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最新资讯 (2024-08-16)

锚定现代化 改革再深化|新业态催生新选择 如何为新就业形态劳动者撑起“保护伞”?

Chongqing: Internet anchors conduct live games at the incubation base Li Haiming, associate professor at the School of Law of the Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that the issue of occupational injury relief for workers in new employment forms is a more prominent and practical issue that urgently needs to be institutionalized and judicialized.

重庆:网络主播在孵化基地进行游戏直播  中央财经大学法学院副教授李海明认为,新就业形态劳动者的职业伤害救济问题是当下较为突出,又亟待制度化、司法化的现实问题。
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网传成都一学校冒充警察殴打学生 多部门已介入调查

On August 15, some netizens posted a video report on social platforms saying that students were beaten and pretended to be police officers at the Xinbasu Special Training School in Xindu District, Chengdu.

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江苏河南等地频现购房“零首付” 多地发文警示风险

Recently,"zero down payments" for home purchases have frequently appeared in Jiangsu, Henan and other places. On some social platforms, many real estate agents posted similar posts such as "Get the first suite in life with zero down payment" in the tone of home buyers to attract traffic and triggered heated discussions in the comment area.

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This summer, the back drying trend is popular across the country. However, some people were admitted to the hospital with headaches due to back drying.

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Traveling abroad makes a circle of friends, and the traffic fee is 16,000 yuan? Recently, a Shanghai citizen reported to the media that he encountered sky-high traffic charges while traveling abroad, which attracted widespread attention.

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也门南部发生汽车炸弹爆炸事件 已造成19人死亡

General reporters learned on the 16th local time that a car bomb exploded in Abyan province in southern Yemen. According to local media, the explosion has killed 19 people and injured 29 others. There is currently no organization claiming responsibility for the attack.

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The Ministry of Civil Affairs recently publicly solicited public opinions on the drafted "Marriage Registration Regulations (Draft for Comments on the Revised Draft)".

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世卫二度拉响猴痘疫情警报 医学专家:不必过度担心

On August 14, the World Health Organization twice declared that the monkeypox epidemic constituted a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern"(PHEIC). On August 16, the General Administration of Customs of China issued the "Announcement on Preventing the Introduction of Monkeypox Epidemic to Our Country."

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Recently, many places have released online ride-hailing operation data for the second quarter, and some city transportation management bureaus have also issued risk warnings for the operation of the online ride-hailing market. First Financial reviewed data from multiple places and found that the scale of online ride-hailing capacity is growing, but the average daily income of bicycles from multiple online ride-hailing has declined.

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The China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products said on the 16th that the "subsidy label" identified by the EU in the countervailing investigation of electric vehicles against China may become an excuse for future investigations into the Foreign Subsidy Regulations on Chinese companies investing in Europe, causing deep concern and concern for Chinese companies. For the EU, this move may throw a stone on itself and lose Chinese companies 'investment in Europe.

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On August 16, 2024 local time, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand held an informal meeting of the foreign ministers of the four parties in Chiang Mai, Thailand to discuss cross-border crime issues.

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On August 16, local time, the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement stating that the village of Jargini in Sennar State, Sudan had been recently besieged and attacked by Sudanese Rapid Support Forces, killing 85 people.

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A reporter learned that Israel's public broadcasting company quoted senior IDF officials as saying on the night of the 16th local time that the Israeli army's fighting in the Gaza Strip had "basically ended."

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Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said in response to an inquiry on the 16th that we have noticed that relevant Taiwan departments have announced the investigation conclusions of the "February 14" vicious ship collision incident. Relevant parties in Taiwan should truthfully disclose the truth and severely punish those responsible to ensure that similar incidents will not occur in the future.

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焦点访谈:“以旧换新”加力 激活内需潜力

Since the beginning of this year, the policy of replacing old goods with new ones has continued to expand and intensify, continuing to release huge domestic demand market potential. In March, the "Action Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renovation and Consumer Goods Trade in Old Goods" was issued, and in July,"Several Measures on Strengthening Support for Large-scale Equipment Renovation and Consumer Goods Trade in Old Goods" was released. Based on the current policy system, several measures have been greatly expanded The scope of support, significantly optimized organizational methods, and significantly increased subsidy standards have clarified intensified support policies in multiple fields and aspects. Home appliances are a key area for promoting the "trade-in" of consumer goods. So, how will this year's "trade-in" policy help consumers improve their quality of life? What are the far-reaching impacts on the home appliance industry?

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Zhu Fenglian said that we firmly support normal and healthy cross-Strait exchanges and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots in accordance with the law. It is hoped that in a safe and healthy exchange environment, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can communicate and interact with peace of mind.

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August is the most beautiful season in Nagqu, Xizang. After two months of abundant rainfall, the Qiangtang grassland is tender and green, and the rolling white clouds change the boundless green.

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The black-necked crane is known as the "plateau crane" and inhabits freely in the vast land of Ali, Xizang. Black-necked cranes are the only cranes in the world that breed and live on plateaus. They inhabit plateaus, meadows, and swamps at an altitude of 2500 to 5000 meters.

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On July 20, 2024, the 2024 Jiangyuan Comprehensive Scientific Expedition Team composed of three generations of old, middle and young people arrived at Tongtian River in Yushu, Qinghai, and traveled deep into the Sanjiangyuan River along the water vein to conduct the annual Jiangyuan Comprehensive Scientific Expedition.

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Open roads across mountains, build bridges in times of water, cross rivers and oceans, and "thread needles" on the seabed. Super engineering, turning the impossible into possible, this is China!

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