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最新资讯 (2024-08-22)


Zhou Liang, former secretary of the Honggutan District Committee of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and took the initiative to explain the problem to the organization. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Jiangxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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透过数据看成就 我国残疾预防工作取得积极成效

August 25 is my country's eighth Disability Prevention Day. This year's theme is "Preventing disability from diseases and sharing a healthy life." Today (August 21), the China Disabled Persons 'Federation and the National Health Commission jointly held a press conference on the 8th Disability Prevention Day in Beijing. The reporter learned from the meeting that as of 2023, the main actions in the National Action Plan for Disability Prevention (2021-2025) are progressing smoothly, tasks are completed well, and some task indicators have achieved the 2025 target values.

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China will unswervingly promote high-level opening up to the outside world, adhere to the path of seeking common development through opening up, and provide new opportunities for world development with new achievements in Chinese-style modernization.

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“新”潮涌动太阳岛丨向“新”而行 推进中国式现代化东北实践

On August 22, the 2024 Sun Island Entrepreneurs Annual Conference with the theme of "New Quality Productivity: New Industries, New Models and New Kinetic Energy" kicked off in Harbin. At this annual meeting, more than 1000 guests from the fields of politics, industry, academia and research will gather together to focus on issues such as innovative development paths under comprehensive deepening reforms and developing new productive forces according to local conditions, and discuss the future, seek common development, and discuss cooperation.

8月22日,以“新质生产力:新产业 新模式 新动能”为主题的2024太阳岛企业家年会在哈尔滨拉开帷幕。本届年会,来自政产学研用领域超过1000位嘉宾将汇聚一堂,聚焦全面深化改革下的创新发展路径、因地制宜发展新质生产力等议题,共话未来、共谋发展、共商合作。
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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" proposes: "Optimize the allocation of regional educational resources and establish a basic public education service supply mechanism that is coordinated with population changes." This deployment is of great significance for promoting educational equity, enhancing the balance and accessibility of basic public services, effectively responding to population development trends, and promoting high-quality population development. We can deepen our understanding from the following three aspects.

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Sixteen media representatives from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan visited Turpan City, Xinjiang from August 19 to 20.

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香港市民热盼中国国家队奥运健儿访港 公开活动门票卖“脱销”

The Chinese Olympic athletes delegation from the Paris Olympics will visit Hong Kong from August 29 to 31, during which three public events will be held. A total of 5300 tickets for the three events will be publicly available online under real-name system at 10:00 on the 22nd. All tickets will be sold out within 40 minutes of sales.

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The latest "Consumer Expectations Labor Market Survey" report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows that 28.4% of respondents said they have been looking for a job in the past four weeks, a record high since March 2014.

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Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the report "What the National Endowment for Democracy Has Done and Its True Face". The report exposes the truth concealed by the National Endowment for Democracy under the guise of so-called "promoting democratic human rights."

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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, remarkable results have been achieved in building a beautiful China, and the concept of sustainable development has gradually been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The latest results released by the National Development and Reform Commission show that China has become one of the countries with the fastest reduction in energy consumption intensity in the world and has built the world's largest and most complete new energy industry chain. A number of Colombia energy company executives have recently organized delegations to China for inspection and study. In an exclusive interview with international online reporters, relevant people said that it has become a general consensus that China is a global leader in the green energy industry, and China's development experience in the energy field is worth learning from other countries.

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Adrian Charles Duval, Speaker of the National Assembly of Mauritius, who is visiting Beijing, recently said in an interview with the media that "China has made remarkable achievements in innovation and development and has become the world's second largest economy. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has embarked on the path of Chinese-style modernization."

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On August 20, General Secretary Xi Jinping met with all members of the Chinese sports delegation for the 33rd Olympic Games at the Great Hall of the People and delivered an important speech. The sentence of "likes you" won warm applause from the audience.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping met with all members of the Chinese sports delegation at the 33rd Summer Olympic Games at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of the 20th and delivered an important speech. He spoke highly of the outstanding achievements made by athletes, profoundly clarified the importance of building a sports power in the new era, and pointed out the direction for further development of sports. The majority of sports workers expressed that they must keep in mind the General Secretary's earnest instructions, bravely shoulder the mission, bravely strive to be the first, and write new glory for the development of sports at a new starting point.

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日本冲绳民众举行抗议 反对强推美军基地建设

On the 22nd local time, some local people came to Anwa Port, Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture, to protest against the earth and rock handling operations at the ancient U.S. military base in Biano that were restarted in the area that day.

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美国大幅度下修就业数据 美媒称此举动摇民众对美经济信心

On the 21st local time, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released a preliminary revision of the benchmark non-agricultural employment data, lowering the total number of new non-agricultural jobs from April 2023 to March 2024, with a downward revision of 818,000. This revision is the largest since 2009.

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日本新潟县一住宅区发生火灾 火势蔓延至多栋建筑

A general reporter learned on August 22 local time that at about 14:00 that day, a fire broke out in a residential area in Mitsu City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The local fire emergency department said that the fire has spread to at least six buildings and fire-fighting operations are still continuing.

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Israeli police and the General Directorate of National Security (Shin Bet) issued a statement on August 22 stating that four Israeli settlers, including a minor, were arrested by police on suspicion of participating in last week's attack on the West Bank village of Jit.

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中国经济增长是世界经济增长的强劲动力 中国繁荣是全球繁荣的重要机遇

Recently, Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kansugi published a signed article in Japanese media, saying that China is far ahead in the fields of automobile electrification, intelligence, digital economy, and green development. The economic growth of Japan and the world is inseparable from the Chinese economy, emphasizing that Japan should maximize the use of China's economic opportunities. In response, Spokesperson Mao Ning responded at a regular press conference held today (August 22) by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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During the actual itinerary, Zhao, the tour guide appointed by the travel agency, used verbal intimidation, coercion and other methods to induce tourists to participate in self-funded projects, which constituted an illegal fact that the tour guide forced tourists to participate in shopping activities and pay separately for other consumption items.

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At 22:55 on August 22, we will usher in the summer solar term. Summertime is the second solar term in autumn."Yueling Seventy-two Charities Ji Jie" says: "Stay and stop, and the summer heat stops here." "Chu" here means "termination", marking that summer is gradually coming to an end and the golden autumn is approaching.

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