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最新资讯 (2024-08-20)


Educating people for thousands of years, the string song continues. The Yuelu Academy on the bank of the Xiangjiang River is still a classroom for China's excellent traditional culture today.

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On August 19, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Surin, who was in China for a state visit.

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Recently, a new service-"designated bus" has been added to the railway 12306 bus ticket area, making it more convenient and faster for passengers to travel from home to the train station and from the train station to the bus station.

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Recently, the international standard "External Protection of Road Vehicles-Passenger Cars"(ISO 2958:2024), which was revised under the lead of my country, was officially released. This is the first ISO international standard in the field of passive vehicle safety led by my country.

近期,由我国牵头修订的国际标准《道路车辆—乘用车外部防护》(ISO 2958:2024)正式发布,这是汽车被动安全领域首个由我国牵头完成的ISO国际标准。
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This summer vacation, the "niche" museums in colleges and universities are heating up. These museums not only have many unknown treasures in their collections, but also carry the historical, cultural heritage and spiritual connotation of a university.

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Recently, a team of scientists from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences used quantitative geodynamic models to reveal that the core power source for the sustained growth of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau comes from the "mantle wind" from south to north. The northbound mantle current identified by the scientific team below the Indian Plate is only a small part of the larger mantle current centered on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

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Recently, a variety of sports activities have been held across the country, enriching people's summer life. These sports activities have become windows to showcase local customs and customs, and have also brought new opportunities for various places to promote national fitness and develop the event economy.

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In order to continue to maintain a strict and strict investigation posture and ensure a good and stable order of the summer fishing ban, on the basis of preliminary investigation, analysis and judgment, from August 16 to 17, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs deployed fishery law enforcement forces of Zhejiang Province to simultaneously carry out joint law enforcement operations on the third line at 35 degrees north latitude, central Zhejiang sea area, and 26 degrees and 30 minutes north latitude. In one fell swoop, 45 suspected illegal fishing vessels (including 13 fishing vessels) and 520 people were arrested., more than 87,200 boxes of catch were seized, About 1526 tons. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will follow up and supervise this extremely serious case, guide local fishery administration departments to work closely with the coast police and public security departments to investigate and deal with it strictly and severely, and resolutely pursue criminal responsibility for crimes involved.

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A new study by Canadian scientists shows that children whose parents are excessively addicted to smartphones are more likely to develop anxiety, attention problems and even ADHD than children of the same age. Study leader Sheri Madigan, associate professor of psychology at the University of Calgary, explained that when children's emotional and physical needs are ignored or inappropriately responsive, they increase their risk of developing mental illness.

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大量附加购物链接的博主探店视频未标明“广告” 涉嫌违法

The "Internet Advertising Management Measures" that will come into effect on May 1, 2023 require that advertising publishers should prominently mark "advertising" when promoting goods or services through knowledge introduction, experience sharing, consumption evaluation, etc., and attaching shopping links and other purchase methods.

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Recently, a team of scientists from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences used quantitative geodynamic models to reveal that the core power source for the sustained growth of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau comes from the "mantle wind" from south to north.

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Recently, the international standard "External Protection of Road Vehicles-Passenger Cars"(ISO 2958:2024), which was revised under the lead of my country, was officially released. This is the first ISO international standard in the field of passive vehicle safety led by my country.

近期,由我国牵头修订的国际标准《道路车辆—乘用车外部防护》(ISO 2958:2024)正式发布,这是汽车被动安全领域首个由我国牵头完成的ISO国际标准。
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夜游火热 暑期文旅消费市场活力足

Since the summer, Shaanxi, a popular tourist destination, has continued to usher in peak passenger flow. Major scenic spots and museums have extended their opening hours. Night cultural and tourism scenes have been continuously enriched, and the consumer market is full of vitality.

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我国入境游市场充满活力 境外游客消费热情不断升温

With the implementation of a series of convenience policies, my country's inbound tourism market is full of vitality, and the consumption enthusiasm of overseas tourists continues to heat up.

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“低空经济”花样“上新” 释放经济“新”活力

Take a "fly" to the airport, take an "air taxi" across the Yangtze River, and use drones to deliver water to the Great Wall... Since 2024, the "low-altitude economy" in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and other places has been continuously "updated" and increasingly integrated into people's daily lives, bringing new vitality and opportunities to the city.

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何以中国·行走河南 | 文化艺术“大众化” 可触、可感再现黄河文化

Summer is one of the hottest periods in the cultural tourism market, and various places also stimulate consumption by creating rich and diverse scenarios.

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国家先进制造业集群主导产业产值超20万亿元 覆盖制造强国建设重点领域

What is the current situation of cultivating manufacturing clusters in my country? How should we make further efforts in the future?

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从车联网到工业互联网 万物互联场景加速落地

At present, my country has created 45 national advanced manufacturing clusters. These clusters are leading the continuous innovation and development of key industries and fields and becoming an important force in promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

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新产业、新动能、新制造不断涌现 经济高质量发展新优势正在铸就

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made important strategic arrangements for further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization. The Financial Program Center of the Central Television Station launched a series of reports "Yuxin Machine Opens a New Game". In the first issue, we turned our attention to the manufacturing industry.

党的二十届三中全会对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出重要战略部署。总台财经节目中心推出系列报道“育新机 开新局”。第一期我们把目光投向制造业。
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多地低空经济“上新” 为城市带来新活力和机遇

Take a "fly" to the airport, take an "air taxi" across the Yangtze River, and use drones to deliver water to the Great Wall. Since the beginning of this year, the "low-altitude economy" in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and other places has been continuously "updated" and increasingly integrated into people's daily life has brought new vitality and opportunities to the city.

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