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最新资讯 (2024-08-17)

东北国企转型:攀上科技“新高峰” 当好振兴“顶梁柱”

On March 21, 2024, my country's first hydrogen energy city train was tested in operation at the CRRC Long Passenger Test Line in Changchun. Many local state-owned enterprises have bravely taken the lead, from strategic reorganization to professional integration, from mixed ownership reform to improvement of regulatory mechanisms, and have made innovative breakthroughs in the field of systems and mechanisms.

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On August 17, an article published on the Weixin Official Accounts of University of Science and Technology Beijing introduced that the 2024 undergraduate admissions work of University of Science and Technology Beijing came to a successful conclusion. The ranking of admission scores in science (physics) continues to improve, with 16 provinces achieving the best ranking of universities in the country in recent years. The lowest ranking in 15 provinces has increased significantly compared with last year, and the highest ranking in 14 provinces has exceeded a new high. The admission situation in liberal arts (history) is generally improving, with the average ranking among universities across the country being the best in recent years.

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从业者谈蔬菜涨价:天热易变质 农户收入未明显提升

In the past two days, The Paper reporter used Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, as an observation sample and visited multiple supermarkets, farmers 'markets and vegetable planting bases. Data shows that in July, the retail price of vegetables in Nanchang City generally increased slightly, with the price increases of cucumber, eggplant, peppers, bitter gourd and other varieties relatively obvious.

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昆明警方投放2222根防溺水“救生竹竿” 插立水域周边

Recently, Kunming police carried out a city-wide investigation of potential safety hazards in water-related areas and placed 2222 "life-saving bamboo poles" to prevent drowning in key dangerous waters.

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Recently, netizens reported that school staff at the Sichuan New Bashu Special Training Camp pretended to be police officers and beat students, which attracted public attention. On August 16, officials from Xindu District, Chengdu City responded to upstream journalists that the police, Education Bureau and other departments in the district had been involved in the investigation.

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[锚定现代化 改革再深化]十五个产业技术体系推动农业全链条升级

Accompanied by the autumn wind, walking into the provincial bull station located in Xinlan Village, Jinbi Town, Qianxi City, the bull living in a single room is leisurely eating oatmeal forage. Here, each breeding bull can produce more than 20,000 doses of frozen semen every year, which has become the "source" guarantee for the development of the beef cattle industry in Guizhou Province, breaking the past situation that Guizhou beef cattle sources completely relied on external supply.

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" proposes to improve the institutional mechanisms for enhancing the leading position of advantageous industries. This is an important deployment made by the Party Central Committee based on the actual industrial development of my country and improving the international competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain. It is of great significance to forging the golden sign of "Made in China" and fundamentally changing the position of my country's advantageous industries in the international value chain.

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女子抱娃走进兵马俑坑 官方:孩子发烧 不得已为之

On August 17, a netizen posted a video on social platforms saying that while visiting the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang in Shaanxi, a woman in her arms suddenly stepped over the guardrail and walked on the edge of the tunnel of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit.

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Semiglutide, a hypoglycemic and weight-loss drug, is now very popular in the United States. However, as it became popular in the United States, chaos such as the proliferation of "counterfeit drugs" and illegal sales of the drug also emerged, causing a headache for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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俄罗斯堪察加东岸远海发生7.0级地震 震源深度50千米

The China Seismological Network officially determined that a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred at 03:10 on August 18 in the far sea on the east coast of Kamchatka, Russia (52.80 degrees north latitude, 160.15 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 50 kilometers.

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青少年骑行 如何保障安全?

With the popularization of cycling, the group of "cyclists" has become increasingly large. During the summer vacation, more and more children are joining. Where do they usually ride? Is safety awareness enough? Let's hear what the children and parents have to say.

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焦点访谈:“生命通道” 不容添堵

Evacuation corridors, emergency exits, and fire truck corridors may seem inconspicuous at ordinary times, but when a fire breaks out, it is a hope for trapped people to escape and is an extremely critical life corridor. Not long ago, the reporter conducted an unannounced visit to the smooth flow of fire evacuation channels, fire truck channels and illegal installation of anti-theft windows and billboards in three categories of places prone to fires, including "nine small places", multi-format mixed production and operation sites, and crowded places. The results show that in some places, the above places have problems of blocking fire life passages to varying degrees.

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多领域齐头并进汇聚蓬勃生机 中国经济稳定向好有支撑、有底气

Since the beginning of this year, as market supply has improved and enriched, residents 'service consumption potential has continued to be released, and service retail sales have maintained rapid growth.

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何以中国 行走河南|馆长带你逛“夏博” 感知“最早的中国”

In Erlitou, Yanshi, Luoyang, Henan Province, after 65 years of archaeological excavation, China's earliest urban main road network, the earliest "Forbidden City", the earliest official handicraft workshop area, the earliest bronze ritual vessel group, and the earliest turquoise vessel group...

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何以中国 行走河南 | 探寻中原古老文化 坚定民族自信之基

Henan, south of the river, is the heart of the Central Plains.

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Green mountains turn into gold mountains, and forest land turns into treasure. Every inch of green miracle embodies the hard work of three generations of builders of Saihanba Forest Farm.

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何以中国 行走河南|现代科技助力龙门石窟“芳龄永续”

The Longmen Grottoes were first dug when Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty moved the capital to Luoyang. Their excavation went through the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Northern Song Dynasty, with large-scale and intermittent construction for more than 400 years. There are 2345 numbered niches, nearly 110,000 statues, more than 2890 stele inscriptions, and nearly 80 pagodas in the east and west mountains.

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小账本里看发展 |“想上天”的年轻人

Two months ago, at the Moon's South Pole-Aitken Basin, Chang'e-6 launched the first sample collection mission carried out by a human probe on the back of the moon. This was the second time that China had carried back to land on the moon. No other country had ever been here before. Soft landing.

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According to the rainfall warning, on August 18, 2024, all trains on the S2 line, Huairou-Miyun line, and Tongmi line will be suspended.

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The draft for comments points out that securities companies engaging in sponsorship business or accounting firms performing audit business can collect service fees in stages according to the work progress, but whether or not the fees are charged or how much they are charged must not be based on the results of audit work or the results of public issuance and listing of shares.

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