port has operated a total of 94 voyages this year, and the number of cruise voyages operated in August will reach more than 30. Several cruise companies have launched new global cruise routes.

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“上天入地”不断取得新进展新成果 经济数据里感知中国活力

Looking at vitality through the data, let's take a look at a set of newly released economic data.

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辽宁多地遭遇强降雨 各方救援力量全力展开抢险救灾工作

Since August 19, many places in Liaoning have experienced continuous heavy rainfall, many roads and bridges have been washed away, and power and communications have been interrupted. At present, local rescue forces are being organized to make every effort to repair flood-damaged roads and step up efforts to restore damaged infrastructure such as power and communications. The transfer and resettlement work of the masses was carried out in an orderly manner.

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两部门印发通知 推动绿色电力交易融入电力中长期交易

As a supplement to Document No. 889, the "Notice" mainly includes the definition of green power transactions, transaction organization, transaction method, price mechanism, contract signing and execution, transaction settlement and deviation handling, green certificate issuance and transfer, etc.

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巅峰食刻|舌尖上的田园牧歌 牛肉和土豆还能这么玩儿

The ancient Chinese book "Book of Rites" records that the practice of roasting cattle appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty. France has a huge animal husbandry industry and is now the country with the largest number of cattle in Europe. This ingredient has been endowed with endless imagination and possibilities!

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Data looks at the economy, and economy looks at development.

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高校精准帮扶 困难毕业生有了就业“快车道”

Recently, in Huangshi, Hubei Province, many colleges and universities have strengthened employment assistance for graduates from low-income and zero-employment families with employment difficulties, so that they can start a career early and become better. Chen Yu, a recent graduate of Hubei Engineering Vocational College: The school quickly organized training for us, allowing us to get a low-voltage electrical operating license, which became our entry ticket to enter the company.

近日,在湖北黄石,多所高校为低保、零就业家庭的就业困难毕业生加强就业兜底帮扶,让他们早就业,就好业。湖北工程职业学院应届毕业生 陈宇:学校迅速为我们组织了培训,让我们拿到低压电工操作证,成为我们进入企业的入门券。
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President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit on September 5 and deliver a keynote speech.

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云南广西等地有较强降雨 川渝鄂湘等地高温天气持续

Yesterday, heavy rains occurred in parts of eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, southwestern and northeastern Liaoning, northeastern Hebei, southern Anhui, southern Fujian, the central and eastern coast of Guangdong, central and western Guangxi, and southern Yunnan. Heavy rains occurred in Yanbian and Tonghua of Jilin, and Liaoning. Huludao, Anqing, Anhui, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Fangchenggang, Guangxi, Lincang and Pu 'er in Yunnan.

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The agreement has achieved a high-level mutual opening up between China and Belarus in the fields of service trade, investment, and entry of business personnel. It will further tap the potential of service trade and investment cooperation between the two countries, promote high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and deepen the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus.

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South African Acting President Mashatilai said on the 22nd that the new South African government will continue to firmly pursue a friendly policy with China and is willing to expand practical cooperation with China in the fields of economy, trade, people-to-people and cultural affairs to promote greater development of bilateral relations. On the same day, Masatilay accepted the credentials of China's new Ambassador to South Africa Wu Peng in Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa, and said that South Africa and China have a long history of friendship and the South appreciates China's long-term valuable support for South Africa's national development.

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Pakistan police said on the 22nd that a police convoy was attacked in Punjab province in eastern Pakistan that day, killing at least 11 policemen and injuring 7 others.

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News from Reykjavik: A volcanic eruption occurred again on the Cape Reča Peninsula in southwestern Iceland on the 22nd.

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Le Zhenwen accidentally met Mu Xi, a painting monk of the Song Dynasty, at the Tokyo Museum. Across the long history of nearly a thousand years, Mu Xi's "Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang" suddenly touched the heart of this Chinese painter who stood on the crossroads of the century.

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The Ministry of National Security reported on August 23 that in recent years, foreign spy intelligence agencies have used methods such as "legal cover for illegal" and "open cover for secrets" to recruit, infiltrate and incite rebellion against people and even teenagers in my country. The methods are despicable and have no bottom line.

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明日出伏南方高温扩展增强 北方新一轮降水过程将至

According to the China Weather Network, the official fall tomorrow (August 24) means that the hottest period of the year will pass. However, the high temperature in the south will not "stall", but will develop and intensify. In the next three days, large-scale high temperature weather will occur in Southwest, Jiangnan, Jianghan and other places. The highest temperature in Chongqing may hit 43℃, making it extremely hot. There is frequent precipitation in the north, and a new round of rainfall will be online again starting tomorrow, so precautions need to be taken.

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In view of the current security situation, Chinese citizens are requested not to come to Uzbekistan for the time being. Chinese citizens who voluntarily stay in Uzbekistan must raise their safety awareness and enter air defense shelters as soon as possible after the air defense siren sounds to put an end to paralysis and luck.

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台风“珊珊”已加强为强热带风暴级 未来对我国海域无影响

According to the China Weather Network, this year's No. 10th typhoon "Shanshan" was strengthened from tropical storm level to severe tropical storm level yesterday (August 22) evening. At 5 o'clock this morning, its center is located about 2100 kilometers south of Tokyo, Japan. On the ocean surface, it is 16.9 degrees north latitude and 141.3 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is 10 (25 meters/s), and the lowest pressure in the center is 985 hPa. The radius of the seventh-level wind circle is 180-250 kilometers, and the radius of the tenth-level wind circle is 60-80 kilometers.

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今天北京将有阵雨或雷阵雨天气 明天出伏闷热不下线

According to China Weather Network, today (August 23), the highest temperature in Beijing is 32℃, and it feels stuffy and has showers or thunderstorms. Tomorrow will be officially launched, and Beijing is still sultry and not offline. The public needs to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

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