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最新资讯 (2024-08-17)

禁渔秩序持续稳定政策体系不断健全 长江十年禁渔重要成果发布

(Reporter Li Dong) Aquatic life is recovering; the fishing ban continues to be stable; the policy system continues to improve... Recently, at the home event of the second National Ecology Day, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released important results of the ten-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River. Starting from January 1, 2021, a ten-year fishing ban will be implemented on the main stream of the Yangtze River, large river-connected lakes, important tributaries and some sea areas of the Yangtze River estuary, and productive fishing of natural fishery resources will be prohibited all year round.

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The China Table Tennis Association said that as a team full of unity, the Chinese table tennis team sincerely thanks people from all walks of life for their care and love, and looks forward to working together with everyone to jointly create a clear cyberspace.

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The Beijing Suburban Railway issued an announcement that based on rainfall warnings, on August 17, 2024, trains S203, S204, S205, S206, S207, S208, S253, S254, S287, and S288 on the S2 Line will be temporarily suspended; trains S503, S504, S513, S514, S516, S517, S518, and S523 on the Huairou-Miyun Line will be temporarily suspended; Trains S601, S604 and S612 on Tongmi Line were temporarily suspended.

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穿越海峡 两岸一家——中央广播电视总台对台湾广播开播70周年座谈会在京举行

The "Symposium on the 70th Anniversary of the Broadcast of Taiwan Broadcasting by China Central Radio and Television Station across the Taiwan Strait" was held in Beijing on August 16.

“穿越海峡 两岸一家——中央广播电视总台对台湾广播开播70周年座谈会”8月16日在北京举行。
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开渔啦!千帆竞发踏浪争“鲜” 开启新一轮耕海牧渔

With the end of the three-and-a-half-month summer fishing ban, at 12 noon on August 16, fishermen once again started a new round of sea farming, animal husbandry and fishing in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, and Dongshan, Fujian. Thousands of sails competed on the scene, which was spectacular.

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On the 16th, a press conference on "Important Discoveries Found in the Second Phase of Excavation of Gancaoling Site in Huangpu, Guangzhou" was held in Guangzhou. The reporter learned at the meeting that two archaeological excavations at the Gancaoling Site revealed a total of 304 tombs in the late Neolithic period, which is currently the late Neolithic site with the largest number of tombs exposed in Guangdong.

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解开焦虑的绳索 让“社恐”年轻人舒服做自己

After arriving in Beijing from Zhejiang, Li Qingyan really wanted to send a message in her circle of friends as a souvenir, but she was very conflicted. Tang Xinfeng told reporters that the summer camp uses cognitive and behavioral technologies such as cognitive reconstruction and behavioral experiments to intervene with students, with the purpose of helping students return to the most "original" social style.

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A recent investigation by reporters found that in addition to age, tenants may also encounter various restrictions when renting, such as requiring specific jobs, not being able to stay at home during the day, cleaning on time and making video reports. Are these rental requirements reasonable? What should a tenant do when encountering unreasonable rental requirements? In this regard, the reporter conducted an interview.

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China's Story World: Expose the new routine of the West's "discourse trap" towards China.

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Recently, Olympic athletes published articles recalling the Paris Olympics.

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Preventing and defusing financial risks, especially preventing systemic financial risks, is a fundamental task of financial work and an eternal theme of financial work. How healthy is my country's financial system currently? What new progress has been made in risk resolution in key areas?

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On the 16th, the Shanghai City Government announced the "Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of Shanghai City's Low-altitude Economic Industries (2024-2027)"(hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), proposing 23 key tasks in 6 aspects, including leading enterprise cultivation actions, key supporting supply actions, soft and hard facilities construction actions, space carrier creation actions, management service improvement actions, and business scenario promotion actions.

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高温+降雨带动蔬菜价格上涨 多渠道补货保量确保市民“菜篮子”拎得稳

Recently, residents in many places have discovered that vegetable prices have increased instead when the season is supposed to be rich in melons, fruits and vegetables. What are the reasons behind this?

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Since the summer, cities such as Dongxing and Pingxiang, located on the China-Vietnam border in Guangxi, have ushered in the peak season for inbound tourism for Vietnamese tourists. In the Dongxing Guomen Scenic Area, coffee shops, snack bars, and department stores are crowded; in front of the Pingxiang Friendship Guanguan Building, many inbound and outbound tourists dragging luggage couldn't wait to take photos with the Guanguan Building.

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多地医院打破科室间床位调配壁垒 医院共享床位能否解决住院难题?

Faced with the current situation of "uneven busy and idle" between patients anxiously waiting for beds and beds in various departments of the hospital, hospitals in many places have broken down barriers to bed allocation between departments and implemented "one bed for the whole hospital".

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多地免费景点取消预约 多举措提升游客体验

It is the peak summer tourist season, and many places have taken measures to improve the tourist experience. This summer, many tourist attractions across the country have canceled real-name reservations.

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Under the camera, the story of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners-Notes of a reporter from "Qihuang China"

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锚定现代化 改革再深化|从小岗村到科学岛,中国改革迈向纵深

In the scorching weather, in Xiaogang Village, Anhui Province, the birthplace of China's rural reform, Cheng Xibing, a large grain grower, is very busy. He rode an agricultural tricycle and kept patrolling back and forth among the 15 electric pump pumps next to the rice field to ensure that water could be irrigated into the field in time.

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Recently, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Heilongjiang Province launched a case review and investigation into Zhang Jinzhu, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC in Yichun City, for serious violations of discipline and law.

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多雨周末!北方新一轮降雨来袭 南方分散性强降雨持续

This weekend (August 17 - 18), many places in my country will be in rainy mode. Heavy rainfall has hit North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other places, with moderate to heavy rains in most areas and local heavy rains or heavy rains.

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