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最新资讯 (2024-08-17)


At dawn, the morning fog and beautiful scenery on the Dajiu Lake seem to be in a dream world.

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Recently, an artillery unit of a synthetic brigade of the 72nd Group Army rushed to the northwest Gobi to organize a day and night live-fire shooting exercise.

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The cloud landscape of the Jinshanling Great Wall was photographed in Luanping County, Chengde City, Hebei Province in the early morning of August 16.

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山东日照:沙滩人山人海 游客戏水享清凉

On August 16, 2024, tourists enjoyed the coolness of Wanpingkou Beach in Rizhao, Shandong Province.

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After the beginning of autumn, farmers are busy harvesting crops that are gradually maturing in the fields.

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央行行长潘功胜:我国金融体系总体稳健 有序化解重点领域金融风险

Preventing and defusing financial risks, especially preventing systemic financial risks, is a fundamental task of financial work and an eternal theme of financial work. How healthy is my country's financial system currently? What new progress has been made in risk resolution in key areas? In response, reporters from the General Assembly interviewed Pan Gongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the People's Bank of China.

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暑期文化活动好戏连台 激发消费新活力

During the summer vacation, many places in China have launched a variety of cultural activities. From theaters and cinemas to the streets and alleys of ancient cities, the supply of personalized and diversified cultural products continues to stimulate new vitality in consumption.

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真金白银优惠直达消费者 汽车以旧换新政策再加码

On August 16, the Ministry of Commerce and other seven departments officially issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Work of Replacing Old Cars with New Cars". A new round of car trade-in policies was officially launched. What new changes will the implementation of the new policy bring?

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From 0:00 on August 18 to 18:00 on September 18, floating fencing was set up in some waters of the Beibu Gulf, and military exercises were conducted in the Pearl Bay waters from the fencing to the coastline. Unrelated boats or fishermen are prohibited from crossing fences or damaging military installations.

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蔬菜价格创近10年同期最高值 为何持续上涨?

Recently, vegetable prices in many places have continued to rise. National wholesale price data of 28 kinds of vegetables monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs shows that from June 16 to August 15, the national daily price of vegetables increased from 4.27 yuan/kg to 6.01 yuan/kg, an increase of 40.7%. Experts analyze that the recent increase in vegetable prices is the result of a combination of factors.

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In May 2023, Xiao Zhao, the son of the victim Zhao, scored 0.5 points lower than the admission score of a certain university and was not admitted to the university. Later, Cao, Xiao Zhao's junior brother, introduced him that Zhao met Peng. Peng said that he could help Xiao Zhao handle the university's admission quota and promised to refund all fees if he could not meet the admission quota. Zhao believed this. From May to July 2023, Peng used the excuses of inviting guests and giving gifts, purchasing admission quotas, etc. to defraud 40600 yuan from a certain place in Zhao. After arriving at the case, Peng truthfully confessed his crime and pleaded guilty to punishment.

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戴上眼镜探鼓楼 坐着巴士游中轴

"Respect China","Be like heaven and earth","govern in the middle" and "Zuo Zu and Right Society"... On July 27 this year, the 46th UNESCO World Heritage Conference passed a resolution to include "Beijing's Central Axis---China's Ideal Capital Order" is included in the World Heritage List. Spreading the culture of the central axis to the public and telling the story of the central axis has become an important task in Beijing at present.

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山西五家医院涉嫌欺诈骗保被通报 涉案人员已被采取刑事强制措施

Since the beginning of this year, medical insurance departments at all levels have strengthened the application of big data screening methods in the supervision of medical insurance funds and severely cracked down on various types of fraud and insurance fraud. From June to July 2024, the National Medical Insurance Administration, together with the Shanxi Province Medical Insurance Bureau, used big data models to screen the use data of medical insurance funds in some cities in Shanxi Province.

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In the new era, how can a profound green change reshape the land of China?

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Is it difficult to make reservations for popular attractions or grab tickets? Ministry of Culture and Tourism: It will promote scientific adjustment of the appointment system in scenic spots.

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" proposes to improve the coordination mechanism for the orderly transfer of industries in the domestic gradient and promote the sharing of benefits between transfer and transfer places. Promoting the orderly transfer of industries is an important way to optimize the spatial layout of productivity and promote coordinated regional development. It is also an urgent need to maintain the safety and stability of industrial and supply chains and build a modern industrial system.

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锚定现代化 改革再深化|新业态催生新选择 如何为新就业形态劳动者撑起“保护伞”?

Chongqing: Internet anchors conduct live games at the incubation base Li Haiming, associate professor at the School of Law of the Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that the issue of occupational injury relief for workers in new employment forms is a more prominent and practical issue that urgently needs to be institutionalized and judicialized.

重庆:网络主播在孵化基地进行游戏直播  中央财经大学法学院副教授李海明认为,新就业形态劳动者的职业伤害救济问题是当下较为突出,又亟待制度化、司法化的现实问题。
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网传成都一学校冒充警察殴打学生 多部门已介入调查

On August 15, some netizens posted a video report on social platforms saying that students were beaten and pretended to be police officers at the Xinbasu Special Training School in Xindu District, Chengdu.

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江苏河南等地频现购房“零首付” 多地发文警示风险

Recently,"zero down payments" for home purchases have frequently appeared in Jiangsu, Henan and other places. On some social platforms, many real estate agents posted similar posts such as "Get the first suite in life with zero down payment" in the tone of home buyers to attract traffic and triggered heated discussions in the comment area.

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This summer, the back drying trend is popular across the country. However, some people were admitted to the hospital with headaches due to back drying.

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