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最新资讯 (2024-08-17)


Understand the "seven focuses": building a beautiful China.

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泰国发布皇家赦免令 前总理他信等约5万人将获释

General reporters learned on the 17th local time that according to the Thai royal pardon order issued on the same day, former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is serving his sentence, was pardoned and will be released early. Thaksin was originally due to end his sentence on August 31.

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航空航天体验项目丰富多彩 丰富青少年暑期生活

This summer, in Chongqing, a series of aerospace experience projects such as drone competitions, aerospace science exhibitions, and exploration of the mysteries of the sky were held, attracting many young people to participate.

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登山+特色民俗展演引客来 “冷资源” 变身“热产业”

Yuzhuangma, the highest peak in the eastern section of Kunlun Mountain, is a professional entry mountain climbing site with an altitude of more than 6000 meters around the world. It is a good training ground for mountaineering enthusiasts to climb snowy mountains for the first time. Recently, more than 60 outdoor mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the country gathered in the mountain climbing town of Yuzhufeng to launch a charge to the summit.

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暑期旅游热 去秦岭看熊猫成为消费新热潮

This summer vacation, going to the Qinling Mountains to see pandas has become a new consumption craze. In the past few days, the Foping Rescue and Breeding Research Base of Giant Panda in Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province has ushered in a peak of visits.

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远洋运输绿色转型 我国绿色动力船舶全球市场份额超七成

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development"(hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). The "Opinions" proposed to promote low-carbon transportation tools, promote the use of clean power for ships, etc., and encourage net zero emissions Marine fuel R & D, production and application.

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高温带火“冷”生意 制冰厂满负荷生产保障蔬菜运输保鲜

Under the high temperature weather, ice making companies have also entered the peak production season of the year.

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@北京市民 强降雨再度来袭 这些公共交通信息要关注

On August 17, there will be a new round of heavy rainfall in Beijing. The reporter learned from the Beijing City Transportation Commission that the transportation department has launched a Flood Control Incident Response Service to ensure the safety of citizens.

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改革为人民丨“土特产” 鼓起乡亲们的“钱袋子”

Recently, Minning Town, Ningxia has ushered in the wine grape picking season, and the grape plantation is particularly lively. Hundreds of workers shuttled through the garden, picking strings of attractively colored grapes and placing them in baskets.

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三伏天 老年人如何保护心脑血管丨科普时间

In most people's impressions, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke often occur in winter. In fact, high temperatures in summer can also lead to the onset of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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Starting from Korla City, Xinjiang, and heading southeast along the Wuruo Expressway into the "Sea of Death"-the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert, a photovoltaic power station with the words "Shago Desert Photovoltaic Ecological Sand Control Demonstration Project" comes into view.

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全球连线|巴西留学生“打卡”雄安 探寻历史文脉

Recently, Chen Tianwu, a Brazilian student majoring in history and archaeology at Peking University, used his summer vacation to come to Xiongan New Area to visit archaeologists and literary and historical enthusiasts, visit ancient city sites and archaeological excavation sites, experience the profound cultural heritage of Xiongan New Area, and enhance archaeology Professional knowledge.

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Since the summer vacation in 2024, peaks in water tourism passenger flow have continued to emerge. Data shows that from July 1 to now, a total of 45.12 million passengers have been transported across the country. Among them, night boat tours to enjoy the city scenery have become one of the choices for many tourists to travel to various places.

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In recent years, the pace of "going global" of Chinese companies has been accelerating. In many developing countries, more and more Chinese investors and builders are active. The British "Economist" magazine recently published an article saying that Chinese companies are developing rapidly and gaining competitive advantages in the "global south" market.

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The Chinese-style modernization path is the result of China's independent exploration. This road to modernization is exciting. The vast number of countries in the global South should have the courage to explore development paths suitable for their own national conditions and jointly promote modernization.

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综述|互利合作共发展 携手同行谱新篇——巴西各界人士热议巴中建交50周年发展成就

People from all walks of life in Brazil said that Brazil and China are the largest developing countries in their respective hemispheres. The two countries are comprehensive strategic partners and share broad common interests. They are moving forward hand in hand and achieving each other on the road of national development and national revitalization.

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四川渠县发生一起交通事故致7伤 肇事司机已被控制

At about 8:35 on August 17, a traffic accident occurred on the Commercial Street of Tuxi Town, Qu County. Seven people were injured to varying degrees, two of whom were seriously injured. The injured were all sent to hospital for treatment in time. At present, the driver Wang Moumou has been brought under control. After preliminary investigation, the accident was caused by the driver's improper operation, and drunk driving is ruled out. Please do not believe in rumors or spread rumors.

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Today, one-quarter of the world's new green area comes from China, and the national average proportion of days with good air quality reaches 82.8%. The new installed capacity of renewable energy power generation exceeds half of the world's total. The total capacity of industrial hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, and solar power generation above designated size increased by 13.4% year-on-year, accounting for an increase in the proportion of industrial power generation above designated size. Looking at the economy in the first half of 2024,"green" has become the key word for development.

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福建一渔船在海上沉没 1人死亡 失联3人正在搜救中

The reporter learned from many sources that in the early morning of August 17, a fishing boat from Zhangzhou, Fujian sank in the waters of Fujian. Seven people on board fell into the water, three were rescued, one died, and three others were missing and are under search and rescue.

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The courier company lost the sender's college diploma during the mailing process. How should the sender protect his rights and interests? The People's Court of Xuyi County, Huaian City, Jiangsu Province, recently released a typical case of consumer rights protection.

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