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最新资讯 (2024-08-17)

拉日铁路通车十周年 | 1429万人次、524万吨,百姓的“幸福线”

August 16th marks the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Lhasa-Shigatse railway in Xizang. Over the past ten years, the Largo Railway has transported a total of 14.29 million passengers and 5.24 million tons of cargo, becoming an important bridge between Lhasa and Shigatse.

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According to statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, at present, the country's vegetable field area is 106 million mu, an increase of 900,000 mu year-on-year. It is still at a relatively high level during the year, and there is a foundation for stable production and supply. At present, various localities have strengthened response measures and made every effort to ensure a stable supply of citizens '"vegetable baskets".

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成都到昆明3小时左右 渝昆高铁渝宜段开启运行试验

After the completion and opening of the Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway, it will further improve the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, strengthen the connection between the Chengdu-Chongqing twin-city economic circle and the central Yunnan region, and significantly reduce the railway travel time from Chongqing to Kunming.

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Shannan is one of the birthplaces of ancient civilization in Xizang, with a long history and splendid culture. A number of rock painting groups were discovered during the fourth national cultural relics census in Shannan, Tibet Autonomous Region. The earliest parts have a history of more than 2300 years.

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以军袭击加沙中部努赛赖特难民营 至少6人死亡

General reporters learned on the 17th local time that Israeli troops airattacked a house near the Nusayreat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip that day, killing at least six people, including two children, and injuring many others.

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展讯|诗书双美 艺道永存——沈鹏先生纪念展(二)

Mr. Shen Peng is a famous calligrapher, poet, art critic, editor and publisher, vice chairman of the 6th China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, member of the 8th to 12th National Committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, senior librarian of the Central Museum of Literature and History, fourth chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, honorary chairman of the fifth to eighth sessions, and honorary president of the Chinese Poetry Society. On August 21, 2023, Mr. Shen Peng passed away in Beijing at the age of 92.

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According to a report by the Vietnam News Agency on the 16th, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Surin will pay a state visit to China from August 18 to 20. On this occasion, Le Hoei Trong, Minister of External Affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and Pham Sing Mui, Vietnamese Ambassador to China, were interviewed by reporters on the purpose and significance of the visit.

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Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture in northern Xinjiang has customized "Wildlife Damage Compensation Insurance" for herdsmen's cattle, sheep, camels and other livestock, effectively alleviating the problem of herdsmen's property losses caused by the invasion of wild animals such as wolves and bears.

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Recently, it was revealed that the U.S. government had monitored Brazilian President Lula for 50 years and compiled 819 reports with a total of 3300 pages on him from 1966 to 2019. The length of the surveillance period and the scope of content are staggering.

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Recently, at the Hafaya Natural Gas Processing Plant project site in Iraq, the reporter met with Ode Abdullah, founder of the local construction company "Atim". Ao De was originally a farmer near the Hafaya Oilfield, and later led a construction team to work on projects undertaken by Chinese companies. Today, his construction company is quite famous locally.

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全球连线|韩国视频博主打卡北京“city”地标 感受古都魅力和旅行便利

Not long ago, South Korean video blogger Kim Jung-fan, who has been in Beijing for more than ten years, visited Beijing Daxing International Airport on the southern extension of Beijing's central axis and a popular check-in spot for foreigners-"Xiushui Street". He took everyone from two "city" landmarks in Beijing. Get a glimpse of the popularity of "China Travel" and feel the charm of the rejuvenation of the ancient capital and the convenience of traveling in Beijing.

不久前,来北京十余年的韩国视频博主金峻范探访了北京中轴线南延长线上的北京大兴国际机场、外国人士的热门打卡地——“秀水街”,带大家从北京的两个“city”地标中一窥“China Travel”的热度,感受古都焕新的魅力和在京旅行的便利。
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Visit the Huaihai Campaign Memorial Hall.

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能源转型风起“绿”涌 释放经济发展新动能

Green factories, offshore wind power, new energy storage... In recent years, my country's energy development has delivered an eye-catching "report card", and industrial transformation is expected to be "green".

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Walking in Henan, every brick and tile is an epic.

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放宽市场准入、扩大开放试点……多举措鼓励外商投资 促进合作共赢

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on August 16. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce stated that it would launch a series of measures to encourage foreign investment and improve the high-level opening up system and mechanism.

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According to monitoring by the Guangzhou City Meteorological Observatory, Guangzhou City has reached the Level IV Incident Response Service standard for starting meteorological disasters (heavy rains). The Guangzhou City Meteorological Disaster Emergency Headquarters decided to launch a Level IV Incident Response Service for Meteorological Disasters (Heavy Rain) in Guangzhou City starting from 16:20 on the 17th. Please do a good job in defense work in accordance with the provisions of the plan.

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世卫组织促增产猴痘疫苗 欧洲疾控中心上调感染风险级别

The World Health Organization urged vaccine manufacturers on the 16th to increase production of monkeypox vaccines to control the spread of a more dangerous monkeypox strain. On the same day, the European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention raised the risk level of monkeypox transmission.

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汽车报废更新补贴翻倍!以旧换新政策加码 进一步释放国内消费需求

On August 16, the Ministry of Commerce and other seven departments issued a notice on further improving the trade-in of automobiles, officially launching a new round of trade-in automobiles, raising subsidy standards for scrapping and renewal, and increasing central financial support. What are the preferential policies and how to drive green consumption?

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The Shanxi Province Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow rainstorm warning on August 17. The warning areas are Linfen City, Xinzhou City, Yuncheng City, Jinzhong City, Changzhi City, Taiyuan City, Jincheng City, Yangquan City, Shuozhou City, Lvliang City, and Datong City.

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United Nations Secretary-General Guterres said on the 16th that in order to vaccinate children in the Gaza Strip against polio, a temporary ceasefire must be implemented there. Guterres told the media at the United Nations headquarters in New York that the polio virus has spread in the Gaza Strip and children are at risk. The United Nations has prepared to vaccinate more than 640,000 children under the age of 10 in the Gaza Strip against polio. The World Health Organization has Approved the release of 1.6 million doses of polio vaccine.

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