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最新资讯 (2024-08-22)

美国民主党全国代表大会会场外抗议不断 示威人群与警察发生冲突

The Democratic National Convention is held in Chicago from August 19 to 22. On the first day of the meeting, thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched outside the venue to protest the Biden administration's Palestinian-Israeli policies.

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创新新品、应用新场景纷纷亮相 世界机器人大会展现向“智”而行新未来

The five-day 2024 World Robot Conference opened in Beijing on August 21. With the theme of "Co-cultivating New Quality Productivity and Sharing an Intelligent New Future", the conference held forums, expos, competitions and supporting activities at the same time, and new innovative robot applications and new scenarios were unveiled one after another.

为期五天的2024世界机器人大会8月21日在北京开幕。大会以“共育新质生产力 共享智能新未来”为主题,同期举办论坛、博览会、大赛及配套活动,机器人创新新品、应用新场景纷纷亮相。
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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 09:37 on August 22, a magnitude 3.2 earthquake occurred in Kuche City, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang (40.95 degrees north latitude, 83.95 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 20 kilometers.

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走进博物馆、走入乡村田野……暑期研学游热度不减 各地文旅活动精彩不断

Now that the summer vacation is coming to an end, many students are rushing to the end of the holiday and coming to museums, science popularization bases and rural fields accompanied by their parents to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

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In July, the whole society's electricity consumption was 939.6 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 5.7%. From January to July, the total electricity consumption of the whole society totaled 5.5971 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 09:11 on August 22, a magnitude 3.1 earthquake occurred in Kuche City, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang (40.95 degrees north latitude, 83.96 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 18 kilometers.

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It is expected that there will be heavy rain in parts of eastern Jilin, eastern Liaoning, southern Zhejiang, western Fujian, southwestern Yunnan, and central and southern Guangxi today, and local heavy rain (50~90 mm) in southeastern Jilin, eastern Liaoning, southwestern Yunnan, and central Guangxi.

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今年第10号台风“珊珊”生成 预计未来五天对我国海域无影响

This year's 10th typhoon "Shanshan"(Tropical Storm Class, English name: Shanshan; name source: China Hong Kong; name meaning: girl's name) was formed in the northwest Pacific in the early morning of August 22.

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迎“汛”而上 冲锋在前——党员干部筑牢防汛救灾安全防线

"Seven downsides and eight upsides" are the most critical checkpoints for flood prevention. Faced with the severe flood prevention and disaster relief situation, grassroots party organizations and party members and cadres in various places have rushed forward to the "flood" and charged forward, and gone all out to do a good job in "all-round, all-field, all-weather" flood prevention and disaster relief work, build a solid flood prevention and disaster relief safety defense line, and resolutely protect the safety of people's lives and property.

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Dai Shoulun, former secretary of the Mudanjiang Municipal Party Committee of Heilongjiang Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Heilongjiang Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping praised: "The outstanding achievements of the Chinese sports delegation have carried forward the Chinese sports spirit and the Olympic spirit, made the Chinese national spirit and the spirit of the times complement each other, and vividly interpreted the Chinese spirit in the new era.△ In the women's 3m springboard final of the Paris Olympics diving event, Chinese athlete Chen Yiwen won the gold medal and Chinese athlete Chang Yani won the bronze medal.

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Allowing convicted minors to return to society "without trace" is the original intention of establishing a system for sealing criminal records for minors. In May 2022, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the "Implementation Measures on the Sealing of Juvenile Criminal Records" to dispel the haze, provide confidence, and illuminate hope for minors who have learned their way back.

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微镜头 | “祖国和人民为你们骄傲”

The Paris Olympics were triumphant. With their passion to pursue their dreams, exciting struggle, and perseverance to never give up, the Olympic athletes achieved "the best result in the history of my country's participation in overseas participation in the Summer Olympics." When shaking hands, the General Secretary called out their names before some athletes had time to introduce themselves.

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Recently, the public security organs of Yunnan Province and Myanmar carried out border police law enforcement cooperation and successfully arrested 307 Chinese suspects who committed cross-border telecommunications network fraud. At present, all suspects have been handed over to us.

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政策发力 推动设备更新跑出“加速度”

my country's transportation equipment is large in scale and has sufficient potential for renewal. The latest data shows that as of the end of last year, my country had more than 20,000 railway locomotives, more than 12 million operating vehicles, about 120,000 water transport ships, and nearly 700,000 buses and trolleys.

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At 07:30 on August 22, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake occurred in the far sea on the east coast of Kamchatka (52.85 degrees north latitude, 160.25 degrees east longitude) with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 07:38 on August 22, a magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred in Kuche City, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang (40.92 degrees north latitude, 83.97 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 15 kilometers.

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一知名日企被曝涉嫌数据造假 最早可追溯至近50年前

On the 21st local time, IHI, a large Japanese heavy industry company, submitted an investigation report to Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on its subsidiary's tampering with fuel data for ship engines and other products.

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捷克一工厂发现二战遗留炸弹 数百人被疏散

A bomb left over from World War II was discovered at a factory in northwest Czech Republic on the 21st, and police evacuated more than 500 people.

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The changes in government services have become a vivid reflection of the value orientation of comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era.

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