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最新资讯 (2024-08-20)


As a city based on ecology, Guiyang promotes Guiyang's unique ecological beauty to citizens and tourists. In the view of Hong Lu, a commentator at the Science Museum, this is not only her responsibility, but also her pride. According to her introduction, every year she receives hundreds of games and tens of thousands of tourists from inside and outside the province.

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越走越开阔!我国高水平对外开放稳步前行 国际经贸合作成果丰硕

On August 20,"News Network" and other columns reported that my country's high-level opening up to the outside world is progressing steadily and international economic and trade cooperation has achieved fruitful results.

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何以中国 行走河南|“豫”见世界遗产

Why China walks Henan: "Yu" sees world heritage.

何以中国 行走河南:“豫”见世界遗产。
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In the dense forest on the top of Yuanbao Mountain in the northern suburbs of Kunming, Yunnan Province, in the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is a low-key and mysterious national major scientific and technological infrastructure-the Southwest China Wildlife Germplasm Resource Bank.

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The reporter learned from China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd. that as of August 20, 2024, since the opening of the Manzhouli, Suifenhe and Tongjiang railway ports of the "East Corridor" of China-Europe freight trains, the cumulative traffic volume has exceeded 30000 trains and 2.91 million TEUs of goods have been delivered., achieving continuous growth, showing a good trend of both quantity and quality.

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Sergey Vergechko, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies, said in a written exclusive interview with a reporter from Xinhua Agency that the dialogue mechanism between Belarus and China at all levels promotes the two sides to deepen cooperation in various fields. The cooperation between the two sides has been fruitful and is mutually beneficial.

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China-Vietnam freight trains are an important logistics channel connecting China and Vietnam.

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On the afternoon of August 20, President Xi Jinping met with foreign parliamentary leaders attending the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the National People's Congress's accession to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Sixth Seminar for Parliamentarians from Developing Countries at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

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东北江南华南等地有较强降雨 国家防总办公室、应急管理部调度部署重点地区防范应对

On August 20, the National Defense General Office and the Ministry of Emergency Management organized a joint meeting between meteorological, water conservancy, natural resources and other departments to dispatch and deploy emergency rescue and disaster relief in key areas, heavy rainfall prevention and response, and inspection and defense of flood control projects.

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The US "Geopolitical Economic Report" website recently published a report titled "Which is the true democracy, the United States or China? The article "Oligarchy Politics in the United States VS Deliberative Democracy in China" compares the democratic situation of China and the United States from multiple perspectives. Simon Turner is a writer and geopolitical analyst who lives in the Netherlands.

美国“地缘政治经济报告”网站近日发表题为《美国或中国,哪个才是真正的民主?美国的寡头政治VS中国的协商民主》的文章,从多个角度比较了中美两国的民主情况。作者名为西蒙·特纳(Simon Turner),是一位作家和地缘政治分析家,现居荷兰。
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突发!洪水致两人死亡 美国康涅狄格州宣布进入紧急状态

According to ABC News, at least two people have been killed and more than 100 people have been evacuated as storms hit parts of Connecticut and triggered floods. On the 19th local time, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont declared a state of emergency in the state.

据美国广播公司新闻网(ABC News)报道,随着暴风雨侵袭美国康涅狄格州部分地区并引发洪水,已致至少两人死亡,超100人被疏散。当地时间19日,康涅狄格州州长内德·拉蒙特宣布该州进入紧急状态。
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On the afternoon of August 20, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Fijian Prime Minister Lambuka, who was in China for an official visit.

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The Lingang New Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone celebrated its fifth anniversary today (August 20). Over the past five years, Lingang New Area has adhered to high-standard international economic and trade rules, and an institutional open system of "five freedoms and one convenience" has been initially established.

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独家视频丨习近平会见斐济总理:我们在旧金山约定见面 今天你是如约而至

On the afternoon of August 20, President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with Fijian Prime Minister Lambuka, who was in China for an official visit.

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独家视频丨习近平:中国愿同各国一道 把我们共同生活的地球建成一个和睦的大家庭

On the afternoon of August 20, President Xi Jinping met with foreign parliamentary leaders attending the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the National People's Congress's accession to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Sixth Seminar for Parliamentarians from Developing Countries at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

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At the invitation of Russian Prime Minister Mishustin, Premier Li Qiang left Beijing on a chartered plane on the morning of August 20 to go to Moscow to hold the 29th regular meeting between the Chinese and Russian prime ministers and an official visit to Russia. State Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council Wu Zhenglong and other accompanying personnel left Beijing on the same plane.

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习近平在接见第33届奥运会中国体育代表团时强调 戒骄戒躁 再接再厉 为建设体育强国再立新功

The golden hall of the Great Hall of the People is filled with a festive and warm atmosphere. At about 3:20 p.m., Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders came to the members of the delegation, and the audience burst into long and warm applause. Xi Jinping shook hands cordially with everyone and took a group photo.

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三十载援藏情深 墨竹教育谱新篇

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the newly completed teaching building. The bell rang. Mozhugongka County Middle School ended its afternoon classes. More than 2400 students walked through the playground in groups. It was time for dinner.

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三部门向辽宁省调拨7000件中央救灾物资 支持做好受灾群众紧急转移安置和生活救助工作

On August 20, in accordance with the flood control and disaster relief needs of Huludao and other places in Liaoning Province, the Office of the National Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management, together with the State Grain and Material Reserve Administration, urgently allocated 7000 pieces of central disaster relief materials such as blankets and family emergency kits to Liaoning Province to support the local area in emergency relocation and resettlement of disaster-stricken people and basic living assistance.

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Xinhua Agency News: On the afternoon of August 20, President Xi Jinping met with foreign parliamentary leaders attending the 40th anniversary of the National People's Congress's accession to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Sixth Seminar for Parliamentarians from Developing Countries at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

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