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最新资讯 (2024-08-21)

福州长乐区一大楼着火 暂无人员伤亡

Today (21st) morning, a fire broke out in a building in Changle District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. According to on-site rescue personnel, the fire is currently within controllable range, most people have been relocated, and no casualties have been reported yet. Rescue workers are still checking floor by floor, and reporters are rushing to the scene.

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联播一瞬带你看 习近平向奥运健儿致以热烈祝贺

Xi Jinping cordially received all members of the Chinese sports delegation for the Paris Olympics, welcomed everyone on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and extended warm congratulations and sincere condolences to everyone.

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On August 21, 2024, an ARJ21 aircraft of Comac took off from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in Sichuan. After a 50-minute flight, it successfully arrived at Hongyuan Airport in Aba, Sichuan, marking the more than a month of ARJ21 aircraft's "Round the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" demonstration flight officially kicked off.

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In order to comprehensively and systematically reflect the price supervision and inspection and anti-unfair competition law enforcement work of national market regulatory authorities in 2023, the State Administration for Market Regulation recently released the "China Price Supervision, Inspection and Anti-unfair Competition Law Enforcement Annual Report (2023)".

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Sobyanin, mayor of the Russian capital of Moscow, posted on social media on the 21st that Russian air defense forces shot down 10 drones flying towards Moscow in the early morning of the same day.

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The US "Geopolitical Economic Report" website recently published a report titled "Which is the true democracy, the United States or China? The article "Oligarchy Politics in the United States VS Deliberative Democracy in China" compares the democratic situation of China and the United States from multiple perspectives.

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纽约联储:美国工人对薪酬和工作前景更加悲观 忧虑程度达十年最大

According to a Reuters report on the 19th, a survey released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on the same day showed that the proportion of workers expected to lose their jobs in the next four months rose to the highest level since 2014 in July, and the level of worker anxiety was the highest in a decade, indicating that American workers are more pessimistic about wages and job prospects.

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追光 | 金牌也许会褪色,但这些瞬间和话语,永不褪色

The Paris Olympics have ended, and one day the gold medal may fade, but the way Chinese athletes work hard, their vivid and distinctive personalities, and inspiring words will always shine brightly.

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China's experience shows that insisting on putting the well-being of the people first and exploring development paths suitable for the country's national conditions is crucial to the development of a country.

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Since the beginning of this year, China and Vietnam, with mountains and rivers connected by rivers, have accelerated on the road to practical cooperation and delivered an outstanding report card.

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More and more young children undergo dental orthotics, which may expose children to multiple risks to their physical and mental health. Pei Rong, chief physician of the Department of Stomatology at Henan Province Children's Hospital, said in an interview that some parents are prone to panic when encountering some "abnormal" phenomena that occur during their children's tooth development.

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In order to vigorously promote the change of customs and actively cultivate a new culture of marriage and childbearing, the All-China Women's Federation, in conjunction with the Central Office of Spiritual Civilization Construction, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, will hold the "Family and Country Together Celebrate Happiness" 2024 National Collective Wedding.

为大力推进移风易俗,积极培育新型婚育文化,全国妇联联合中央精神文明建设办公室、国家民族事务委员会、民政部、农业农村部及中央军委政治工作部,将于9月22日举办“家国同庆 见证幸福”2024年全国万人集体婚礼。
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In recent years, bicycle riding activities have continued to heat up across the country, gradually becoming a new choice for national fitness and a new fashion for low-carbon travel. At the same time, recent safety issues related to cycling have frequently attracted social attention. How can cycling activities develop healthily? Some cycling organizers, participants and urban transportation experts gave their opinions and suggestions.

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Order-based farming is an effective form to help connect production and marketing of agricultural products and ensure farmers 'income, but it is used as a cover by some lawless elements to set up scams to trap farmers." In contrast, in a case where a fruit company in Ganzhou City produced and sold inferior fertilizers in the name of "order farming," the suspect Liao was better at packaging himself and his products.

订单农业本是助力农产品产销对接、保障农民收益的有效形式,却被一些不法分子当成幌子,设骗局坑农。”  相比之下,在赣州市某果业公司以“订单农业”为名生产销售劣质肥料案中,犯罪嫌疑人廖某更擅长包装自己和产品。
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River floods, mountain torrents, urban waterlogging, etc. all have corresponding early warning signals. Tu Yong reminded that during the period of frequent mountain torrents, we should always pay attention to the weather forecast, heavy rain warning signals issued by the meteorological department, and the mountain torrents disaster warning signals issued by the water conservancy department.

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Ye is the owner of a community in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and Qiu and Huang are the project director and security department director of the community property company respectively. The procuratorate accused the defendants Qiu, Tian and Huang of accepting bribes from non-state functionaries in accordance with the law, and the defendant Ye of committing bribes to non-state functionaries and filed a public prosecution with the court.

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In June 2022, Yizhang Police established a task force to investigate the new crime of falsely issuing ETC toll electronic value-added tax invoices. After investigation, the case involved 171 logistics companies and more than 4000 trucks ETC toll electronic invoice information in 22 provinces and cities including Hunan and Guangxi. The amount of electronic invoice for ETC tolls for trucks was falsely issued was 345 million yuan.

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At present, playing "cigarette cards" has become a new game emerging among primary and secondary school students. Why are minors addicted to "cigarette cards" and how to guide minors to develop healthy interests and hobbies? The reporter conducted an interview on this.

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辽宁葫芦岛市启动Ⅱ级防汛应急响应 建昌县已基本恢复通信

Starting from August 19, continuous heavy rainfall occurred in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. At present, a total of 7075 people have been relocated in Huludao City.

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At present, gorgon euryale is gradually entering a large-scale harvesting period, and farmers in Guangshan County, Henan Province are stepping up picking to ensure that fresh gorgon euryale is supplied to the market in a timely manner.

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