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最新资讯 (2024-08-21)

中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅关于完善市场准入制度的意见

The market access system is one of the basic systems of the socialist market economy and the key to promoting a better combination of effective markets and promising governments.

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A reporter learned on the 21st that Japanese manufacturing giant Kawasaki Heavy Industries released information on the same day that it had confirmed that the company had misbehaved in tampering with marine engine test data. The total number of marine engines involved reached 673.

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月饼抢“鲜”上市 港澳消费者大增

There is less than a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival. In major supermarkets in Shenzhen, Guangdong, mooncakes are already on the market "fresh". Their rich flavors and affordable prices have attracted many consumers from Hong Kong and Macao to buy them.

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虾蟹肥美“游”上市民餐桌 海鲜市场购销两旺

At Hankou Port, Shiqiao Town, Lianyungang, swimming crabs are sorted and transported to the local seafood wholesale market after landing. Since this year's "small fishing", the Yellow Sea swimming crabs have been relatively fat. The largest individual can reach one pound, and the smaller ones are about three ounces.

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又是一年好“丰”景!五彩斑斓绘出秀美秋收画卷 古村晒秋庆祝五谷丰登

After the beginning of autumn, Chengkan Village, a Qiannian Ancient Village located in Huizhou District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, started the autumn sun drying mode. Colorful crops of all kinds are gorgeous under the autumn sun, forming a beautiful rural picture.

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In 2024, the National Natural Resources Inspection Agency will focus on the two main lines of cultivated land protection and ecological protection, and carry out integrated and comprehensive inspections of natural resources such as land, minerals, forestry and grassland, and oceans and land spatial planning.

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On August 21, the Fujian Coast Guard carried out regular law enforcement inspections in accordance with the law in the waters near Kinmen.

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四种类型颈椎病,哪一种最不好惹 | 科普时间

There are many types of cervical spondylosis, and each type has its own "personality" and is "difficult to mess with." Let's take a look at the four types of cervical spondylosis.

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Our reporter walked into Gyangzi County, Xizang, where Shanghai City counterpart, and through the changes of a school, the upgrade of a park, and the continuation of emotions, told the moving story of Tibetan aid cadres working together with local cadres and the masses to seek development.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲|农民合唱团,唱出“六谷丰登”曲

"The red sun in Ningxia River, the red wolfberry trees brighten the eyes, the red face smiles, I like the hot days..." In the evening, in the Hongbao Village Cultural Station, Dazhang Town, Zhongning County, Ningxia, songs singing new life in rural areas spread throughout the village through a large slightly.

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Maputo News: The water distribution center and pipe network project undertaken by Power China in Pemba City, the capital of Cabo Delgado Province in northern Mozambique, was officially opened on the 19th. Mozambican President Niusi attended the ceremony and pressed the water pump start button.

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A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines issued a statement on the 20th saying that the United States and relevant countries are not parties to the South China Sea issue and have no right to intervene in sea-related issues between China and the Philippines. They should stop provoking confrontation in the South China Sea and stop undermining regional stability and exacerbating tensions.

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Title: Infrastructure cooperation opens up a new thread of Africa's development-One of the series of commentaries on China-Africa cooperation with sincerity and sincerity Moses Masika Wetangula, Speaker of the National Assembly of Kenya, said that green development is an inevitable choice for Africa to achieve sustainable development. China has always been a reliable partner of Kenya, and China's support is crucial to Africa's development.

题:基建合作,打通非洲发展新脉络——真实亲诚的中非合作系列评论之一 肯尼亚国民议会议长摩西·马西卡·韦坦古拉表示,绿色发展是非洲实现可持续发展的必然选择,中国一直是肯尼亚可靠的合作伙伴,中国的支持对非洲发展至关重要。
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On the 20th, the European Commission conducted a final ruling on a countervailing investigation into electric vehicles against China. The final ruling disclosure is based on the "facts" unilaterally determined by the European side rather than facts jointly recognized by both parties. China firmly opposes and is highly concerned about this. China will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

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Since the beginning of this year, the price of lithium batteries has fallen to a lower level, which has led to a further increase in the proportion of new energy storage represented by lithium batteries. As the destocking of household energy storage in Europe approaches an end, emerging markets such as South America and North Africa are gradually increasing, and many domestic energy storage companies also won large overseas orders in July.

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5分钟完成“全身体检” “智能卫士”护航水利工程安全运行

Since the flood season began in 2024, many rivers in my country have experienced excessive warning and historical floods. While water conservancy projects in various places give full play to their flood control role, their safe operation is also facing severe challenges. At the Baihetan Hydropower Station in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, the dam safety monitoring automation system independently developed by my country has become an "intelligent guard" to protect the safe operation of water conservancy projects under high water levels.

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旅游热潮持续涌动 产业蓬勃发展激活经济增长“引擎”

During the summer vacation, rural tourism is popular among tourists. In Huatanshan Town, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, relying on the rich natural landscape around, more and more tourists come here to check in for B & Bs. It has promoted the vigorous development of the local B & B industry and become a new growth point for the rural economy.

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外贸订单增长 国产解暑降温产品热销海外

This summer, Chinese-made summer mats have become popular in the European market. According to data from a European e-commerce platform, sales of the summer mat category soared in the first three weeks of July, with a month-on-month increase of 288%.

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On August 21, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development".

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Recently, based on reports from the masses and clues provided by relevant departments, the National Medical Insurance Administration, together with relevant departments, organized an investigation and disposal of suspected collusion and negotiation of quotations by relevant gangs and enterprises in the centralized procurement of drugs organized by the state.

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