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最新资讯 (2024-08-18)


General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Surin visited China for a state visit from August 18 to 20.

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全国蔬菜在田面积1.06亿亩 稳产保供有基础

Recently, vegetable prices have continued to rise in many places across the country. The latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that the average price of 19 kinds of vegetables in wholesale markets in 286 production and sales places across the country this week was 4.97 yuan/kg, an increase of 10.9% from last week and a year-on-year increase of 36.2%. Some people lament that the price of home-cooked dishes has become a bit "unusual".

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The one-day 44th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit was held in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, on the 17th. Mnangagwa thanked SADC countries for their firm support in Zimbabwe's face of years of Western sanctions, and called on SADC countries to unite and jointly promote the development process of the region and benefit all people.

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Khartoum News: The Sudanese Ministry of Health said on the 17th that the cholera epidemic has spread on a large scale in the country. Ibrahim recently said that more than half of hospitals in Sudan have stopped operating, about 20 million people have difficulty accessing medical and health services, and a variety of infectious diseases are spreading widely in the country.

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The 2024 Western Pacific International Voyage Scientific Research Team accompanied the "Deep Sea-1" ship and arrived at the first operating area in the Northwest Pacific Ocean at around 0:00 on the 18th (around 22:00 Beijing time on the 17th). The "Jiaolong" manned submersible will carry out 5 dives in the first operating area.

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On the evening of August 16, the second Qionglong Shanshui Football Night Music Festival opened at Chuanshi Lake Sports and Leisure Resort, Lianjie Town, Weiyuan County, Neijiang City. Former Chinese men's football professional athletes Wei Qun and Gao Jianbin joined hands with the fighting Zizhong women's football team to appear on the "Football Night". With superb skills and interaction with the audience, tourists can fully feel the charm of football and music.

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In recent years, individual companies with background in foreign spy intelligence agencies have quietly penetrated around my important classified sites under the banner of building wind towers, illegally collected my sensitive data and information and privately transmitted it overseas, posing a threat to my national security.

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There is a popular behavior pattern among modern people, especially young people, called "procrastination". The simple description is to fall into a state of "clearly knowing what to do but not doing it", which brings a lot of trouble to life and work, leading to self-blame, guilt, anxiety, remorse, and even overeating. Every time people with procrastination or bulimia come to talk, they will undoubtedly fall into a state of self-blame. Many people feel that they are not self-disciplined enough. Is this really the case?

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In order to accelerate the construction and development of supercharging facilities in Beijing City, create a "charging-friendly capital", and provide the public with a convenient, fast and high-quality charging experience, recently, the Beijing City Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Urban Management Commission issued and implemented the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Construction of New Energy Vehicle Super Charging Stations" in the City. It is estimated that by the end of 2024, the city will build 500 supercharging stations, and strive to double the number to 1000 by the end of 2025.

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华北等地降雨持续时间较长 江南华南警惕暴雨突袭

According to the China Weather Network, North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other places will have a large range of rainy weather in the next three days (August 18 to 20), with local heavy rains or heavy rains. The rainfall lasts for a long time, and secondary disasters need to be prevented. occur. At the same time, rainfall in central and southern Jiangnan, South China and other places is "scattered and strong". The public should pay attention to approaching warning information and be wary of sudden rainstorms. In terms of temperature, in the next few days, the high temperatures in the south will mainly be concentrated along the Yangtze River, so attention should be paid to heatstroke prevention.

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During the summer vacation, the "cultural and cultural craze" continues to heat up across the country. Parents in many cities have chosen to take their children to check in popular museums and art galleries. Through edutainment, children can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Major museums and art galleries also attract family audiences with major exhibitions and Internet celebrity exhibitions, continuously extending time and optimizing services to meet the high demand for visits. It can be said to be a "two-way trip."

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The China Table Tennis Association issued a statement: The "rice circle" chaos has seriously interfered with the normal training and competition of the Chinese table tennis team, and will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

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防雨!北京今日将现小到中雨局地或遭暴雨 需警惕次生灾害

According to China Weather Network, during the day today (August 18), Beijing will be rainy and rainy online. The rainfall is mainly light to moderate rain. Local heavy rain may occur, with a maximum temperature of 29℃. The blue warning signal for heavy rain is currently in effect. In the two days after tomorrow, Beijing will still have frequent rains and heavy rainfall in a short period of time. The public should pay attention to preventing adverse effects on traffic such as slippery roads and reduced visibility when going out.

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台风“安比”位于日本以东洋面 将向东偏北方向移动

According to the China Weather Network, the center of this year's No. 7 typhoon "Anbi"(typhoon class) is located at 5 o'clock in the morning today (18th) at the ocean surface about 1080 kilometers east-north of Tokyo, Japan, which is 39.0 degrees north latitude and 151.2 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is 12 (33 meters/s), the lowest pressure in the center is 975 hPa, the radius of the seventh-level wind circle is 150-300 kilometers, and the radius of the ten-level wind circle is 70-100 kilometers.

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飓风“埃内斯托”登陆百慕大 美国沿海地区受到影响

On August 17, local time, Hurricane Ernesto made landfall in Bermuda, affecting most of the east coast of the United States.

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苏丹多地遭遇暴雨和洪水袭击 已致11.7万人流离失所

On August 17, local time, the International Organization for Migration released a report on the situation in Sudan, saying that since June this year, 12 of the 18 states in Sudan have been hit by about 60 heavy rains and floods, causing a total of 117,000 people to be displaced. Tens of thousands of buildings were partially or completely destroyed.

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东北国企转型:攀上科技“新高峰” 当好振兴“顶梁柱”

On March 21, 2024, my country's first hydrogen energy city train was tested in operation at the CRRC Long Passenger Test Line in Changchun. Many local state-owned enterprises have bravely taken the lead, from strategic reorganization to professional integration, from mixed ownership reform to improvement of regulatory mechanisms, and have made innovative breakthroughs in the field of systems and mechanisms.

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According to the Chinese Gymnastics Association's public account, on the evening of August 17, the Chinese Gymnastics Association issued a "Statement". Recently, the public security organs, together with relevant departments, have cracked down on illegal and criminal activities in the sports field in accordance with the law. In this regard, the Chinese Gymnastics Association firmly supports and condemns any illegal and criminal acts.

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On August 17, an article published on the Weixin Official Accounts of University of Science and Technology Beijing introduced that the 2024 undergraduate admissions work of University of Science and Technology Beijing came to a successful conclusion. The ranking of admission scores in science (physics) continues to improve, with 16 provinces achieving the best ranking of universities in the country in recent years. The lowest ranking in 15 provinces has increased significantly compared with last year, and the highest ranking in 14 provinces has exceeded a new high. The admission situation in liberal arts (history) is generally improving, with the average ranking among universities across the country being the best in recent years.

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从业者谈蔬菜涨价:天热易变质 农户收入未明显提升

In the past two days, The Paper reporter used Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, as an observation sample and visited multiple supermarkets, farmers 'markets and vegetable planting bases. Data shows that in July, the retail price of vegetables in Nanchang City generally increased slightly, with the price increases of cucumber, eggplant, peppers, bitter gourd and other varieties relatively obvious.

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