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最新资讯 (2024-08-22)


Mongolia President Khurilsukh attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Political figures from many countries, government representatives from China, Russia, Belarus, the United States, Japan, France and Australia, as well as representatives from more than 20 international organizations including the United Nations attended the opening ceremony. The theme of this World Conference on Women is "Creating a Green Future Together" and will last for two days.

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多地“硕果累累”绘就和美乡村好“丰”景 端牢“中国饭碗”底气足

At present, more than 4.4 million acres of autumn grain crops such as corn and potatoes in Qingyang City, Gansu Province have entered a critical period of maturity. The local agricultural department continues to do a good job in field management, and the overall growth of autumn grain is good.

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The reporter learned from the Tianjin City Market Supervision and Administration Commission that Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have accelerated the coordination of regional standardization in the field of public services in recent years, and the three places have achieved the sharing of nearly 15 million unified social credit code data for various institutions.

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2024数博会将举办“算力×联接 AI×未来 ”智算产业发展对话

The 2024 China International Big Data Industry Expo will open on August 28, and will be held at the Guiyang International Ecological Conference Center on the 29th with the "'Computing Power × Connection AI× Future 'Smart Computing Industry Development Dialogue and Launching Ceremony of Turing Town in Gui' an, Guiyang.

2024中国国际大数据产业博览会将于8月28日开幕,以“‘算力×联接 AI×未来 ’智算产业发展对话暨贵阳贵安图灵小镇启动仪式”将于29日在贵阳国际生态会议中心举行。
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部队官兵连夜机动驰援灾区 全力保护人民群众生命财产安全

After the disaster occurred in Huludao City, Liaoning Province, a brigade of the 79th Group Army of the Army that was training in the field received a rescue and disaster relief mission and dispatched more than 100 officers and soldiers to the disaster area overnight.

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On August 22, the 12th Strategic Dialogue between the Chinese and New Zealand (Zealand) militaries was held in Wellington, the capital of new Zealand. The two sides frankly exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern, and conducted in-depth exchanges on promoting practical cooperation between the two militaries, enhancing mutual understanding and trust.

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湖北省发布高温橙色预警 局地可达40℃以上

The Hubei Province Meteorological Observatory issued a high-temperature orange warning at 15:27 on August 22, 2024: It is expected that during the day of August 23, except for the high-altitude areas of Shennongjia and Enshi, the highest temperature in most areas of the province will rise to 35 - 39℃, of which Yichang, Wuhan, Ezhou, Huangshi and Xianning can reach above 40℃. Please take precautions.

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川藏青藏公路建成通车70周年|科学训练、坚守边界 他们是“两路”精神新传人

Plateau warfare has been a major problem in troop training since ancient times. How did the soldiers who first arrived on the plateau quickly conquer the plateau? How to train under alpine and hypoxia conditions? Let's follow our reporters to overcome the plateau problem and strengthen our body.

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The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce today (August 22) that in July, commercial authorities at all levels stepped up efforts to promote the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones, promote high-quality development of service consumption, and promote steady growth in consumption. The total retail sales of consumer goods in the month were 3.78 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%.

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Food and drug safety is related to the direct and practical interests of the people. Starting from August 22, the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Food and Drug Punitive Compensation Dispute Cases"(hereinafter referred to as the "Interpretation") will come into effect. On this occasion, the Supreme Law introduced the drafting ideas and main contents of relevant content.

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撰写发布不实帖文 上海警方全链条捣毁一“网络水军”犯罪团伙

Recently, after careful investigation, the Shanghai police smashed a criminal gang of "Internet Water Army" that organized paid Internet writers to write and publish false posts, arresting 11 suspects, involving more than 2 million yuan.

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The case of Wang Yong, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Government, suspected of accepting bribes was investigated and concluded by the National Supervisory Commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Wang Yong on suspicion of accepting bribes in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed.

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According to media reports, in order to complete the "environmentally friendly homework" assigned by teachers, some parents have to buy empty milk cartons online, and some parent committees buy tens of thousands of milk cartons at a time for this purpose; in response to the so-called "Refill Action", empty refills are used to prove their hard work, and some students are forced to blow out the ink in new refills, or even buy empty refills directly from the Internet...

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Recently, police in Xinxiang, Henan Province successfully destroyed a large "Internet Water Army" criminal gang with a large number of "Internet celebrity" and "Big V" accounts, arresting 276 suspects, involving a total amount of 50 million yuan.

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Although autumn has begun, persistent high temperature weather still occurs in many places in my country, and air conditioners are still a "life-saving artifact" for many people. However, some netizens recently posted that when the air conditioner in the company and home is adjusted to 26 degrees Celsius, there will be a "smelly sock smell", but if the temperature is adjusted to below 26 degrees Celsius, the smell will disappear.

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Since the adjustment of domestic refined oil prices on August 8, 2024, oil prices on the international market have fluctuated. According to the current domestic refined oil price mechanism, the average price for the first 10 working days on August 22 and the average price for the 10 working days before August 8. Compared with the price, the price adjustment amount is less than 50 yuan per ton.

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In order to effectively purify the order of the capital's tourism market, the Beijing police relied on the summer public security crackdown and rectification operations to organize relevant police units of the Criminal Investigation, Internet Security, Environmental Food and Drug Brigade Corps, as well as Dongcheng, Haidian, Tiananmen and other public security bureaus to set up special work classes to focus on illegal seizure by "scalpers"., reselling tourist attractions, tickets for key colleges and universities (reserved quotas) and other tourism-related issues that have strong complaints from the masses, including comprehensive online and offline investigations, and special investigations and crackdowns are carried out throughout the chain.

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New discoveries have been made in my country's Chang'e-5 lunar soil research. After three years of in-depth research and repeated verification, the scientific research team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has proposed a new method to use lunar soil to produce large quantities of water. Using this method, one ton of lunar soil will produce about 51 to 76 kilograms of water, which is expected to provide an important design basis for the construction of future lunar research stations and space stations.

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The Chinese Embassy in Lebanon issued a message specifically reminding Chinese citizens in Lebanon to effectively strengthen security precautions. Recently, the situation on the Lebanon-Israel border has continued to be tense, and the security situation in Lebanon is severe and complex. Currently, the travel risk level in the Southern Province of Lebanon and Nabatiya Province is red (extremely high risk), and all other areas are orange (high risk).

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【图说中国人的生活】大数据科创精英谢真强:从“贵漂”到“贵定”的华丽转身 !

2024 is the seventh year that Xie Zhenqiang, a 34-year-old Sichuan native and big data science and technology innovation elite, has been engaged in the development of the big data science and technology innovation industry in Guiyang. Guiyang's infinitely broad development prospects of the big data industry have given Xie Zhenqiang unlimited passion and motivation. In the future, he will continue to take root in Guiyang and create new results and achievements in the field of big data development.

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