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最新资讯 (2024-08-19)

启用四周年 新横琴口岸累计通关超4800万人次

It has been four years since the new Hengqin Port tourism inspection area was opened on August 18, 2020. In the past four years, the cumulative number of people entering and leaving the country through Hengqin Port has exceeded 48 million and the number of vehicles has exceeded 5.88 million, with average annual growth rates of approximately 62.2% and 40.4% respectively.

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“两高”就办理洗钱刑事案件发布司法解释明确 通过“虚拟资产”交易属于洗钱

Yesterday, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly held a press conference and issued the "Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases of Money Laundering"(hereinafter referred to as the "Interpretation"), which will come into effect on August 20, 2024. Among them, transactions through "virtual assets" are clearly listed as one of the methods of money laundering.

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A large number of studies have confirmed that changing unhealthy lifestyles, staying away from carcinogens, vaccinating, and maintaining an optimistic attitude can all reduce the risk of cancer to a certain extent.

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The State Financial Supervision and Administration drafted the "Measures for the Compliance Management of Financial Institutions (Draft for Comments)" and recently publicly solicited opinions from the public. The measures require financial institutions to set up chief compliance officers at their headquarters and compliance officers at provincial (cities separately listed in the plan) branches or first-level branches, giving full play to the core functions of chief compliance officers and compliance officers to conduct up and down in the compliance management system. Coordination between left and right, and internal and external communication, and coordinate and promote compliance management work.

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The latest value-added tax invoice data released by the State Administration of Taxation shows that the overall economy continued to pick up and improve in July. The operation was generally stable, with progress while maintaining stability, and high-quality development was solidly advanced, showing many highlights.

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农业社会化服务体系不断健全(锚定现代化 改革再深化)

After the beginning of autumn, the vast black land exudes a bumper harvest. Agricultural socialized services continue to advance, constantly accumulating strength for food security and farmers 'income increase.

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After the reporter inquired "how to charge" under a promotion post on a social platform about an AI sales intelligent robot, in less than half a day, more than 60 users responded with private messages, all of which were related to AI sales.

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The first "super moon" will appear in 2024.

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On August 19, the relevant person in charge of the National Immigration Administration introduced that in the first seven months of this year, the number of foreigners entering the country increased significantly, driving the tourism consumption market.

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August 19 is World Humanitarian Day. United Nations Secretary-General Guterres delivered a video message on the same day, paying tribute to humanitarian workers and calling for an end to attacks on humanitarian workers and all civilians.

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On the 19th local time, Swissair issued a statement announcing the extension of the grounding of flights to and from Tel Aviv, Israel, and Beirut, Lebanon until August 26.

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以军轰炸加沙城沙提难民营 死亡人数升至10人

On August 19, local time, the Shati refugee camp in western Gaza City in the Gaza Strip was bombed by Israeli troops, killing 10 people, including children.

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On August 19, local time, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel had accepted a transitional proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of detainees, and called on the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)) also made the same response.

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On the 19th local time, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement saying that in view of the assessment of the situation and the scope of activities of regular and reserve forces, as part of the Israeli army's plan to expand the number of conscripts available for military service, the Israel Ministry of Defense will recruit reserve soldiers who were previously exempted from recruitment due to troop reductions but are still within the age range that requires service.

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On August 19, local time, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova stated that Western journalists illegally entered Kursk Oblast that Russian authorities have the right to conduct legal assessments of foreign media reporters 'behavior to circumvent established procedures and enter Russia's sovereign territory. Criminal proceedings have been filed against some foreign media people who entered the country illegally. All incidents of illegal entry are recorded, and Russia will take appropriate measures against violators.

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On the 19th local time, Danny Danon, Israel's new Permanent Representative to the United Nations, submitted a full mandate to United Nations Secretary-General Guterres and officially took office. Danny Danon served as the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations from 2015 to 2020. (CCTV reporter Xu Dezhi) Please do not reprint and use it without permission.

当地时间19日,以色列新任常驻联合国代表丹尼·达农(Danny Danon)向联合国秘书长古特雷斯提交全权委任状,正式上任。丹尼·达农曾在2015年到2020年担任以色列常驻联合国代表。(央视记者 徐德智)未经许可,请勿转载使用。
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Pakistan's National Disaster Management Administration released a report on August 19 saying that since July 1 this year, disasters caused by monsoon rains have caused at least 215 deaths and 405 injuries in the country.

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韩美“乙支自由之盾”联演启动 朝鲜谴责

In the early morning of August 19, the South Korea-US joint exercise "Ulchi Freedom Shield" was officially launched. The North Korean side condemned the exercise as a simulation and a "nuclear war rehearsal" of aggression against North Korea.

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On the 19th local time, Lufthansa Group announced that due to concerns about the escalation of the situation in the Middle East, all its flights to Tel Aviv, Israel, Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, Tehran, the capital of Iran, Amman, the capital of Jordan, and Erbil in Iraq will continue to be suspended until August 26. At the same time, Lufthansa and its company flights will continue to suspend overflights of Iraq and Iranian airspace.

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顿涅茨克市一公共汽车站遭袭 致1死10伤

Donetsk regional leader Pushrin said on the 19th local time that Ukraine troops attacked a bus station in Donetsk that day, killing one pregnant woman and injuring 10 others.

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