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最新资讯 (2024-08-15)


The reporter learned from the Ministry of Natural Resources that in response to the excessive mining, illegal sales of soil and stones in some places, and even illegal mining under the banner of "ecological restoration", the Ministry of Natural Resources has clearly strengthened supervision and promoted the implementation of mines. Ecological restoration standards are carried out in an orderly manner.

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改革为人民丨执此“青绿” 余村转型记

People live up to the green mountains, and the green mountains will surely live up to people. In 2023, Yucun received a total of about 1.15 million tourists, and the village's collective economic income was about 22.47 million yuan. The green waters and green mountains have become the happy backers of local people.

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The "seven focuses" are clearly proposed, which generally include the strategic priorities of promoting Chinese-style modernization.

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多领域释放积极信号 国民经济持续稳中向好发展态势动力足

On August 15, the "News Network" column reported good news in the fields of economic operation, National Ecology Day, taxation, people's livelihood and water conservancy engineering. Groups of data are eye-catching. China's economy is forging ahead on the road of high-quality development, with multiple positive signals. It conveys to everyone that the economy will maintain a stable and positive development trend throughout the year, and the future is promising.

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数据透视我国海上货物贸易之路 “中国船”乘风破浪稳健前行

The busy ports where ships come and go are a "barometer" for observing the pulse of the economy. International shipping accounts for more than 95% of my country's import and export cargo volume. As the road of maritime cargo trade becomes wider and farther, the construction of ports is also accelerating.

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日本无条件投降79周年 各地举行活动缅怀先烈、铭记历史

This morning, at the Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese Invaders, descendants of Nanjing Massacre survivors, young student representatives, and college student volunteers left palm prints and signed their names in front of the wall of the anti-Japanese war veterans to pay tribute to the martyrs. Don't forget national humiliation and cherish peace.

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Today (August 15), the 2024 National Ecology Day home event was held in Sanming, Fujian, with the theme of "Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development." The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have released a series of important achievements in ecological civilization.

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【权威访谈】深化立法领域改革 在法治轨道上推进中国式现代化

The plenary session proposed to focus on the development of people's democracy throughout the process, adhere to the organic unity of the party's leadership, the people being the masters of the country, and the rule of law, promote a more complete system of people being the masters of the country, the extensive and multi-layered institutionalized development of consultative democracy, and the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics. Improve, and reach a higher level in building a socialist country ruled by law.

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Craig Allen, president of the U.S. -China Business Council, said in an exclusive interview with this reporter that he welcomed the policies launched by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to support China's economic development and believed that relevant measures would help further expand domestic market demand and promote technological innovation and green development.

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As a "city of thousands of gardens", Fuzhou is full of greenery. Fudao, which is composed of forest trails and river trails, has won domestic and foreign awards such as the "International Architecture Award" and "Human Urban Design Award", becoming a way to happiness at the doorstep of ordinary people. As a leader among sustainable cities, Fuzhou will be awarded the first Global Sustainable Cities Award (Shanghai Award) in 2023.

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弘扬志愿服务精神 携手打造美丽中国——习近平总书记给湖北十堰丹江口库区的环保志愿者的回信在各地引发热烈反响

In August, the Danjiangkou Reservoir has clear water as a mirror and lush lake shores. It is the core water source of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Not long ago, local environmental protection volunteers wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting on their volunteer services in protecting water. Everyone was very encouraged by receiving a reply from the General Secretary.

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【新思想引领新征程】扎实推进生态文明建设 绘就美丽中国更新画卷

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, my country's ecological and environmental protection has undergone historic, turning and overall changes, and major steps have been taken in the construction of a beautiful China. The concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" has become the consensus and action of the whole party and society. An ecological answer sheet with bluer skies, clearer waters, and more beautiful mountains is unfolding grandly in Beautiful China.

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79 years ago today, Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation and announced its unconditional surrender. The Chinese people, together with the people of the world, defeated the Japanese militarist invaders and fascism, and achieved great victories in which justice defeated evil, light defeated darkness, and progress defeated reaction. This historic moment deserves to be remembered forever by the international community.

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应习近平邀请 越共中央总书记、国家主席将访华

At the invitation of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Surin will pay a state visit to China from August 18 to 20.

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Half a century since the establishment of diplomatic relations, no matter how the international situation changes, the relations between the two countries have always maintained stable development, and their overall, strategic and global impacts have become increasingly prominent. While promoting the development and revitalization of their respective countries, they have also played an important role in world peace, stability, prosperity and development.

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透过一组经济数据看发展“成绩单” 积极因素累积增多蓄势聚能启新程

Looking at the economy through numbers and looking at achievements through data. Let's look at a set of economic data together.

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何以中国 行走河南|白鹭汇聚古运河 翩翩起舞美如画

In Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, due to recent frequent rainfall, many low-lying areas of the local ancient canal have become tidal flats and wetlands, where many groups of egrets gather to inhabit and forage.

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Data released by the Dutch Statistics Office on the 15th showed that the population of the Netherlands has exceeded 18 million. The main reason for the population growth is the continued influx of foreign immigrants. Statistics Netherlands revealed that from 2022 to the first half of 2024, the number of deaths exceeded the number of births in the Netherlands, but due to the arrival of a large number of immigrants, the country's total population still continues to grow.

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We must protect the ecological environment like protecting our own eyes and treat the ecological environment like life.

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The People's Government of Fumian Town, Fumian District, Yulin City, Guangxi issued a situation report. At about 10 a.m. on August 15, an accidental electric shock occurred among the masses in the Fumian District of Yulin City. One person was killed and one person was slightly injured. The injured were immediately sent to the hospital for treatment, and the condition is currently stable.

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